[INACTIVE][ECON] SimpleShop [1.41] - An iConomy Shop [493-531]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Nijikokun, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SimpleShop (1.41) (iConomy 4.4+ & Permissions or Op(s).txt)(Donate)
    Download the latest release. (Jar)

    What is SimpleShop?
    Simple shop is... well a simple global shop that allows you to add, update, and reload in game.
    Natively supporting MySQL & SQLite.

    1. You need iConomy & Permissions to use this plugin.
    2. Download the archive, extract the files to your base craftbukkit directory.
      1. SQL Dependencies Required:
        1. SQLite Dependency
        2. MySQL Dependency
      2. The dependency must be located in the craftbukkit plugin directory!
    3. Go to plugins/SimpleShop/ and modify the .settings file to your likings.
    4. Restart server and enjoy!
    Show Spoiler
    To activate stock open up the .settings file and locate use-stock=false set it to true.
    Show Spoiler
    /shop check [id] - Show item information
    /shop list (page)
    /shop buy [id]([:amount])
    /shop sell [id]([:amount])
    /shop add [id]:[amount per bundle] [buy] [sell] (stock)
    /shop update [id]:[amount per bundle] [buy] [sell] (stock)
    /shop remove [id]
    /shop reload
    • Getting Started.. We are going to add stone, in bundles of 64 to purchase for 10, and sell for 2.
      • /shop add 1:64 10 2
      • For Stock:
        • /shop add 1:64 10 2 64
    • Lets test it:
      • /shop buy 1
    • Now lets update it.. it was bit expensive and nobody was really gaining money.
      • /shop update 1:64 8 5
      • For Stock:
        • /shop update 1:64 8 5 64
    • Now lets test again:
      • /shop sell 1
    • The end.
    Permission Nodes:
    Show Spoiler
    • Version 1.41
      • Rewrote chunks of the coding.
      • Added support for "gifting"
        • /buy [item]( : amount) [who]
    • Version 1.4
      • Fixed connection issues.
      • Fixed plugin hook issues.
      • Added Dependency download support.
      • Default file loading support like in iConomy.
      • Fixed up some CLI issues.
    • Version 1.3
      • Added support for stock
        • Modifies database! Backup before restarting!
      • Fixed some bugs revolving around listing pages.
      • Fixed issues with not being able to set non-sellable / buyable items.
        • Now use -1 for either buy / sell to disable that feature:
        • /shop add 1:64 -1 15
          • Stone is sellable but not purchasable!
    • Version 1.2
      • Commands are now CLI parsed.
        • Causes /shop [id] to become /shop check [id]
      • Shop list is now paginated (Untested)
    • Version 1.1
      • Fully working with selling items.
    dojopunk and TonyMcDanza like this.
  2. Offline


    Already possible. Use a colon to separate the item type from the quantity (of bundles).

    /shop add stone:1 20 10 - adds stone to the shop, with a bundle size of 1
    /shop buy stone - buys one stone (for 20 coin)
    /shop buy stone:1 - also buys one stone (for 20)
    /shop buy stone:47 - buys 47 stone (for 47*20=940 coin)

    /shop add 4:10 50 25 - adds cobblestone to the shop, with a bundle size of 10
    /shop buy 4:3 - buys 3*10=30 cobblestone (for 50*3=150 coin)

    Note that the :quantity for buying and selling is multiplied by the bundle size /add-ed to the shop, so you can only purchase even multiples of the bundle size. To allow something to be purchased in any arbitrary quantity (up to max-items-per-purchase), just set the bundle size to 1.

    Funny you should say that. [​IMG] That's exactly what my end-goal is in my forked version of this plugin. I've already worked out the math behind configurable price fluctuations, and (hopefully) a means to keep the market from inflating/deflating out of control, from excessively unbalanced demand/supply. I've just been working on cleaning up and genericizing other parts of the code first, to make the fluctuating market cleaner to implement.

    Of course, actually releasing this will have to wait for either permission from Nijikokun to release a modified version of the original plugin, or until I've rewritten the base shop plugin so completely that 0% of Nijikokun's original code remains.
  3. Offline


    what i'd love to see is physical shops
    where players need to be in a certain area to buy certain things
    like an armory for weapons and armor, bakery for bread and so forth.
  4. Offline


    Ah thanks well then just the supply and demand then to reflect a real economy :D Plus it means I won't ever have to touch the prices again once i've set them up unless I want to change an item as some sort of special event.

    Also as the above post says that'd be awesome too! I'd have to have the global one with an NPC in it and then allow players to set up their own shops that work with the plugin.
  5. Offline


    Thanks halolnverse. I should've probably tested this out further before posting on it.
  6. Offline


    Can you do support for flatfile? Becouse i cant install corectly for mysql/sqlite.
  7. Offline


    I have a TON of items in my shop, but it seems that items that are not purchased on a regular basis return the error "Item is currently not available". I have to update the item to allow users to buy and sell.
  8. Offline


    Sqlite is very easy to install. You just put the download in the directory and that's it the jar file will generate the databases.
  9. Offline


    Anyone got a decent shop.db file with a good amount of general items to share? I honestly don't feel like adding a whole load of items manually.
  10. Offline


    no selling or buying properties? :O
  11. Offline


    That's in the database you add the prices in-game and it's stored in an sql db.
  12. Offline


    do you mean the shop.db or where can i find this?
  13. Offline


    people on my server can type /sell and sell whatever they are holding in their hand atm! so if they have 64 stone they will get 64 coins. That is destroying the economy atm :p
  14. Offline


    They are stored in that file I believe, maybe another but anyway you don't need to edit that to chnage prices you just use the command /item add 1:1 3 1 to add stone at the price of 3 to buy 1 and 1 to sell 1.

    to update an item you use /shop update......
  15. Offline


    i cant add anything to the shop. im pretty new at this so any help would be appreciated. here's the config.yml of the permissions.

    # Supports "Default" and "GroupUsers"
            system: default
    # Groups can contain inheritance.
    #   To make a group inherit the permissions from another
    #   group simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:"
    #   field seperated by commas.
    #   Example: inheritance: Default,Admins,
    #   All permissions including the asterisks must be placed in single quotes.
    #   like so:
    #       - 'general.spawn'
    #   Otherwise errors will happen!
    #   Globalized Permission settings:
    #       If a permission contains periods (.) you can denote a globalized parameter:
    #           - 'general.*'
    #       This will allow you to use all general commands.
    #   Single Asterisk denotes all commands:
    #       - '*'
            default: true
                build: true
                - 'general.spawn'
            default: false
                build: true
                - Default
                - 'general.time'
                - 'general.teleport'
                - 'general.teleport.here'
                - 'general.player-info'
                - 'iConomy.payment'
                - 'iConomy.access'
                - 'iConomy.rank'
                - 'iConomy.withdraw'
                - 'iConomy.deposit'
                - 'iConomy.reset'
                - 'simpleshop.buy'
                - 'simpleshop.sell'
                - 'simpleshop.items.remove'
                - 'simpleshop.items.reload'
                - 'simpleshop.items.add'
                - 'simpleshop.items.update'
                - 'lwc.protect'
                - 'lwc.mod'
                - 'lwc.admin'
            default: false
                build: true
                - Moderator
                - '*'
    # DarkGrave has control over all commands.
    # sk89q can use /spawn & /time
            group: Admins
                - 'general.time'
                - 'general.teleport'
                - 'general.teleport.here'
                - 'general.player-info'
                - 'iConomy.payment'
                - 'iConomy.access'
                - 'iConomy.rank'
                - 'iConomy.withdraw'
                - 'iConomy.deposit'
                - 'iConomy.reset'
                - 'simpleshop.buy'
                - 'simpleshop.sell'
                - 'simpleshop.items.remove'
                - 'simpleshop.items.reload'
                - 'simpleshop.items.add'
                - 'simpleshop.items.update'
                - 'lwc.protect'
                - 'lwc.mod'
                - 'lwc.admin'
            group: Default
                - 'general.time'
    Edit: im running on mac if its any help. what im basically asking is for someone to fix this file according to the users so that only i (Ale03) can add things to the shop. thanks in advance
  16. Offline


    I love how my question on the page back was skipped over is this still broken Aka selling items and not losing the items.

    niji i am disappoint Iconomy was your best plugin and its going to waste....
  17. Offline


    Yes items when sold do NOT leave inventory. We had to quickly uninstall this plugin due to severe exploits. I wouldn't use until it is fixed.
  18. Offline


    I'm currently waiting on stock. When stock is implemented and a stable version of this exists, I'll jump on it.
  19. Offline


    can someone type out how I should type this ingame for instace to only sell and not be able to buy cobblestone?
  20. Offline


    I would also like to know this. would be really handy
  21. Offline


    I can't seem to get dyes to be buyable or sellable. I have added 351,1=RedDye to my items.db, but I am still getting the invalid item error when I type /shop RedDye.
  22. Offline



    Right now the only other feature I want from this plugin is the ability to log purchases like you could when the shop was integrated into iConomy. This is an important feature in our server because it helps us set up the prices. In the iConomy folder there is a logs folder but the only log available is the pay log. SimpleShop has no logging options that I am aware of.
  23. Offline


    Exactly how do you set up the database for the shop and all?
  24. Offline


    You load the plugin on the server and it makes the iConomy folder and databases. Then you use the shop commands to add and change items.
  25. Offline


    hi can you plz make a plugin whit sign shop system?
  26. Offline


    Sounds like another plugin, possibly Essentials using it's own /sell.. this plugin does not give /sell capabilities. It would be /shop sell. May want to consider disabling permissions of the /sell command, whichever plugin is granting that power.

  27. Offline


    I know that much but it did not work for me. What do I name and where do I put the database files. I also did not notice an iConomy file. I'll check again. Do I leave the SQLite and MySQL folders as is with the .CLASS files and all or do I change or do something to them?

  28. Offline


    There should be an iConomy folder in your craftbukkit directory. The SQL files go in the directory too. You do not need to make any database files the plugin makes them itself and you are given the items db in the download link. :)
  29. Offline


    With newest bukkit, LWC and Area Chat i got this error when me (Admin) use /y command to shout on global chat.

    Feb 1, 2011 12:20:47 AM org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager callEvent
     SEVERE: Could not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND to SimpleShop
     java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijikokun/bukkit/iConomy/iConomy
             at com.nijikokun.bukkit.SimpleShop.iListen.get_balance(iListen.java:53)
             at com.nijikokun.bukkit.SimpleShop.iListen.onPlayerCommand(iListen.java:68)
             at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$3.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:133)
             at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:60)
             at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:213)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.c(NetServerHandler.java:590)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:563)
             at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(SourceFile:24)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:232)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:71)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:104)
             at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:276)
             at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:202)
             at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:512)
     2011-02-01 00:20:47 [INFO] SHOUT: ?f[?4!?f]?f ?czajacmp3?f: znaczy widze ze dzialaja zabezpieczenia
     2011-02-01 00:20:47 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] zajacmp3: /y znaczy widze ze dzialaja zabezpieczenia
     Feb 1, 2011 12:20:54 AM org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager callEvent
     SEVERE: Could not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND to SimpleShop
     java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijikokun/bukkit/iConomy/iConomy
             at com.nijikokun.bukkit.SimpleShop.iListen.get_balance(iListen.java:53)
             at com.nijikokun.bukkit.SimpleShop.iListen.onPlayerCommand(iListen.java:68)
             at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$3.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:133)
             at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:60)
             at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:213)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.c(NetServerHandler.java:590)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:563)
             at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(SourceFile:24)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:232)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:71)
             at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:104)
             at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:276)
             at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:202)
             at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:512)
     2011-02-01 00:20:54 [INFO] SHOUT: ?f[?4!?f]?f ?czajacmp3?f: tylko potrzebuje errora
     2011-02-01 00:20:54 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] zajacmp3: /y tylko potrzebuje errora
  30. Offline


    Not sure if anyone already has posted anything like this, but for whatever reason, occasionally a user won't receive their items after purchasing something. It only happens maybe once a day, but still gets a little bit frustrating. Is this just an error on my part?
  31. Offline


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