[INACTIVE][ECON] BOSEconomy v0.6.2 - Simple Server Economy [714]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Cosine, Feb 18, 2011.

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    BOSEconomy is a simple, lightweight economy plugin. Every player owns an amount of currency and can make simple payments between one another. Read below to see all of the available features.

    BOSEconomy stands for "Brotherhood of Slaughter Economy". The plugin was originally designed for our community's Minecraft server.

    • Players own money and can make payments between one another. Just find somebody you want to pay, and use "/pay [player] [amount]".
    • Periodic wages can be configured to pay any amount of money at any desired interval, or to pay players based on their playtime. Players can be in any number of wage brackets; these brackets determine how much the player makes.
    • Bank accounts can serve as money pools between multiple players. Anybody can pay money to a bank account, but only members are able to withdraw from the account. Owners have the additional ability to add other owners or members to their bank account.
    • A top-5 listing and basic statistics can be used to see how wealthy the server is, and to encourage competition.
    • Several admin commands allow for the modification of player money and brackets from within Minecraft.
    • The properties file allows the server owner to decide what the currency is called, how often it's payed, and much more as listed below.
    • Several straightforward plugin hooks make it simple to interface with BOSEconomy.
    Supporting Plugins:

    • Hawox's uQuest - A simple, overly customizable quest system.
    • Codisimus's Turnstile - Create turnstiles to prevent players from entering certain locations without paying.
    • Codisimus's DungeonReward - Reward players with money for reaching a certain region of the world.
    • Codisimus's PhatLoots - Players can open linked chests and be rewarded with money.
    • Baptiste Pillot's RealShop - A very simple-to-use shop system to deal materials stored in chests.
    • Koanga's TradeMod - A simple plugin allowing players to trade items.
    • Fernferret's WolfPound - Allows users to buy wolves, or get them for free.
    • TZer0's Money2XP - Train your mcMMO skills using money.
    • Retsrif's Blacksmith - Lets you repair your tools with money.
    • Rcjrrjcr's BuyAbilities - Allows players to purchase abilities or permissions with money.
    • aPunch's Challenges - Admins can start server challenges for players to beat.
    • Acrobot's iConomyChestShop - Turn a chest into a shop by simply placing a sign over it.
    • Is your plugin not on this list? Send me a message and I'll add it in!

    1. Place BOSEconomy.jar in your plugins folder and run the server. BOSEconomy will generate the necessary files.
    2. Open plugins/BOSEconomy/BOSEconomy.properties and configure it as you see fit. The keys are explained below under 'File Information'.
    3. Enter 'reload' in the server console to update it with your changes. BOSEconomy should now be ready to go.
    Show Spoiler

    There are multiple permission settings currently available to BOSEconomy.

    Op Permissions:
    When op-permissions is enabled, server ops automatically gain access to every BOSEconomy command. Non-op players inherit permissions from Phoenix Permissions.​

    Phoenix Permissions:
    When phoenix-permissions are enabled, BOSEconomy will attempt to use TheYeti's Permissions (Phoenix) plugin. The permissions to use in Phoenix are:​
    • BOSEconomy.common - For ordinary player commands such as payment.
    • BOSEconomy.admin.money - For directly altering player money.
    • BOSEconomy.admin.bracket - For manipulating player brackets.
    • BOSEconomy.admin.bank - For creating and managing bank account.
    • BOSEconomy.admin.reload - The "/econ reload" command. Generally useful only to server owners.
    Note that these permissions have no inheritance; players with the admin permissions must be explicitly given the common permissions as well.​

    Default Permissions:
    If the Phoenix plugin can't be located, permissions are handled as if phoenix-permissions is set to false. If op-permissions is the only enabled setting, all common players are given access to the common permissions and ops are given access to all commands. If no permissions settings are enabled, all players are given access to only the common permissions.​

    To quickly check your permission settings, you can enter '/econ help' to see the list of all commands you can use.

    Show Spoiler

    The following is a list of commands, with a * signifying a money command, a & for a bracket command, and a $ for a bank command (relevant for Phoenix permissions).
    • /econ
      Displays your money.
    • /econ income <page>
      Lists any income brackets that you reside in, shows how much each pays, shows your total wage, and shows the payment interval.
    • /econ pay [player] [amount]
      Pays another player the given amount of money. The amount must be positive, you must be able to afford it, and the other use must be online. This is also the command to pay money to a bank account. To do so, put a $ sign infront of the name of the bank you wish to deposit into. For example: "/econ pay $MyBank 200"
    • /econ stats
      Displays the total money, total players, average money, and average income of the server. Bank accounts and excluded brackets are not factored into statistics.
    • /econ top5
      Displays the top 5 wealthiest players.
    • /econ set [player] [amount]
      * Sets the amount of money owned by the given player. Money may be set to a negative value; players with negative money can't make payments.
    • /econ view [player]
      * Displays how much money the given player owns.
    • /econ add [player] [amount]
      * Adds money to the given player.
    • /econ sub [player] [amount]
      * Subtracts money from the given player.
    • /econ clear [player]
      * Sets the player's money to zero.
    • /econ reload
      Reloads all serverside files pertaining to the plugin. This includes the properties, users, money, lastPayment, brackets, and version files. This is needed to register changes to the files made during runtime.
    • /econ bracket view [player] <page>
      & Displays a list of all brackets the given player resides in, and how much they pay.
    • /econ bracket list <page>
      & Displays a list of all existing brackets, how much they pay, and how many people are in them. This should not be confused with the 'brackets view' command. This list will contain any fake brackets that players have been added to, but these ones are not actually saved to the brackets file.
    • /econ bracket add [player] [bracket]
      & Adds the given player to the given bracket. If the bracket doesn't exist, it is created with a value of 0. The new bracket is saved to the users file, but not to the brackets file.
    • /econ bracket remove [player] [bracket]
      & Removes the given player from the given bracket.
    • /econ bracket clear [player]
      & Removes the given player from all of their brackets.
    • /econ bank create [bank] <owner1> ...
      $ Creates a new bank account with any number of initial owners.
    • /econ bank remove [bank]
      $ Removes a bank account.
    • /econ bank list <page>
      $ Lists all existing bank accounts.
    • /econ bank view [bank]
      Displays how much money is in a bank account. Only members of a bank can view its balance.
    • /econ bank listmembers [bank] <page>
      Lists the owners and members of a bank account. Only members can use this for any particular bank.
    • /econ bank withdraw [bank] [amount]
      Withdraws money from a bank. Only owners and members of the bank can use this.
    • /econ bank addowner [bank] [owner]
      Adds an owner to a bank. Only bank owners can add new owners.
    • /econ bank addmember [bank] [member]
      Adds a member to a bank. Only bank owners can add new members.
    • /econ bank removemember [bank] [member]
      Removes an owner or member from a bank. Only bank owners can remove members.
    • /econ help <page>
      Displays every command you have access to with a brief description of it. The help section displays for any unrecognized command.

    File Information:
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    BOSEconomy currently utilizes 6 files. These are generated automatically when they are needed. Depending on your settings, some of them might not generate immediately, or at all. All plugin files are expected to be in the 'plugins/BOSEconomy/' directory.

    Stores basic settings for the plugin. This file is generated automatically. Do not pad the '=' with spaces or they will be read as part of the values.​
    • money-name: The name for a unit of currency.
    • money-name-plural: The name for a pluralized unit of currency.
    • initial-money: Brand new players will automatically start with this much money.
    • wage-interval: The number of time units between wage payments. If online-wages are enabled, this is how long a player must be online before they are paid. If online-wages is disabled, the server pays all players every time this interval elapses. Set this to zero to disable wage payments altogether.
    • wage-interval-unit: The unit to measure the wage interval in. Valid entries are: second, minute, hour, day, week
    • default-bracket: The bracket to assign new players to. Leave this blank to have no default bracket.
    • debug-mode: Displays debug messages mostly pertaining to file reading and writing. This is very spammy, so keep it off when it isn't needed.
    • op-permissions: Ops are automatically given access to every command.
    • phoenix-permissions: The plugin will utilize TheYeti's Permissions ("Phoenix") plugin.
    • online-wages: Wages are paid based on how long players are online rather than using static wage intervals.

    Stores the wage brackets. Brackets are formed by a name and a value seperated by a space, followed by any flags. Currently the only flag is 'exclude'. Any players in an excluded bracket are ignored by top5 and statistics. There should be one bracket per line. This file is generated automatically with the default-bracket and a value of 0. Brackets should only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.​
    The following is a sample brackets.txt file:​
    peasants 0
    knights 5
    lords 10
    kings 50
    winners 1000 exclude
    losers -2
    Do not ever modify this file. It stores the system time of the last wage payment. The file is safe to delete however, and doing so will reset the wage counter to the current time. If online-wages is turned on, this file is removed automatically.​

    Stores the amount of money owned by every recorded player, and their online playtime (used with the online-wages setting). This file is modified frequently by the server so it's best not to alter it while the plugin is running. It's created when the first player joins the server.​

    Stores the wage brackets for every recorded player. New players are added to this file automatically. It can be modified directly, but it's safer to use the in-game commands for manipulating brackets and banks.​
    The following is the format for this file:​
    This is used to handle file changes between versions. This file is created automatically and should never be modified or removed.​

    Plugin Interfacing:
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    To have your plugin interface with BOSEconomy, add BOSEconomy.jar to your plugin's build path. Use the following code to get a reference to it (called from within your plugin class):​
    Plugin temp = this.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("BOSEconomy");
    BOSEconomy economy = null;
    if(temp != null)
        economy = (BOSEconomy)temp;
    The following methods are available for use. These are accessed directly off of the BOSEconomy plugin reference. It's up to your implementation to decide how you want to make this reference available to your code.​
    * Gets the money owned by the given player name. To find an existing player,
    * the name must be an exact match. Note though that the name is not case
    * sensitive. When attempting to get the money of a nonexistent player, their
    * name is registered in the economy and given the default money value. To
    * check in advance whether a player is registered in the economy, use the
    * playerRegistered() method.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player.
    * @return The amount of money owned by the player.
    public int getPlayerMoney(String name)
    * Sets a player's money. To modify an existing player, the name must be an
    * exact match. Note though that the name is not case sensitive. If the name
    * does not match any player, it is registered into the economy and given the
    * provided money value. Players are not automatically notified of any changes
    * to their money; if desired, it must be done explicitly after calling this
    * method. If the mustBeOnline flag is set to true, the method will only
    * perform changes on players that are online and will not register
    * nonexistent players into the economy.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player.
    * @param money
    *          - The money to set the player to.
    * @param mustBeOnline
    *          - Whether the player must be online to perform the change.
    * @return True if any changes were made, false otherwise.
    public boolean setPlayerMoney(String name, int money, boolean mustBeOnline)
    * Adds to a player's money. Negative values will subtract money instead. Note
    * that a player's money can be negative. To modify an existing player, the
    * name must be an exact match. Note though that the name is not case
    * sensitive. If the name does not match any player, it is registered into the
    * economy and the given money value is added to it. Players are not
    * automatically notified of any changes to their money; if desired, it must
    * be done explicitly after calling this method. If the mustBeOnline flag is
    * set to true, the method will only perform changes on players that are
    * online and will not register nonexistent players into the economy.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player.
    * @param money
    *          - The money to add to the player.
    * @param mustBeOnline
    *          - Whether the player must be online to perform the change.
    * @return True if any changes were made, false otherwise.
    public boolean addPlayerMoney(String name, int money, boolean mustBeOnline)
    * Checks if a player is registered into the economy. All online players are
    * already considered registered. The name of the player must be an exact
    * match, though the name is not case sensitive.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player.
    * @param mustBeOnline
    *          - If set, the method will only return true if the player is
    *          registered and is online.
    * @return Whether the player is registered in the economy.
    public boolean playerRegistered(String name, boolean mustBeOnline)
    * Registers the given player name into the economy system. If a player with
    * this name is already registered, nothing happens.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player to register.
    * @return True if the player was registered, or false if a player with that
    *        name already exists.
    public boolean registerPlayer(String name)
    * Sends a message to the given player informing them of how much money they
    * have. If the player is not online, nothing happens.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player.
    public void tellPlayerMoney(String name)
    * Gets the amount of money in the given bank account. To find an existing
    * bank, the name must be an exact match. Note though that the name is not
    * case sensitive. When attempting to get the money of a nonexistent bank, a
    * bank by that name is created automatically. To check in advance whether a
    * bank exists, use the bankExists() method.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @return The amount of money in the bank.
    public int getBankMoney(String name)
    * Sets the amount of money in the given bank account. To modify an existing
    * bank, the name must be an exact match. Note though that the name is not
    * case sensitive. If the name does not match any bank and the mustExist flag
    * is set to false, a bank by that name is created and given the provided
    * money value. Any members of the bank who are online will not be
    * automatically notified of any changes. If desired, it must be done
    * explicitly after calling this method.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param money
    *          - The money to set the bank to.
    * @param mustExist
    *          - Whether he bank account must already exist.
    * @return True if any changes were made, false otherwise.
    public boolean setBankMoney(String name, int money, boolean mustExist)
    * Adds to the amount of money in the given bank account. To modify an
    * existing bank, the name must be an exact match. Note though that the name
    * is not case sensitive. If the name does not match any bank and the
    * mustExist flag is set to false, a bank by that name is created and given
    * the provided money value. Any members of the bank who are online will not
    * be automatically notified of any changes. If desired, it must be done
    * explicitly after calling this method.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param money
    *          - The money to add to the bank.
    * @param mustExist
    *          - Whether he bank account must already exist.
    * @return True if any changes were made, false otherwise.
    public boolean addBankMoney(String name, int money, boolean mustExist)
    * Checks if a bank account exists in the economy. The name of the bank must
    * be an exact match, though the name is not case sensitive.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @return Whether the bank account exists.
    public boolean bankExists(String name)
    * Creates the given bank account. If a bank with this name already exists,
    * nothing happens.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the bank to create.
    * @return True if the bank was created, or false if a bank with that name
    *        already exists.
    public boolean createBank(String name)
    * Removes the given bank account. Members of the account are not notified of
    * the removal. If no bank with this name exists, nothing happens.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the bank to remove.
    * @return True if the bank was removed, or false no bank with that name
    *        existed.
    public boolean removeBank(String name)
    * Adds an owner to the given bank account. Owners can withdraw funds from the
    * account and add or remove other owners and members. If the name is already
    * a member, they are promoted to an owner. The name will not be added if it
    * is null, empty, or a duplicate. If the bank account doesn't exist and the
    * mustExist flag is set to false, one by the given name is created first. The
    * name of the owner will be added regardless of whether they are online or
    * actually exist.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param owner
    *          - The name of the owner to add.
    * @param mustExist
    *          - Whether the bank account must already exist to add an owner.
    * @return True if the owner was added, or false if otherwise. False may be
    *        returned either because the bank doesn't exist and mustExist was
    *        true, or because an owner by this name already exists.
    public boolean addBankOwner(String bank, String owner, boolean mustExist)
    * Adds a member to the given bank account. Members can withdraw funds from
    * the account. If the name is already an owner, they are demoted to a member.
    * The name will not be added if it is null, empty, or a duplicate. If the
    * bank account doesn't exist and the mustExist flag is set to false, one by
    * the given name is created first. The name of the member will be added
    * regardless of whether they are online or actually exist.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param member
    *          - The name of the member to add.
    * @param mustExist
    *          - Whether the bank account must already exist to add a member.
    * @return True if the member was added, or false if otherwise. False may be
    *        returned either because the bank doesn't exist and mustExist was
    *        true, or because a member by this name already exists.
    public boolean addBankMember(String bank, String member, boolean mustExist)
    * Removes the given owner or member from the given bank account.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param player
    *          - The name of the owner or member to remove.
    * @return True if an owner or member was removed, or false if otherwise.
    *        False may be returned either because the bank doesn't exist or
    *        because no player by this name was registered to it.
    public boolean removeBankPlayer(String bank, String player)
    * Checks if the given name is an owner of the bank account.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param owner
    *          - The name of the owner to check for.
    * @return True if the name is an owner, or false if otherwise. False may be
    *        returned either because the bank doesn't exist or because the given
    *        name is not an owner.
    public boolean isBankOwner(String bank, String owner)
    * Checks if the given name is a member of the bank account. Note that owners
    * are not considered to be members in this context and that this method will
    * return false if the name of an owner is provided.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param owner
    *          - The name of the member to check for.
    * @return True if the name is a member, or false if otherwise. False may be
    *        returned either because the bank doesn't exist or because the given
    *        name is not a member.
    public boolean isBankMember(String bank, String member)
    * Sends a message to all online owners and members of the given bank account.
    * If no bank account exists by this name, nothing happens.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param message
    *          - The message to send to the bank's members.
    * @param sender
    *          - The name of the sender. If the sender is a member of the bank,
    *          they are not sent the message. Leave this null to send the message
    *          to all of the members.
    public void tellBankMessage(String bank, String message, String sender)
    * Sends a message to all online owners and members informing them of how much
    * money this bank account has. This should not be confused with
    * tellBankBalanceToPlayer(), which sends this message to a specified player.
    * This method may be useful in a context where all members were just notified
    * of a change and you wish to follow it with the new balance of the account.
    * If the bank account doesn't exist, nothing happens.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player.
    public void tellBankBalance(String bank)
    * Sends a message to the given player informing them of how much money this
    * bank account has. This should not be confused with tellBankBalance(), which
    * sends this message to all members of the account. If the player is not
    * online, or if the bank account doesn't exist, nothing happens.
    * @param bank
    *          - The name of the bank.
    * @param name
    *          - The name of the player.
    public void tellBankBalanceToPlayer(String bank, String player)
    * Gets the initial money setting. This is how much money brand new players
    * are initialized with when they first enter the economy.
    * @return The initial money.
    public int getInitialMoney()
    * Gets the wage interval. This is how many units of time it takes for one
    * wage to elapse. The unit is specified by getWageIntervalUnit(), and should
    * be either seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
    * @return The wage interval.
    public int getWageInterval()
    * Gets the wage interval unit of time based on the current wage interval
    * multiplier.
    * @return The unit of time. If the multiplier is 0, "none" is returned. If
    *        the unit can't be determined, "unknown" is returned. Return values
    *        are all lowercase and singular.
    public String getWageIntervalUnit()
    * Gets the name of one unit of currency. This name is not capitalized and
    * should be singular. Ex: "coin"
    public String getMoneyName()
    * Gets the name of a pluralized unit of currency. Ex: "coins"
    public String getMoneyNamePlural()
    * Gets the name of one capitalized unit of currency. Ex: "Coin"
    public String getMoneyNameCaps()
    * Gets the name of a capitalized and pluralized unit of currency. Ex: "Coins"
    public String getMoneyNamePluralCaps()
    You may notice that there are some other methods, as well as some static variables. These are subject to change without warning and should never be utilized by your plugin. The methods listed above, however, will (hopefully) never need to be changed. In the event that they need to be altered, I will try to provide ample warning.​



    Planned Features:
    • SQL support.
    • Allowing brackets to use different wage intervals.
    • Tax brackets. These brackets would take money from users and give it to another player or a bank account.

    Show Spoiler

    • Added bank deposit command to mirror the withdraw command. The pay command still works on banks.
    • Added several command aliases. Included is the ability to use "br" as a substitute for the "bracket" commands, and "ba" for "bank" commands.
    • Players are notified when a bank is created with them listed as an owner.
    • Made internal changes to support Bukkit build 612.
    • The plugin will now catch exceptions thrown by Phoenix Permissions and toggle phoenix-permissions off temporarily.
    • Fixed a notification bug when adding bank members whose names are a component in the names of other players.

    • Fixed a bug where bank accounts duplicated after using the reload command.
    • The "banks" and "brackets" commands now use their singular forms ("bank" and "bracket").
    • Renamed BOSEconomy.admin.brackets and BOSEconomy.admin.banks to their singular forms.
    0.6.0 (Unreleased)

    • Fixed an exception when using online-wages with the wage-interval set to 0.
    • Added bank accounts and several commands to work with them.
    • Added several bank methods for other plugins to interface with.
    • Added BOSEconomy.admin.banks permission.
    • Restructured permissions slightly.
    • Unhandled command exceptions now inform the user who sent the command and prompt them to tell a server owner about it.
    • There is now a brief time limit between pay commands to prevent excessive payment spamming.

    • The Permissions plugin is no longer required for BOSEconomy.
    • Added 'op-permissions' setting which gives ops permissions to all commands when enabled.
    • Added 'phoenix-permissions' setting to utilize TheYeti's Permissions ("Phoenix") plugin when enabled.
    • Added race-condition protection to file writing.
    • Added 'online-wages' setting to pay players based on online playtime instead of over a specific time interval.
    • Altered money.txt to include the online playtime of the user for the online-wages system.
    • Forced to remove 'command-label' option due to changes in the Bukkit API.
    • Added support for interaction with other plugins.
    • Players are now automatically registered into the economy for being online while the plugin is active.
    0.4.1 (First Public Release)

    • The average income now displays two decimal places.
    • Made some minor code modifications in preparation for a public release.
    efstajas, Ragor and Naruchico like this.
  2. Offline


    In case he didnt post it, we are looking for suggestions on how to make it better!
  3. Offline


    Man my server does not run on this kind of economy but I do wish you the best of luck and it looks like you got a good head start.
  4. Offline


    This is an example of what its like.
  5. Offline


    So what do you do with this ingame money? I couldn't find any store, auction, repair, hunting plugins that support it, nor any information for potential developers on making plugins to support it.

    Also is there a way to disable the earning while offline? Doesn't seem very rewarding to those who frequent the server and put the time in to build it up when people offline are making coin for well, nothing? I mean in real life I don't get paid for the 16 hours a day I'm not at work. Just seems kind of silly to me.
  6. Offline


    Thanks for the example! :)

    And your world/server is really pleasant for the eye :p In fact, it's the best I've seen.
    --- merged: Feb 19, 2011 5:14 PM ---
    And Mr/Ms Developer: I've been using iConomy for a while, and I don't want to modify anything about it. Currently I like this plugin better than the iConomy one, and I want to use it, but since many of my plugins use iConomy and two money systems running at the same time makes... troublesome stuff happens and confusion.

    Could you please add some way to run this with iConomy?, modify the currency of iConomy or something according to the currency of this plugin or the other way around...
  7. Offline


    Plugin is nice, but i think there is no big use for that money.. ;/
    Can you please tell, what texture pack are you using? And with what plugin you teleport like that ?
  8. Offline


    There are several plugins that does this, heres one: (Link)
    EDIT: I'm talking about teleporting with a feather by the way :)
  9. Offline


    I know there is, but i havent seen a plugin like he got.. i think he dont use that fly plugin ..
  10. Offline


    I saw the same here the day, it's not in the teleport section I believe, it's an addon for another plugin. Let me try to find it :)
  11. Offline


    1) I am using my own texture pack, I have been creating it for some time but running a community with several different games under my belt; as well as our website doesnt leave a lot of time for the leisure of developing a skin pack. I only have a few more things to finish before the skinpack is ready and then I will release it, thanks for asking.

    2) The teleport plugin is the same one that many plugins use, worldedit has it, its known as /jumpto. The one we specifically use it called ARCTeleport.

    Actually this was brought up a few days ago when we were testing this for its public release. This plugin is so simple and easy to manage/use it can run with iConomy and add no extra burden on the system and it conflicts with nothing. You bring a valid point that iConomoy is hooked into many systems today, this is why we are putting ours out. We were tired of not being able to utilize this plugin with other plugins because of the lack of hooks ( for those plugins ) We thought to ourselves, "how can we make it where we could do this" and the easiest answer was to release the plugin to the public and let it gain popularity. So that is why we are releasing it.

    In our world, we have a single person who is in charge of the rates and such of items. He has created a google spreadsheet that contains all the going prices and people modify their local store prices off of that base system. I agree that other such features that would allow for purchasing or trading of items would be nice but those would bog down the system. We might look at making more plugins to work with the system but as it is now it is designed as a baseline for the world. The beauty of the system is how simple yet powerful it is. I urge you to give it a try when you have a chance. Also, thank you for your compliments. We have many talented players on our server and what you saw in the video is only two of the four towns we have.

    Again this is simply the baseline for an econ system. In our server we use none of those automated functions and it works out pretty well. We have plenty of shops set up around the world with doorbells and other things. Automation is good but we wanted something that would not be taxing and would be powerful enough to provide us with the currency we needed. We might look into making other plugins to interface with this plugin, but as I said in the reply above yours our goal is to gain popularity with this so that other plugin developers will start to utilize our system as well, or create hooks for their plugins so that plugins like ours can easily access them.

    You make a valid point that some worlds might want to encourage money only when online. I will make a point to add that as a feature. The reason we did not go with this was the process of idling. We didnt want players to idle so they could cheat the system so we removed that desire by simply making it pay you no matter what. To make the economy balanced we reduced the payout times to every 2hours and only pay them 1 oath or [insert currency name]. This has led to great success and with our manual control over item prices and such we have been able to limit the process of inflation. Come check us out some time so you can see how we run the system itself without the need for those types of plugins. I do agree with your opinion that somebody might want that feature so we will look to add it. Thank all of you for your feedback and please let us know any other thoughts you might have.
  12. Offline


    Please include the bukkit build number in the title and I'll approve this.
  13. Offline


    Oh, thanks for the heads up!!
    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 3:28 AM ---
    It works on all versions though...! :p
  14. Offline


    Added the build number used to test this version.
    Riuthamus has accurately covered your concerns about this plugin, and our future goals for it. This release is intended to get the plugin out into the community and see if people like it. I intend to continue supporting it and I'll add a section for planned features.
  15. Offline


    Has anybody downloaded this yet, and started to test it? We are curious for feedback.
  16. Offline


    Everytime i set the Permissions for it. The Permissions won´t start and the BOSEConomy ,either....
  17. Offline


    Post your permissions file, and what version of craft bukkit are you using.
    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 12:16 PM ---
    --- merged: Feb 21, 2011 1:30 AM ---
    So is it safe to assume you got it to work?
  18. Offline


    Any chance this will ever work WITHOUT Permissions? I don't use it and don't plan to.
  19. Offline


    I'm open to suggestions here. How would you like it to work? It wouldn't be too difficult to add a flag for permissions on a per-user basis.
  20. Offline


    I'd like it to work as closely as possible to what you have now - it's perfect for what I need. And if you made it so it only paid if you were online (as has been suggested). I have a kingdom server and we need some sort of currency between players. :)
  21. Offline


    You could just make it work, with OP only for the admin options! :p

    There is plans for this in the next release, as well as a few other possibilities. Again, more suggestions are always open so feel free to let us know what options could or could not work for you. They key to the success of this plugin is configuration.
  22. Offline


    BOSEconomy is still functional for Minecraft Server 1.3, Bukkit Build 424, and Permissions 2.1. I'm still working on adding some of the requested features.
  23. Offline


    Dead link ...
  24. Offline


    If there were an option to use MySQL (not sqlite) instead of a text file, I would be in heaven. I am currently storing most of my server data in MySQL to make it easier for exposing to the web. Do you think that there is a possibility for having MySQL support? I haven't implemented iConomy yet and found this, it looks like it would fit what I want much nicer.
  25. Offline


    Download link doesn't work as, "NOTICE: This domain name expired on 02/22/2011 and is pending renewal or deletion."

    Somebody didn't pay their hosting bill!

    It's a shame. This looked like something I could really use...
  26. Offline


    Download link down :( need to renew site
  27. Offline


    My apologies about the broken download link. This new one should work properly while we handle our domain issue. Please inform me about any more difficulties with the plugin.
  28. Offline


    There is no plans for sql at this point, but we are working on looking into it. Our server doesnt use SQL at this point but I have wanted to use it for some time. With HMOD it was far to resource extensive and was not working effectively so we decided to leave it be. Depending on how this works for bukkit we may or may not go to sql. Do you think you could link me to the sql setup guide you have, ill setup a local server with it and start looking at how we could do this.

    If, we like it enough we could design a website suite for it! :p I would also like to apologize for the down link. We thought the website was transferred to our new domain holder ( godaddy is... less than desirable ) but it shows to only have transferred the dns servers. We are in the process of reclaiming the domain and then transfering it. Again thanks for your interest in our plugin and we hope to continue to provide you with a quality econ system.
  29. Offline


    What operating system are you running on? The installation of mysql is a bit different on each one.
  30. Offline


    Actually, i know how to install MySQL, i dont know how to set it up for bukkit. We already have an sql server and we are using windows service pack 2008!
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