[INACTIVE] [FUN] RyveMusic v1.4.1 - Add your music in game [Spout] [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by timoun, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    RyveMusic v1.4.1 - Add your music in game

    Version: v1.4.1

    NEW: Play loop music !!!

    This plugin use Spout to add music in your server. You can play a music in global or for only player.
    But the plugin doesn't stop here, you can put music in a jukebox, play a burn cd into a jukebox, start the music of the jukebox with redstone. You can also make little shop to buy cd burn and put music in a region with worldguard.

    Pour les francophones vous pouvez voir le topic sur minecraft.fr ici

    • lang.txt to translate in your own langage
    • Put music on a jukebox
    • play music for one player
    • play music for all players
    • Loop music in a region, on an NPC or a player
    • play cd burn into a jukebox
    • Start music from jukebox with redstone
    • (optionnal) WorldGuard to start music when player enter on a area and stop the music when he leave area
    • (optionnal) iConomy to create shop to buy a burn cd wich contains a music
    • (optionnal) Citizens to put music on a npc
    • Permissions support
    • Start sometimes a random music
    How does it work?

    To start the plugin you must have a file wich contains all url music who want to play in game and after that you to put the url of your txt file in setting.txt into RyveMusic folder.
    For exemple, i have a php file wich list all music from a folder and made a list of url. To access to this file you have to put the link in setting.txt, the link is: http://mine-elite.fr/musique/listmusic.php
    (this link is use by default on setting.txt file)
    Now you put the url into setting.txt, here:

    //Set it to true if you want use URLs.txt
    //If you have lag add and set this line to false:
    //Add and set to false to remove random music
    //set to false if you don't want playing loop music on an NPC
    //set to false if you don't want playing loop music in a region
    //set to false if you don't want see a message when the music is playing
    you just have to put link in your file of url and the plugin does the rest

    If you have no web host you can just set useURLs.txt to true (to do that you need to stop your server, modify setting.txt and finally restart your server) when it's done you have to put your song URL into URLs.txt in RyveMusic folder like that:
    you don't have to do any reload on your server just put url into this file and my plugin see modification ! :D

    IMPORTANT: music must have to be in .ogg, .mid or wav

    if you want my code of the php file you can have here:

    listmusic.php (open)
    $folder './';

    define("SERVERNAME"'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'$folderName .'/');
    $image_valide =  Array('wav''mid''ogg');

    $parcourir scandir($folder0)){
    $parcourir as $clef => $fichier){
    $pathinfo_fichier pathinfo($fichier);
            if (
    in_Array(strtolower($pathinfo_fichier['extension']), $image_valide))
    SERVERNAME $pathinfo_fichier['basename'];

    Play music for a player or in global:
    to see all music in your server you have to use "/rm list" and the plugin list all the music from your file of url wiith an number on the left, this is the music number:
    /rm list (open)


    to start a music for your own you can use "/rm play <music number>", for start music for an other player you can use "/rm play <music number> <player name>".
    Exemple, to play A-H.marlene.ogg you must do "/rm play 1"

    you can stop music for you with the command "/rm stop"
    To play music in global use "/rm global <music number>"

    Now, with the release 1.4 you can loop play a music with the command "/rm playLoop <music number".

    Put music on a jukebox:
    To put music you must use the command "/rm setJuke <music number>" and hit a jukebox, the music is playing. If a player hit the jukebox the music is restart.
    After, put music on a jukebox, you can start music with redstone so you can use a jukebox in redstone circuit.
    To delete music from jukebox you have to break it.

    Put music in a region:
    To put music in a region you must have wolrdguard on your server.
    You can put music in a region with this command: "/rm setRegion <music number> <region name>"
    When a player enter the area the music is played and when he leaves the music stop.
    To remove music from a region use "/rm delRegion <region name>"

    Put music on NPC:
    You must have Citizens on your server.
    To put music on an NPC, you have to do a right click on your NPC like for citizens, when citizens send its message, now you just to perform this command "/rm setNpc <music number>".
    If you want remove a music from an NPC, perform this command "/rm delNpc" after you have selected your npc.

    Burn cd with shop:
    You must have iConomy to use that!
    To create a cd shop you have to take sign. On the first line you have to write RyveMusic, on the second the music number and on third line, the price.
    like that:
    shop (open)


    You can see the music name when a player hit with left click the sign.
    To buy a cd you have just to use right click on the sign and the cd is burn.
    You can see directly on your inventory the music name:
    music name (open)


    To play a cd you have to put your cd in the jukebox.
    If a cd is not burn a random music is played in the jukebox

    Command (open)

    • /rm global <music number> - play a global music
    • /rm play <music number> [Player] - play music for a player, if [Player] is empty it's play music for you
    • /rm playLoop <music number> [Player] - Loop play music for a player, if [Player] is empty it's play music for you
    • /rm stop - Stop the music only for you
    • /rm list - a list of your musics in the file of url
    • /rm setJuke <music number> - To put music on a jukebox
    • /rm setRegion <music number> <region name> - To put music into a region
    • /rm delRegion - To remove music from a region
    • /rm setNpc <music number> - To put music on an NPC
    • /rm delNpc <music number> - To remove music from an NPC
    • /rm reload - To reload setting file with your new configuration

    Video in french (open)

    Permissions node:
    Permission (open)

    -RyveMusic.playGlobal -- To use /rm global
    -RyveMusic.play -- To use /rm play
    -RyveMusic.list -- To use /rm list
    -RyveMusic.stop -- To use /rm stop
    -RyveMusic.setJuke -- To use /rm setJuke
    -RyveMusic.setRegion -- To use /rm setRegion
    -RyveMusic.setNpc -- To use /rm setNpc
    -RyveMusic.delNpc -- To use /rm delNpc
    -RyveMusic.haveShop -- To have the permission to create cd shop

    Configuration (open)

    //Set it to true if you want use URLs.txt
    //set your money name
    //If you have lag add and set this line to false:
    //Add and set to false to remove random music
    //set to false if you don't want playing loop music on an NPC
    //set to false if you don't want playing loop music in a region
    //set to false if you don't want see a message when the music is playing

    Support me:
    To help me and for give me the courage to make other big plugin you can donate or/and thank me for my job :D , you can also support Ryve ;)
    To donate:

    Support Ryve:
    Ryve is an independant musician and song writer, you listen to his music with this plugin (All music with the prefix M-E are the job of Ryve ) or go to this website:
    Ryve's Music (For french it's here)

    My favorite musics of ryve are (direct link to listen):
    Between sky and clouds (acoustic guitar)
    Strange Habit (close daft punk)
    Rise of factions (for metal)
    Its just in progress (acoustic guitar)
    Wind of time (electronic)

    To help him you have just to talk about him with your friend and family ;)

    • RyveMusic V1.4.1 - Download (Source into the jar)
    • RyveMusic V1.4.1 for french (yeah i'm french) - Download
    • All my apologize for my english, forgive me I'm french :D
    • All music in the default file with prefix M-E are under our own license ( Licence Creative Commons ) so please ask to Ryve to use his music
    v 1.4.1
    • Add setting playMessage to remove the message when a music is playing
    • Add reload command to reload setting file
    v 1.4
    • Ability to loop music
    • Add the command /rm playLoop
    • Add the possibility to set loop music on npc
    • Add the possibility to set loop music in region
    v 1.3
    • Fix few bugs
    • Give the possibility to have a simple txt file in RyveMusic folder to list music url (Set useURLs.txt to true in setting file and put url into URLs.txt in the same folder)
    v 1.2.2
    • Add the possibility to set event for start music
    • Add the possibility to remove random music
    v 1.2.1
    • Fix region parent and children (Need to set a parent for an imbricated region)
    v 1.2
    • Add music on npc
    v 1.1.2
    • Fix bugs like cast exception
    v 1.1

    • Add urldecode to parse an url
    • Retranslate some text
    • remove extension in the list of music
    • Give the possibility to have a simple txt file in RyveMusic folder to list music url
    • Put music on npc (It will be required to have citizens)
    • Play loop music into a region (need spout update) have i good idea to do that :D
    • Stop music on jukebox when you break it (need spout update)
    If you have problems, read that before asking:
    • trys to modify AuthenticateTicks in config.yml of spout and set it to 100
    • If you have a mac go to this topic to fix sound problem: here
    • Finally, see if you have set up the volume :)
    • I have get around spout for playing loop music so please don't annoying me if there are no bug with this.
    • Loop music only works with ogg and wav
    Noppoly likes this.
  2. Offline


    im having trouble putting it to a URL thing, how can i do this
  3. Offline


    On my server the plugin runs just fine (after I installed worldguard) but the Spout clients get this:

    Downloading File: http://wimfris.toonbrand.nl/minecraftmuziek/17.welcome.wav
    Download Failed!
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://wimfris.toonbrand.nl/minecraftmuziek/17.we
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown So
    at java.net.URL.openStream(Unknown Source)
    at org.getspout.spout.io.FileDownloadThread.run(FileDownloadThread.java:

    I fixed it already by putting the music in another directory.
    Still don't know what the problem was.
  4. Offline


    did it fixed my error on the new updates?
  5. Offline


    yes, i did ;)
  6. Offline


    ok it's working but.. the only problem is, when I leave the region, it's not stopping.. plus, i have a region inside the region.. let say i have a region Town, and inside the town there's a Park, i tried putting a song in Town and the Park, but whenever I'm in the park and put a block or hit a block, the song came and changed to town then sometimes changing to park.. if u could just make it like the BukkitContribEssentials Music region.. XD it would be awesome..
  7. Offline


    I was wondering, couldn't you simply use a .txt file where each line is a new URL, that way we don't need an internet webserver with a php script.
  8. Offline


    you can already use a simply a txt file, you have to put one per line into you txt

    When you leave the region you have to hit block.
    I will fix this issue for region with parent.
  9. Offline


    I noticed that if you allow a song to play and let it finish, after some time, it starts playing again!
  10. Offline


    No in reality i made a system wich sometimes start a random music :)
  11. Offline


    hmm.. can u make a configurable that, when they leave the region, the song will changed instead of hitting a block?
  12. Offline


    Maybe you should put that in the featurelist?
  13. Offline


    i already said:
    It's totally transparent when you have others players in your server

    I fix the problem of imbricated region :)
    I will give you the possibility to change event for start/stop music when you leave/enter an area in the setting file.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  14. Offline


    Left Clicking a sign doesnt show the Song name and Right Clicking doesnt purchase anything

    Is what I have on my sign.

    The name RyveMusic Turns Orange but nothing happens when clicked.
  15. Offline


    can you give your server log when you hit a sign please?
  16. Offline


    in another world, sometimes the song is playing automatically, but didn't put any region song..
  17. Offline


    see that:
  18. Offline


    ahh.. okok.. forgot that all about XD
  19. Offline


    you can test the new version ;)
  20. Offline


    oh oh.. another suggestion.. can u make the Random Music Play configurable? like I want to turn off the random music playing?
  21. Offline


    You like give me work :D
    Well it's done ;)
    morizuki likes this.
  22. Offline


    what websites can i use that supports the music hosting things? or which ones work for you?
  23. Offline


    Well, I tried using a simple .txt file, and well, it didn't work. My settings:

    ListMusic=D:\01 Émilie Data\Minecraft\Server\plugins\RyveMusic\Music.txt
    and my Music.txt:

    http://mine-elite.fr/musique/A-H.house.of.rising.sun.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/A-H.the.messenger.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Amazing.Flight.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Between.Sky.and.Clouds.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Cybership.ogg
    http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.In.The.Clouds.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Its.Just.in.Progress.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Memories.ogg
    http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.One.Creepy.Night.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Party's.End.ogg
    http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Return.Back.Home.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Rise.of.Factions.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Strange.Habit.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.The.Renewal.Dream.ogg http://mine-elite.fr/musique/M-E.Wind.of.Time.ogg
    And when I type /rm list nothing happens, when I connect to your list it works fine however.
  24. Offline


    you must have an URL with http
    D:\01 Émilie Data\Minecraft\Server\plugins\RyveMusic\Music.txt ---> it's not an url it's a file path on your HDD.
    However if you use my default list you doesn't need to change ListMusic

    are you french? i see émilie :D
  25. Offline


    Je parle francais pas mal bien, l'ecriture et poche. Mes parents viens du Quebec mais mois je suis nes en Hollande :D

    Back to english, if I use your default list, is it possible to change the music that's on there ( my logic tells not :p ). If not, could you recommend a place where I can host .midi files etc. cause the hosts I've tried so far all block the upload of midi ogg and wav files. Now that I think of it, do the music files need to be stored on the same server as the .txt file?
  26. Offline


    You can use dropbox just put it in your public folder and get a link
  27. Offline


    -You can't put music in my default directory just because it's mine :D
    -you can use dropbox like said masterPJ :)
    -You don't need to host music on your webserver
  28. Offline


    How do i get my .ogg file to work? Where do i put the Url of the song? btw i use dropbox.
  29. Offline


    Will it be possible to add Internetradio in Future?
  30. Offline


    i'm already thinking about it but keeps quiet ;)
  31. Offline


    Idk why but it doesnt work for me.... got the list etc etc but when im turning on the music i cant hear it.
    (/rm global 1,2,3 or whatever)

    Help !;D

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