Grenade Mod v1.0 [740] This mod allows you to use eggs as grenades. Just throw an egg with a rightclick and it will explode when it touches the ground. Features: use eggs as grenades Download Have fun and don't destroy your buildings ;D same thing? you should add the rest of the formatting to your submission since the admins won't allow it without all that.
Well I opened both jars and it looks like this just makes eggs explode, the previous one uses /throw. So unless I am not seeing something you are just blaming someone without actually checking those downloads!
Okay, I downloaded and tested the plugin. It's actually not a copy of EggRenade. Differences: EggRenage causes a TNT to form at the site of the egg landing. The Egg waits a few seconds before exploding. This plugin instantly explodes. Also, this plugin is commandless.
Well, sorry. It isn't stolen then, I just usually lie around and the last time I saw something that looked like something else and had a wrong title, it had a config.exe inside and WAS a virus; it was called the rope mod. I didn't check this out because I don't know if its possible to auto-use a config.exe upon opening a .jar file. Sorry for auto-assuming, but OP you need to add some information and fix your title.
legit or virus? can someone be nice and get a virus scan report??? nice plugin but lack of details makes me wonder