[INFO] HelpCommands - Help Command [818 - 860] Version: v1.3 A player must type /help and then he see the first page. For the second page he must typ /help 2 etc. For ask help for a command ( menu ) they must typ /help <menu> example /help tp. Help Commands: /help <pagenumber> - show you the help /help <namemenu> - show you the help of the menu ( 1 line only of help ) Edit help.properties ( .../plugins/HelpCommands/Help.properties ): Code: # page 1 line1:&9page 1 of 2 line2:&eColor Yellow line3:2 line4:3 line5:4 # page 2 line6:&9page 2 of 2 line7:1 line8:2 line9:3 line10:4 # menu 1 menu:This is the discrip&etion of the menu You need to count the lines sorry for that. Example of menu: tp:/tp <player> - tp to a player Features: Players can ask help by /help You can edit the help by change the properties file Colors: &0 : Black &1 : Dark_blue &2 : Dark_green &3 : Dark_aqua &4 : Dark_red &5 : Light_purple &6 : Gold &7 : Gray &8 : Dark_Gray &9 : Blue &a : Green &b : Aqua &c : Red &d : Light_purple &e : Yellow &f : White Download HelpCommands Source Code [coming soon] Changelog: Version 1.3: ( 06/06/2011 ) Changed default color of the title now you can change the color of the titles Version 1.2: ( 04/06/2011 ) Added Sub Menus Version 1.1: ( 04/06/2011 ) Added Colors Version 1.0: ( 02/06/2011 ) Releasing my first plugin
The only thing i would need is sub menus, so you can do '/help teleporting' to find out how to do it.
Thanks Kiim and ParkerReno for install my plugin. Nazerb , I will try to do it but first color. Color is done now I go start with sub menus. If someone has some thinks I can add tell me pls. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
fletchmanjr, if you want to add a sub menu then edit in the HelpCommands dir, help.properties and typ under # menu <name of menu>:<description of the menu> example: tp: /tp <name> - For tp to a player
[[is there anything wrong with this cause it keeps saying page 7 doesnt exsist and for some reason page 8 is light blue..]] # page 1 line1:&b Basic Commads (Page 1 of 8) line2:&c Type /help for rules and help:Help line3:&c Type /help <page> for fliping pages:Help line4:&c Type /Empty Line line5:&c Type /Empty Line # page 2 line6:&b Magic Commads (page 2 of 8) line7:&c Type /cast spellbook <spell> looking at bookcase:MagicSpells line8:&c Type /cast teach <target> teaches player a spell:MagicSpells line9:&c Type /cast <spell> to cast a spell:MagicSpells line10:&c Type /Empty Line # page 3 line11:&b Quest Commands (page 3 of 8) line12:&c Type /q for quest options and other commands:Uquest line13:&c Type /Uquest stats shows your stored info:Uquest line14:&c Type /Uquest give Gives you a random quest:Uquest line15:&c Type /Drops drops your current quest:Uquest # page 4 line16:&b Economy Commands [Global]:1 (page 4 of 8) line17:&c Type /money for your current cash amount:iConomy line18:&c Type /buy <item> <Amount> buys an item:iConomy line19:&c Type /sell <item> <Amount> sells an item:iConomy line20:&c Type /list buy <item> <Amount> Buys an item from list:iConomy # page 5 line21:&b Economy Commads [Global]:2 (page 5 of 8) line22:&c Type /list sell <item> <Amount> sells item from list:iConomy line23:&c Type /list <page number> list of Item you can buy:iConomy line24:&c Type /Empty Line line25:&c Type /Empty Line # page 6 line26:&b Economy Commands [Local] (page 6 of 8) line27:&c Type /money for viewing cash amount:iConomy line28:&c Type /money <player> pay for paying players cash:iConomy line29:&c Type /money for your current cash amount:iConomy line30:&c Type /Empty Line # page 7 line32:&b Economy Chestshop [Local]:1 (page 7 of 8) line33:&c To use this plugin put a sign above your chest and type line34:&c your <user name> number of item <#> for buying price type line35:&c B <Amount> for selling price type S <Amount> and then type line36:&c the name of the item:iConomy # page 8 line37:&b Economy Chestshop [Local]:2 (page 8 of 8) line38:&c Heres what it should look like [Starman87 1 B 10:4 S]:iConomy line39:&c /Type Empty Line line40:&c /Type Empty Line line41:&c /Type Empty Line # menu 1 menu:This is the description of the menu
You don't have line 31 always the first line of the page is bleu I will change it in the next version 1.3
ok thinks man if you wan you can be a moderater on my server for the help cause i been spending all day tring to figure out what was wrong with that text...
IP: Hamachi ID: jeremy suks Hamachi Pass: 123 the magic spells are currently down but were working on geting back up at the moment.. oh and whats your minecraft user name? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
yes. i am also making an EPIC trailer for it to sadly its not public yet but it well be VERY SOON. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Here's a BIG thing you could fix: make the lines per /help <page#> entry unlimited (as in let it be more than like or whatever it is), also, when you access one page, don't make it load part of another page to fill space...I have help per-plugin set up per-page...so I don't want other plugins help to interfere with that...this is kinda a big problem. If you could fix it, it would make the switch from the regular Help that doesn't work with P 3.X worthwhile. Thanks
Very basic help menu. Just what I needed. Works fine now. Though, can you not add more lines? I've seen other help commands that supported up to 9 so that'd be nice. (i know this thread doesn't get much traffic, but i don't like to be a total leecher so i'm posting on it. since i use it)
Can you add a command that you can reload the config file? I seem to be reloading my server a lot just to change the config file. Example: /help configreload
I was just wondering if you can tell me if I can add admin and mod commands? Like if I type /helpmc or /helpac for moderatorcommands or admincommands and add permission to the commands? I want the mods to type /helpmc and then the mod commands will pop up... But only for the mods and admins... not the Builders or noobs... Thank you