[INACTIVE][ECON] iMonster v1.7 - Give players iConomy money and drops when killing monsters [292]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ZeroDPS, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    iMonster - The Monster Money and Drop Plugin for iConomy: Version: 1.7
    This plugin is designed to allow servers using iConomy to reward players with in-game currency.
    Must have iConomy 2.2+
    Must Have Bukkit/Craftbukkit 292+
    edit the /Plugins/iMonster/iMonster.yml file foe configurations.
    • Configure Reward Currency and Items Drops per Monster.
    • Set Max Reward drop for monsters
    • Prevent MobSpawner Camping
    • Permissions Support (iMonster.User)
    • Set Reward for killing the Mob Spawner

    • Death Penelty (waiting for better Bukkit support on the EntityDeath event)
    • Prevent Reward with use of Bow
    • Configurable Messages
    • Max Kills Per Hour (configurable and can be disabled) uses variable coin rewards and % based drop rates for coins to give admins ability to prevent abuse instead of a hard cooldown/
    • Decimal Percentage
    Change Log:


    • Minor update added /imonster command to help troubleshoot problems...it doesnt do anything but send you a message with some settings information to help us better troubleshoot the plugin if a problem arises.

    • Bow Kills now works correctly
      • Slimes and ghasts were not working because they are not considered "monsters" in bukkit so they failed the check to make sure it was a player attacking a monster i have coded the plugin to handle this issue now so they WORK
    v1.5 Release

    • Fixed Creeper Coin Bug (all mobs giving set creeper amount_
    • Added Coin Range for mob kills.
    • Added Coin Percentage for mob kills

    • Added ability to Give rewards for killing a mob spawner.
    v1.0 BETA Release

    • Fixed Error with old Permissions version
    • Added Configurale Messages WITH Chat Color Support
    • Added Bow Camping Settings
    • Added Abolity to use Decimal Percentages for item drop rates.
    v1.5/v1.6 config file changes - ADD These (also included the default config file in the zip for copy/paste)

    or you can always delete/rename your current file and let the plugin make one for you.

    Creeper-Coin-Max: 0
    Creeper-Coin-Percent: 100
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 1000
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 10
    Zombie-Coin-Max: 0
    Zombie-Coin-Percent: 50
    Spider-Coin-Max: 1000
    Spider-Coin-Percent: 50
    PigZombie-Coin-Max: 0
    PigZombie-Coin-Percent: 100
    Ghast-Coin-Max: 0
    Ghast-Coin-Percent: 100
    Slime-Coin-Max: 0
    Slime-Coin-Percent: 100
    Giant-Coin-Max: 0
    Giant-Coin-Percent: 100

    v1.1 config file changes - ADD These

    Mob-Spawner-Coin: 200
    Mob-Spawner-Drops: "264:2:75;354:1:80"
    Reward-Mob-Spawner-Destroy: true
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message: "$5Mob Spawner Killed! You have been awarded %c!"
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message-Enabled: true

    v1.0 BETA CONFIG FILE CHANGES - Either Delete your config and let it create a new one, or add THESE values to your config!

    Reward-Kills-With-Bow: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessageEnabled: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessage: "$cNo Reward for camping with a bow go out and fight!"

    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message-Enabled: true
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message: "$cNo Reward for %m camping near the spawner."

    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message: "$e%m Killed - %c deposited into your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message: "$cProtected %m Killed - %c removed from your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message: "$4Protected %m, you don't have the money for the fine. %m resurecting >.< "

    Attached Files:

    zani007 likes this.
  2. Offline


    I will test this, looks nice ;)
  3. Offline


    Requested feature... The ability to change the messages, specifically the one that says "X coin has been deposited into your account". For my situation, I'd rather be able to make it say something like "You have looted X coin"
  4. Offline


    This is coming in the next release (give me a couple hours) already done coding that part, just adding a couple more fetures to it.

  5. Offline


    By any chance were you able to replicate the creeper bug where they just disappear most the time and then it says "multiple drops detected 7", yet nothing drops, and I have yet gotten a creeper to explode anymore.
  6. Offline

    Cosmic Break

    the creeper explosion data was changed in one of the newest builds. if you have creeper damage off in worldguard, the creeper explodes without damage or sound.
  7. Offline


    Oh dear. I did spot the issue! (As I run multiply servers and one of them is dedicated to testing new builds for possible upgrade) I most have mixed up two of my sets of plugins- One containing 182+ and the other 163, In other words you are totally correct about the Permissions- It was using the old one rater then the 2.0 (183+) with the new one in place it worked like a charm :)

    It does seem somewhat random though, At times you get the credits and at times you don't. Nor did I gain Credits using a bow- At least I won the hunt *Chuckles*
  8. Offline


    @pixelbat as Cosmic Break mentioned, if you have creeper damage disabled it will just vanish instead of explode.
    multiple drops detected 7 was debig code i had forgot to remove, but will be fixed in this coming release.

    @Cosmic Break thanks :)

    @Tearlow glad to hear the new version of permissions made it work :) Credits with a bow was missing, but will be in this coming release and have the ability to enable / disable counting kills from a bow.
    --- merged: Feb 10, 2011 5:19 PM ---
    v1.0 BETA Release has been updated on the original Thread.

    Added configurable messages with chat color support.
    Added ability to set your Percent drop rate as low as you want 100% all the way down to .00001% (1 in 10,million chance to drop )

    Don't forget to MODIFY your Config File to add the messages!
  9. Offline


    thanks for the additions. now its perfect.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline

    Phantom Index

    Yeah. you don't always get a coin drop :)
  12. Offline


    @Phantom Index I will try and look into this more, i have not been able to not get a coin drop yet. it may be a bug in bukkits event notices, but i will continue to try and find this bug.

    anyone else having the issue?
  13. Offline


    How about a reward for killing a Mob Spawner? Since it doesn't reward for killing monsters near one, I figure there should be a reward for destroying it.
  14. Offline


    You can turn the Mob Spawner check off in the config file.

    I could possibly add a reward system for destroying a mob spawner block though
  15. Offline


    You misunderstand, I want the mob spawner check to be on. I just want my players to actually kill the spawner instead of making an item farmer.
  16. Offline


    Sure :) i will add that tonight!

    I am not sure if i can determine the type of mobspawner it is, but if i can i will let you configure rewards based on the type of spawner too.

  17. Offline


    I love this plugin. Thank you for making it.
  18. Offline


    This has been added as a feature! Don't forget to Update the config file with the new options!!

    Now i just need to figure out how to get this moved to the Plugin release section

  19. Offline


    Best. Plugin. Ever.

    Nice work Zero ;)
  20. Offline


    I believe he was asking if it would be possible to not always get a coing, I.E. have a % to credit coins.

    Also, i am only getting all mobs to credit 10, when only creepers should.

    CB 300, 1.1 iMonster
  21. Offline


    I get the same as Nachocuban there, I've varied the amount of coin gained upon monster kills, but get only what is set for the creeper.

    Creeper coins seem to apply to all monsters?

    No errors in console, using iMonster 1.1 and CB 302
  22. Offline


    Ok i will look into this bug asap
    --- merged: Feb 11, 2011 3:54 PM ---
    Ok...I am about to upload a new Version that has the creeper coin bug fixed, but i also added a little more control over the coin side of things....

    NOTE: I added the default config inside the zip so you can copy/paste new values a little simpler since i know its a pain to re-do your config file every release!

    each monster will have these coin values in the config

    Skeleton-Coin: 1
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 1000
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 10
    so let me explain the 2 new options

    and Coin-Percent

    looking at the example above...Coin=1 CoinMax=1000 and CoinPercent=10 this means you have a 10% chance to get BETWEEN 1 and 1000 coins and a 90% chance to get NOTHING

    Skeleton-Coin: 1
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 1000
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 100

    ^^ - always get between 1-1000 coins

    Skeleton-Coin: 10
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 0
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 10
    ^^ - 10% chance to get 10 coins 90% chance to get nothing

    Skeleton-Coin: 0
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 1000
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 0

    ^^ - never get any coins

    Skeleton-Coin: 0
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 0
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 100
    ^^ - never get any coins

    I hope this helps everyone configure this a little more :) and make it a little more rewarding!
  23. Offline


    Awesome job, thank you and keep up the good work!
  24. Offline


    Hi, thanks for this plugin.
    I don't know if it's just me or this a bug.

    I'm running CB b304 and Permission 2.0, iMonster.User are in place,
    the config:

    PigZombie-Coin: 15
    PigZombie-Coin-Max: 0
    PigZombie-Coin-Percent: 100
    PigZombie-Drops: "283:1:1"

    Ghast-Coin: 50
    Ghast-Coin-Max: 0
    Ghast-Coin-Percent: 100
    Ghast-Drops: "276:1:1"

    But I got nothing when I killed a Ghast, PigZombie does give me 15 coins.

    Excuse my English :)
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    @Cubox I will look into that asap and see what might be happening.

    @Nijikokun thanks =)
    --- merged: Feb 11, 2011 9:31 PM ---
    @Cubox it seems that my onEntityDamagedByProjectile even is not being called...I will look at this and get it working, but it seems that any kills made by a bow are not counting will have a fix asap
  27. Offline


    This does not seem to be right at all... #302

    Default generated Config file.

    Show Spoiler
    Monster-Max-Drops: 2
    Creeper-Coin: 1
    Creeper-Coin-Max: 0
    Creeper-Coin-Percent: 100
    Creeper-Drops: ""

    Skeleton-Coin: 1
    Skeleton-Coin-Max: 1000
    Skeleton-Coin-Percent: 10
    Skeleton-Drops: ""

    Zombie-Coin: 100
    Zombie-Coin-Max: 0
    Zombie-Coin-Percent: 50
    Zombie-Drops: ""

    Spider-Coin: 1
    Spider-Coin-Max: 1000
    Spider-Coin-Percent: 50
    Spider-Drops: ""

    PigZombie-Coin: 5
    PigZombie-Coin-Max: 0
    PigZombie-Coin-Percent: 100
    PigZombie-Drops: ""

    Ghast-Coin: 10
    Ghast-Coin-Max: 0
    Ghast-Coin-Percent: 100
    Ghast-Drops: ""

    Slime-Coin: 5
    Slime-Coin-Max: 0
    Slime-Coin-Percent: 100
    Slime-Drops: ""

    Giant-Coin: 20
    Giant-Coin-Max: 0
    Giant-Coin-Percent: 100
    Giant-Drops: ""

    Mob-Spawner-Coin: 0
    Mob-Spawner-Drops: ""
    Reward-Mob-Spawner-Destroy: false
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message: "$5Mob Spawner Killed! You have been awarded %c!"
    iConomy-Mob-Spawner-Message-Enabled: false

    Check-For-Mob-Spawner-Camping: true
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Radius: 15
    Reward-Kills-With-Bow: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessageEnabled: true
    RewardKillsWithBowDisabledMessage: "$cNo Reward for camping with a bow go out and fight!"

    #Variables for the messages:
    # Black = $0
    # Dark Blue = $1
    # Dark Green = $2
    # Dark Aqua = $3
    # Dark Red= $4
    # Dark Purple = $5
    # Gold = $6
    # Gray = $7
    # Dark Grey = $8
    # Blue = $9
    # Green = $a
    # Aqua = $b
    # Red = $c
    # Light Purple = $d
    # Yellow = $e
    # White = $f
    # %m = Mob Name
    # %p = Player Name
    # %c = iConomy Currency Reward (this includes the amount and iConomy currency name i.e. 100 Crazy Coins or what ever you named your iConomy currency)

    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message-Enabled: true
    Mob-Spawner-Camping-Message: "$cNo Reward for %m camping near the spawner."

    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Kill-Deposit-Message: "$e%m Killed - %c deposited into your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-Message: "$cProtected %m Killed - %c removed from your iConomy Account."

    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message-Enabled: true
    iConomy-Protected-Kill-No-Money-Message: "$4Protected %m, you don't have the money for the fine. %m resurecting >.< "

    EDIT: I obvisouly meant to say #302 not #323

    Attached Files:

  28. Offline


    @Tearlow what is not right about it?

    You have creeper set to 1 coin 100% of the time.
    You have Spider set to between 1 and 1000 coins 50% of the time
    you have zombie set to 100 coins 50% of the time
    and skeleton set to Between 1 and 1000 coins but only 10% of the time will they get any coins at all

    and from what i can tell in the screen shot provided it is working as expected.

    the defaults are set to some extremes yes, but thats because i wanted to demonstrate some of the settings.

    please explain the issue your having.
  29. Offline


    *Chuckles* Most been a temp. brain fart there. I was expecting 1-10coins as the previous versions but now all of a sudden being in the hundreds. Seems like there most be some heavy modifications to the file- Sorry again mate, This was just me not reading properly :S
  30. Offline


    @Tearlow no problem was a big update to coins it's understandable
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 2:27 AM ---
    Ok..version 1.6 is uploaded and fixes 2 main issues.

    Fix #1 - Bow Kills now works correctly

    Fix #2 - Slimes and ghasts were not working because they are not considered "monsters" in bukkit so they failed the check to make sure it was a player attacking a monster :) i have coded the plugin to handle this issue now so they WORK now :)

    Sorry about the bugs.

  31. Offline


    I have my file set to:

    Monster-Max-Drops: 1
    Creeper-Coin: 9
    Creeper-Drops: ""

    Skeleton-Coin: 6
    Skeleton-Drops: ""

    Zombie-Coin: 3
    Zombie-Drops: ""

    Spider-Coin: 9
    Spider-Drops: ""

    PigZombie-Coin: 5
    PigZombie-Drops: ""

    Ghast-Coin: 15
    Ghast-Drops: ""

    Slime-Coin: 5
    Slime-Drops: ""

    Giant-Coin: 20
    Giant-Drops: ""

    And every mob is paying out 9 coins. What have I done wrong? I'm using cb302

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