[INACTIVE][ECON] BetterShop 1.6.5- iConomy Global Command-based Shop [602 & 677]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by jjfs85, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    BetterShop - The "better" global command-based shop that ties into iConomy:
    Version: v1.6.5 (
    Download: (static jar) BetterShop.jar
    (older, 602 compatible) BetterShop_1.6.2.8.jar
    (older, 556 compatible) BetterShop_1.6.2.5.jar
    (older versions are not supported, sorry)
    Authors: jascotty2, and jjfs85, with a little help from lologarithm.

    Webpage coming soon.

    Want the most up-to-date info on usage, features, the changelog, and more?
    Read the README!

    Plugin Information (as of v1.6.5.3 - 4/11/11)

    Commands (open)

    • /shop
      • for those used to a plugin having one command, this is another way to get to the following commands
    • /shophelp (shelp) [command]
      • shows you all the commands you can use
      • can show specific help for a command
    • /shoplist (sl,slist) [pagenum]
      • shows a listing of items for sale
      • (if -1, all, or full given, will show full list. (mainly for console use))
    • /shopitems (sitems)
      • show full listing of items in shop, without prices
    • /shopcheck (sc,scheck) <item>
      • lookup a specific item so you don't have to read through pages of prices
    • /shopbuy (buy,sbuy) <item> [amount]
      • buy an item for the price in the shopshop ("all" is accepted as an amount)
    • /shopbuyall (buyall,sbuyall) <item>
      • buy all of an item that you can hold
    • /shopsell (sell,ssell) <item> [amount]
      • sell an item for the price in the shop
    • /shopadd (sadd): <item> <buy> [sell]
      • add an item to or update an item in the price list
    • /shopremove (sremove): <item>
      • remove an item from the price list
    • /shopload (sload):
      • reload prices from pricelist database
    • /shopsellall (sellall): [inv] [item [...]]
      • Sell all of item from your inventory (alias to command /shop sell all)
      • (inv will not search lower 9 slots)
    • /shopbuystack (buystack): <item> [item | amount]
      • buy a stack of an item (usually 64)
    • /shopsellstack (sellstack) <item> [amount]
      • sell a stack of an item (usually 64)
    • /shopbuyagain (buyagain,sba):
      • repeat last buy action
    • /shopsellagain (sellagain,ssa):
      • repeat last sell action
    • /shopkits (skits):
      • show a listing of avalliable kits (will be elaborated later)

    Dependencies (open)

    BetterShop's dependencies:

    Economy plugins supported:

    - or

    Supported Plugins:

    • Permissions v2.5.0+ by people - permissions and groups plugin
    • GroupManager by not Zenexer after all- a replacement for Permissions that is fully compatible with plugins that require it (using FakePermissions)
    • Help 0.2+
    • MinecraftIM

    Features (open)

    • Fully configurable colors and message text in config.yml file
    • shoplist can have text alignment (read config for more info): <item> <l(eft-aligned)> <buy and sell info>
      • - uses minecraft font character spacing, so is very close to perfectly aligned in chat
    • shoplist can optionally not show listing tail (or head, but recommended to leave <page> of <pages>)
    • Items can be colored in the new itemsdb.yml file
    • also in itemsdb.yml: kits!
      • - define your own kits that the shop can sell
      • - three examples provided, edit and add to your liking
    • Configurable Options:
      • -max pagesize when printing shoplist
      • -whether to broadcast all transactions publicly
      • -name of the pricelist file/table
      • -customsort: a custom sorting order, so you can have items at the top of the shop list
      • -allowbuyillegal: if someone without BetterShop.admin.illegal can buy illegal items
      • -whether maxstack should be honored
      • -if used tools can be bought back
      • -default color for items
    shop flexibility
    • shopcheck will run a name comparison check, and return all matching items
    • Item sub-type support for dye colors, cloth colors, etc: magentacloth = 35:2 = cloth:magenta
    • "all" is a valid amount when buying or selling: "/sell cobblestone all" or "/sell all cobblestone"
    • damaged tools can be resold for an adjusted value of sellprice*(1-(damage/maxdamage))
    • buystack can be given multiple items, or number of stacks: "/buystack wool 5" or "/buystack wool blackdye reddye"
    • shopsellall can be given multiple items (/sell all cobble gravel flint dirt)
    • plural-insensitive items: if not found, will check if plural & remove "s"
    • not just items can be bought anymore: can now buy LivingEntities, like dogs (wolf)
    • signs can be used for buying & selling
      • Code:
         [*]buy [amt], buyall, buystack, sell [amt], sellall, sellstack
         [*]item name (recommended) or id:data, or for sellall: onhand, inv
         [*](unused line)
      • to activate, someone with BetterShop.admin.makesign must left-click the sign.. the first line will change color when active
      • left-click for price check (or activate), right-click to buy/sell
      • if a unauthorized player destroys a block a sign is on, is canceled
      • can scan for uxexpected sign destruction (tnt) & replace it
    • Every item and subtype can be priced differently
    • Disable buying or selling of an item by giving it a price of -1 (0 makes it free)
    • command aliases to stop carpal tunnel
    • many commands have sub-aliases.. eg. shoplist kits will run shoplistkits
    • MySQL pricelist support
    • MySQL pricelist can be cached for a given timespan (decreases table selects)
      • (flatfile is cached until manually updated)
    • Transaction records (MySQL or flatfile as .csv)
    • Downloads mysql-bin.jar dependency automatically
    • buy/sell cap in program set to 999,999,999 (not that you'd be using that much, but the cap is to prevent other errors)
    • if encounters errors while editing a player's account, will attempt to reload iConomy (i've had issuses with it before)
    • can backup the current pricelist: /shop backup
    • on start, can check the download page to see if there is an update available
    • /shop ver[sion] shows version # and if is up-to-date
    • shop can be given a finite stock from which to buy & sell
    • /shop ver[sion] to check the current version & see if there's an update
    • MinecraftIM support: forward errors or all messages
    • checks for missing & unused configuration nodes
    • strings have default values if missing
    • auto error reporting added (can be disabled)
    • help main page integration can be disabled
    • global shop can be disabled & only allow signs to be used

    Installing (open)

    Installation instructions:

    New Installation?

    • lots more added to config.yml all the time..
    • to 1.6.3+ ? Itemsdb.yml has been expanded to include entities
    • from before v1.6.1.3 ? Itemsdb.yml has been expanded:
      • not required to update, but recommended
      • if you've already edited yours, you can look here and see what i've added
        • mainly: leaves, charcoal, tools & armor damage, some more aliases
    • from version 1.5.9b - and use MySQL transaction logging?
      • ALTER TABLE BetterShopMarketActivity ADD COLUMN PRICE DECIMAL(11,2);
        • optional, but useful for php
    • from version between 1.5.5 - 1.5.9 and use MySQL pricelist?
      • ALTER TABLE minecraft.BetterShop CHANGE COLUMN BUY BUY DECIMAL(11,2);
      • ALTER TABLE minecraft.BetterShop CHANGE COLUMN SELL SELL DECIMAL(11,2);
    • from an earlier version?
      • Will import your old pricelist.yml into the db you have setup in the config :)
      • Items.db is no longer used - delete it :)

    Just add the following nodes to Permissions' world.yml file (or data.yml file for GroupManager):

    - 'BetterShop.user.*'
    ^ Allows the user to use the list, sell, buy, and help commands
    - 'BetterShop.admin.*'
    ^ Allows the user to use the add, remove, and load commands

    Alright, so you have the plugins in place and set up, and permissions nodes added to the Permissions' config.yml. Now just place the BetterShop.jar file in the server's plugins directory. Then just start the server and add things to the shop. That's all!

    Adding Items:
    There are two ways to add things to the shop:
    1. Recommended, but slow: use /shopadd [item] [buy-price] [sell-price]
    2. Faster: use a text editor or spreadsheet program to edit the pricelist.csv

    TODO (open)

    features listed here may already be in the works, or may be on the back burner
    if you want a new feature, or want something sooner, ask :)

    • calculated/derived item prices
    • /shopvalue item[@amount] item to show the current trade value for two items
    • discount system: users or groups can be charged less/more for an item or all items (sell prices also affected)
    • dynamic market pricing, based off of logged market activity
    • region shops (items added while in a region defined as a shop are only added to that shop)
    • add option for amount in stock for surplus decreases how much item is worth to the shop
    • /shop alias <item> - show the itemname, with a list of aliases
    • add pages for /shopitems
    • more descriptive kit listing, similar to shoplist:
      • - pages
      • - show what makes up a kit
      • - enable admin.add to see avaliable kits
    • SQLite support?
    • tie item prices to stock quotes?
    • craftables' stock is tied to source material stock (if using sell craftables)
    • make LivingEntities follow the owner around?
    • change buystock if itemStock is enabled so that if trying to buy multiple stacks (buystack item 20) and stock runs out to stop buying (stop showing "out of stock")
    • individually-customizable restock stock values per-item
    • chest shop interface ?
    • automatically add missing config nodes (preserving comments)
    • add a simple builtin economy system, if none found?
    • add categories to items
      • - can search, buy, & sell with category
    • user-owned shops (signs, linked to chests)
    • 4th line for configurable prices or shop profit owner

    Changelog (open)

    (the (?) means plugin didn't report that as the version.. sorry :))

    Version - 4/11/11 - jascotty2
    • added option to disable sign protection
    • added sign action wait, to prevent sign click spamming
    • fixed a nullpointer error when selling
    Version - 4/11/11 - jascotty2
    • removed spawnwolf debugging line
    • wolves bought have correct health
    Version - 4/10/11 - jascotty2
    • removed a debugging line
    • wolfs bought have their owner already set (need to increase health)
    Version - 4/10/11 - jascotty2
    • corrected new settings (missed some previously)
    • fixed default sign pricecheck showing wrong one
    • fixed messenger formatting error
    • misc. null fixes
    • BOSEconomy support added
    • changed block protection from scan to save (should improve performance)
    • added tnt protection, in the form of a scanner that routinely checks that all shop signs & their anchors still exist
    • added syntax check for /buy & /sell # [item] (like the sign syntax)
    • allowbuyillegal now defaults to true
    • fixed color set (hidden logic error)
    • signs can have the item name colored according to the defined item color
    Version - 4/9/11 - jascotty2
    • fixed sign destroy permission check to only check bettershop signs
    Version - 4/8/11 - jascotty2
    • "inhand" and "inv" added as valid sellall/buyall items (signs only)
      • - "in hand" buys/sells all of the type of item in the player's hand
    • sign destroy protection algorithm improved (still can't check for explosions :( )
    Version (?) - 4/8/11 - jascotty2
    • stock message error fixed when selling too much
    • fixed <curr> causing a server freeze
    • added amount to pricecheck, so can check the result buy/sell price
    • fixed a buying error when already has some of the item
    • added a sign interface
      • - first line: [BetterShop] (not case-sensitive)
      • - second line: action: buy [amt], buyall, buystack, sell [amt], sellall, sellstack
      • - third line: item (name, id, etc)
      • - fourth line: unused (was going to make price, but decided on pricecheck instead)
      • - to activate, someone with BetterShop.admin.makesign must left-click the sign.. the first line will change color when active
      • - left-click to pricecheck
      • - right-click to run action
    • if a unauthorized player destroys a block a sign is on, is canceled
    • fixed column check for table updating
    • updated for 670
    • configuration nodes are moved to more organised parent nodes (easier to edit if using an intelligent text editor)
      • - older nodes are still supported (for now)
    Version - 4/6/11 - jascotty2
    • again, previously forgot to update the date in last version
    • - added additional checks to prevent future false-positives
    • -- (also checks if comment on download matches plugin, not if plugin >= comment version)
    • figured out the integrity check errors :)
    • now runs checks on changed tables to check if needs updating (and adds columns as necessary)
    • - just transaction log table for now (only table with added columns)
    • another option added: AutoUpdate
      • - if a new update is found, will download & install
      • - can also run manually with /shop updade (OP-only, since forces update & restarts server plugins)
    Version - 4/4/11 - jascotty2
    • fixed a rare null exception in integretycheck?
    • fixed saving errors when transaction logging disabled
    • implemented infinite stock (setting stock to -1 makes infinite)
    • # 1,000+ downloads in one day!
    Version - 4/3/11 - jascotty2
    • fixed a rare invalid function signature error
    • fixed if a player tries to buy/sell air
    • OPs now completely bypass security checks
    • more changes to error reporting format: added a custom message
    • # 10,000+ lines of code :)
    Version - 4/2/11 - jascotty2
    • renamed monstertamer package, to avoid conflicts if you're using the monstertamer plugin
    • should have a reported bug in integrety check taken care of.. not sure of the cause, though
    Version - 4/2/11 - jascotty2
    • fixed more error reporting bugs (still can't find one stupid stock flatfile bug)
    • added stock messages to config
    Version - 4/1/11 - jascotty2
    • fixed chickens & buying more than one animal
    • updated error reporting(again)
    • rand libary update for my (jascotty2's) version of CookieMonster
    Version 1.6.3 - 4/1/11 - jascotty2
    • fixed buy/sell == 0 ? no (in shoplist, 0 incorrectly showed as no)
    • updated for 612 (and 600+ .. had accidently been using the wrong libary)
    • LivingEntities can now be purchased! :D
      • special thanks to fullwall for the MonsterTamer plugin, from which this ability comes from (1.3)
      • if capable, will attack the anything attacking the purchaser (if nearby)
    Version - 3/31/11 - jascotty2

    • nullpointer fixed if running 602 with old groupmanager
    • other misc. null fixes
    • removed redundant reload points for iConomy
    • repaired a mysql totalTransactionLog format error
    • error reporting now begins with a portion of the date, so i can see them listed in order
    • more info added to error reports.. still can't figure out the stock flatfile save bug
    Version - 3/30/11 - jascotty2

    • improved error reporting format & removed a few unnecessary send triggers
    Version - 3/30/11 - jascotty2

    • now checks for missing & unused configuration nodes
    • strings have default values if missing
    • auto error reporting added (can be disabled)
    • now compatible with bukkit 602
    • help main page integration can be disabled
    • hidden changes to get one step closer to dynamic pricing
    Version - 3/28/11 - jascotty2

    • forgot to update the date in the last release, so a false 'newer release' was showing up
    • fixed help support when help loaded before bettershop
    Version - 3/25/11 - jascotty2

    • Added support for my new plugin: MinecraftIM :)
    • removed a stock debugging line i forgot to remove
    • manually set locale for updating date format.. should fix non-us countries?
    Version - 3/23/11 - jascotty2

    • added stock db to reload
    • fixed a stock update on sell
    • updated plugin commands to include sellstack (oops :oops:)
    Version - 3/23/11 - jascotty2

    • more commands added to register with help
    • fixed a MySQL update syntax error for stock
    Version - 3/23/11 - jascotty2

    • fixed a plural search bug
    • added /sellstack (much like buystack)
    • fixed a buyagain logic error
    • /shop import <file> - insert values from file in plugin folder
    • /shop restore <file> - clear shop & load from saved backup file
    • flatfile itemstock repaired
    Version 1.6.2 - 3/23/11 - jascotty2

    • stock option - items can have a finite amount
      • selling to the shop increases the stock, buying decreases
      • can have a minimum update interval: time before will reset stock to initial amounts
      • maximum stock: most will hold
      • noOverStock: will not allow selling if item stock is full
    • note on stock: does not track each item's damage values (if tools)
      • (selling a damaged good allows 1 intact to be bought)
    • /shop restock (permission BetterShop.admin.restock) to update how much stock the shop has
    • permission node BetterShop.admin.backup added for backing up the pricelist
    • added Help plugin integration: will automatically register commands with help
    • added some more MySQL db connection reconnect points (autoReconnect=true not working is becomming irritating)
    • more checking for iConomy account editing failures (i've had more problems with it)
    • fixed a format error if using a replacement char in listing (like <l.>)
    • retructured sellall inventory editing
    • # passed 7500 lines of code! (430KB)
    Version - 3/21/11 - jascotty2

    • (hopefully) fixed MySQL region formatting errors (such as europe where the decimal is a comma)
    • addto/updated help menu
    • added [command] to help: lookup a specific command (also accepts aliases)
    • fixed flatfile total transactions log
    • shop ver[sion] also shows if the plugin is up-to-date
    Version - 3/20/11 - jascotty2

    • default color for items
    • plural-insensitive items: if not found, will check if plural & remove "s"
    • fixed transaction log insert missing the price
    • was having problems reading bit from php, so shanged SOLD column from bit to tinyint
      • alter table BetterShopMarketActivity change column SOLD SOLD TINYINT;
    • finished flatfile support for transaction logging
    Version - 3/20/11 - jascotty2

    • runs MySQL connection check before executing database queries, and manually attempts reload if not connected
      • (still trying to iron out MySQL connection bugs, but this should end those errors)
    • removed list debugging lines i forgot to remove earlier
    Version - 3/19/11 - jascotty2

    • removed double negative add check.. can add an item for -1, -1
    • fixed some Item errors: color and .equals(ItemStack).. fixes itemdb colors and sellall
    • fixed page numbering for when there are hidden items
    • fixed sell for 0: a <= instead of < .. thought i'd fixed that, but apparently not all of those.
    Version 1.6.1 - 3/19/11 - jascotty2

    • update check is optional (in config)
    • /shop backup to save pricelist to a backup csv file
    • updates itemsdb on shopload, in case the admin wanted to update colors/kits and such
    • added price column in marketHistory table
      • upgrading from older version?
      • ALTER TABLE BetterShopMarketActivity ADD COLUMN PRICE DECIMAL(11,2);
    • added flatfile support for transaction logging (uses csv)
    • removed pricelist save file on close (is already saved on edit)
    • if an item is marked as no buy, no sell, don't show on shoplist
    • itemsdb names can be saved (and outputted) with title formatting (eg RedstoneTorch)
    • - included itemsdb also expanded & names formatted
    • case-insensitive item matching
    Version 1.6.1 alpha - 3/18/11 - jascotty2

    • Checks git to see if there is a newer version avaliable
    • fixed price = 0 to be free
    • fixed null in sellall if selling all sellable
    Version 1.6.0f - 3/18/11 - jascotty2

    • better error check for config & importing old yml pricelist
    • MySQL pricelist can be cached for a given timespan (decreases table selects)
    • fixed sell bug (selling one would credit for amount in the first stack)
    Version 1.6.0e - 3/17/11 - jascotty2

    • fixed a removal error - there was a typecast exception previously
    Version 1.6.0d - 3/17/11 - jascotty2

    • if the old PriceList.yml file exists, will import into whatever db is enabled, then rename the file
    • fixed public message bug - would send broadcast (num_players-1) times
    Version 1.6.0c (?) - 3/17/11 - jascotty2

    • added more options: allowbuyillegal, usemaxstack, buybacktools
    • fixed buystack history
    • major buystack logic error repaired - previously didn't work correctly
    • buystack can now be given multiple items, or number of stacks: "/buystack wool 5" or "/buystack wool blackdye reddye"
    • damaged tools can now be resold for an adjusted value of sellprice*(1-(damage/maxdamage))
    Version 1.6.0b (?) - 3/16/11 - jascotty2

    • fixed a minor buy error if tried to buy more than they can hold, and could hold 0 more
    • major MySQL problem fixed - pricelist table wasn't being created
    Version 1.6.0 - 3/16/11 - jascotty2

    • major code restructure & reorganization
    • changed item db to a more descriptive yml file
      • can define what items make an item (for calculated/dynamic costs)
      • can change what color it will be outputted as in the listing
      • define kits (sold.. store won't buy them)
    • MySQL buy & sell fields increased to decimal(11,2), and cap in program set to 999,999,999
    • shoplist can now optionally not show listing tail (or head, but recommended to leave <page> of <pages>)
    • removed value check - can now "sell" items that sell for 0
    • added /shop command alias - for if a user is more used to "/shop help" than "/shophelp"
    • many commands have sub-aliases.. eg. shoplist kits will run shoplistkits
    • now does pre-check for if user can hold as much as they're trying to buy
      • and "all" to try to buy as many as they can hold
    • items can be marked as illegal, and can only be purchased by a select few (using permissions)
      • also not shown to users who cannot buy them, except with pricecheck
    • option in config to make transactions publicly broadcasted
    • option in config to have a custom sort order
    • shopsellall can be given multiple items (/sell all cobble gravel flint dirt)
    • now shows what items were sold when using shopsellall
    • fixed bug where single sell parameter would == sell [item] all
    • all, full, -1 added as a pricelist pagenumber: will print the full list (intended for console use)
    • marketactivity table truncate logic repaired..
    • marketactivity MySQL table changed with primary key(DATE, USER, ID) (instead of DATE, USER) to resolve conflicts with sellall
    • items can be marked as 'legal: false', and only those with permissions can buy them (can still sell)
    • if encounters errors while editing a player's account, will attempt to reload iConomy
    • sellall can be given "inv" as first parameter to only sell from inventory (not in quick access slots)
    • shopcheck given partial name matching: "/shopcheck wool" (not "shopcheck 35") will show all colored wool prices :)
    • fixed sellall bug when an item not for sale
    • /shopbuystack (buystack): buy a stack of an item (usually 64)
    • /shopbuyagain (buyagain,sba): repeat last buy action
    • /shopsellagain (sellagain,ssa): repeat last sell action
    • /shopkits (skits): show a listing of avalliable kits (will be elaborated later)
    • can now buy kits :)
    • /add now has sell as an optional parameter.. will set to -1 if not given (or if is a kit)
    Version 1.5.9b - 3/11/11 - jascotty2

    • width outputting in minecraft chat (for /shoplist): now can have item (or listing) right-align, left-align, or centered
    • implemented transaction log and total transactions record
    • no longer dependent on permissions: if missing, ops have .admin.* & everyone has .user.*
    • bugs: MySQL buy & sell is decimal(6,2), limiting price to 9,999 (plus a nondescriptive error)
      • to fix (db minecraft, table BetterShop):
      • alter table minecraft.BetterShop change column buy buy decimal(11,2);
      • alter table minecraft.BetterShop change column sell sell decimal(11,2);
    • unknown error: MySQL connection seems to get dropped & won't connect until restart plugin
      • seems to stem from iConomy (v4.4 (Arcadia)) or v0.2 [Coelho].. i only have 4.4, but .2 is being logged
      • shopload should fix this, but iconomy will still be down.. if you have a plugin like hotswap, reload iConomy
    • not a bug, but forgot to remove: debug output of select statements being executed
    Version 1.5.8(?) - 3/10/11 - jascotty2

    • fixed a sell error for one parameter
    • major-ish code restructure - removed data redundancy
    • / shopsell all [item] (alias to /shopsell [item] all)
    Version 1.5.7(?) - 3/10/11 - jascotty2

    • / shopsell [item] all added: sell all of an item that you have
    • fixed total sell value min to .01 instead of 1 (if your server uses low prices)
      • before this fix, one could get around this check by trying to sell alot of an item
    • now automatically downloads mysql dependency (zip from mysql mirror & unzip or from iConomy mirror)
    Version 1.5.5(?) - 3/9/11 - jascotty2

    • Pricelist can now be in a MySQL database
    Version 1.5.4 - 3/2/11

    Fixed some lingering bugs with lologarithm's help.

    Version 1.5.3
    Fixed sell 0 < sellprice < 1 bug.

    Version 1.5.2
    Now it'll convert your old pricelist.yml to the new 1.5.x format automagically!

    Version 1.5.1
    Fixed the bug where setting a price to -1 didn't disable it
    Fixed the "LOLWTFDOESN'TWORK" bug.
    Made price-list listing configurable in config.yml. The way it was 'sposta be.

    (older versions not shown..)

  2. Offline


    how about my question?
    everyone use "Coin" like money value?
    I can't change it, even in iConomy 4.6 it is not more "Coin" but, for example "Dolar"
    when I type /money I get the message "You have 30 Dollars", but when I buy/sell something I get the message "...for the cost xx Coin, of total yy Coin.." any help? thanks.
  3. Offline


    Im not at my personal computer at the momment, but make sure there isnt an potential value in the config folder asking to use IConomy values.
  4. Offline


    Video or some pictures please?

    Go into the iConomy.yml file and change the tags.
    It's simple enough once you open up the .yml file.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  5. Offline


    How's the update to the newest iconomy build going any ideas as to when it might be out?
  6. Offline


    sorry i hadn't released yet.. was trying to get caught up in a class before the end of the semester & didn't want to release this untested
    not as tried as i'd liked it to have been, but here it is:

    hopefully fixed an update restart error
    wolves fixed for mc 1.5
    fixed saving errors when directory removed
    currency naming fixed - (old api must've been using the wrong return values.. i still recommend using <buycur> and <sellcur>)
    updated for iConomy 1.5, compatibility with 1.4 retained :D
    fixed sign creation if sign is colored (eg. if dat file was accidentally deleted)
  7. Offline


    When did you think you done testing, and the new version is ready to rel.???

    Btw.. Thanks for a good plugin :)
  8. Offline


    when i post a version update here, i first update the download on git, so yes, it's available :)
  9. Offline


    Installed the latest. Never used it before, but first thing I noticed was that it will allow negative balances. Is this a bug, or did I miss a config setting?

    I think it might also not be crediting money properly for sold items as well.

    (Latest iConomy)
  10. Offline


    works perfect with iconomy 5.0 and bb 767 (newest version of bettershop) just wanted to say ty for keeping this up I have used this since day 1.
  11. Offline


    Does this work with Essentials Economy?
  12. Offline


    fixed iConomy debit/credit low-balance bug

    sorry about that.. that's the sort of bug i was trying to find if they existed before i released :oops:

    Essentials economy support added :D

    ... not sure how to extract the currency names from the plugin.. i think i'll have to read the config directly...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  13. Offline


    Yay! Thanks! Now i can use this awesome plugin!
  14. import com.earth2me.essentials.api.Economy;

    All the functions you need are in there :) if you need help, come into our irc chan
  15. Offline


    Is there any way we can add negative data value in itemsdb.yml? I get some saplings that have -1 for a data value and i can't sell them...
  16. Offline


    CB 766, Bettershop, iConomy 5, Essentials 2.2.8.

    I have tried removing the previous folders/configs but we are getting this error even with the defaults:

    11:30:59 [INFO] [BetterShop] Attached to Essentials
    11:30:59 [SEVERE] [BetterShop] Error Extracting Currency Name
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0
            at java.util.LinkedList.entry(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.LinkedList.get(Unknown Source)
            at com.iConomy.util.Misc.formatted(Misc.java:107)
            at com.iConomy.iConomy.format(iConomy.java:427)
            at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BSConfig.setCurrency(BSConfig.java:620)
            at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BetterShop$PluginListener.onPluginEnable
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$37.execute(JavaPluginLoader.j
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:131)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:109)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:218)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:205)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:145)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:260)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:394)
  17. Offline


    Ok seems to be some error with the auto-check and auto-update part of, which was driving me INSANE earlier because it is causing errors with 80% of my other plugins too, however after trying every possible combination or version conflicts and whatnot, and adding each plugin one at a time, i identified BetterShop as the cause.

    Heres what its doing (v1.6.5.6) - it starts fine, seems to think there is a newer version at git, downloads and installs it, disables plugin, restarts server, enables plugin, seems to think there is a newer version at git, downloads and installs it, disables plugin, restarts server, enables plugin, seems to think...

    For ever. The problem obviously is that it restarts the server constantly and NO other plugins are too happy about that situation. They are all very distraught when they are installed alongside BShop

    CB: 766
    BShop: - from latest link
    Java: 1.6_25
    Console (with only BShop installed, with the other plugins the errors spam is too huge to even get it all on clipboard, and its relentless):
    Show Spoiler
    146 recipes
    16 achievements
    17:06:28 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.5_02
    17:06:28 [INFO] Loading properties
    17:06:28 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    17:06:28 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-729-
    g5ee3f0f-b766jnks (MC: 1.5_02)
    17:06:28 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    17:06:28 [INFO] Preparing start region
    17:06:29 [INFO] Loading BetterShop version ...
    17:06:31 [INFO] [BetterShop] Newer BetterShop version found on git (Thu May 12 0
    3:00:19 BST 2011)
    17:06:31 [INFO] [BetterShop] Downloading & Installing Update
    17:06:32 [INFO] [BetterShop] Update Downloaded: Restarting Server..
    17:06:32 [INFO] Done (0.376s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    17:06:32 [INFO] BetterShop now unloaded
    17:06:32 [INFO] Loading BetterShop version ...
    17:06:34 [INFO] [BetterShop] Newer BetterShop version found on git (Thu May 12 0
    3:00:19 BST 2011)
    17:06:34 [INFO] [BetterShop] Downloading & Installing Update
    17:06:35 [INFO] [BetterShop] Update Downloaded: Restarting Server..
    17:06:35 [INFO] BetterShop now unloaded
    17:06:35 [INFO] Loading BetterShop version ...
    17:06:36 [INFO] [BetterShop] Newer BetterShop version found on git (Thu May 12 0
    3:00:19 BST 2011)
    17:06:36 [INFO] [BetterShop] Downloading & Installing Update
    17:06:37 [INFO] [BetterShop] Update Downloaded: Restarting Server..
    17:06:38 [INFO] BetterShop now unloaded
    17:06:38 [INFO] Loading BetterShop version ...
    17:06:39 [INFO] [BetterShop] Newer BetterShop version found on git (Thu May 12 0
    3:00:19 BST 2011)
    17:06:39 [INFO] [BetterShop] Downloading & Installing Update
    17:06:40 [INFO] [BetterShop] Update Downloaded: Restarting Server..
    17:06:40 [INFO] BetterShop now unloaded
    17:06:41 [INFO] Loading BetterShop version ...

    Problem: Server will not finish starting with BShop auto-update activated, all other plugins get very very upset. Very.

    Obviously it is not affecting me because I simply turned auto-check and auto-update off and it worked, but I thought you should know theres something dodgy gan on there.

    On the other side of the spoon, thanks for making it work with iConomy 5.0 and major,minor currency values and whatnot :)
  18. Offline


    Can you add permission nodes for buying and selling and not have them be the same node?
  19. Offline

    Brandon Egnell

    ok i get the same error as saticfactory, but should i be worried. Or is it nothing?

    Show Spoiler

    146 recipes
    16 achievements
    19:17:52 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.5_02
    19:17:52 [INFO] Loading properties
    19:17:52 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    19:17:52 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-706-
    gf53e007-b740jnks (MC: 1.5_02)

    19:18:01 [INFO] [BetterShop] Attached to Essentials
    19:18:01 [SEVERE] [BetterShop] Error Extracting Currency Name
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0
    at java.util.LinkedList.entry(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.LinkedList.get(Unknown Source)
    at com.iConomy.util.Misc.formatted(Misc.java:107)
    at com.iConomy.iConomy.format(iConomy.java:427)
    at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BSConfig.setCurrency(BSConfig.java:620)
    at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BetterShop$PluginListener.onPluginEnable
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$34.execute(JavaPluginLoader.j
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:116)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:94)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:217)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:204)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:144)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:259)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:394)
  20. Offline


    @staticfactory @Brandon Egnell

    not a serious error.. i believe it's happening when essentials is loaded before iconomy is done loading (may have to throw in another check)
    the currency name should still be extracted correctly once iConomy finishes loading

    thanks for reporting that... i've not been able to reproduce that error yet :(
    i'll be adding another check soon that (should) completely stop those pesky errors
  21. Offline

    Brandon Egnell

    thank you. quick question. how do i setup price?
  22. Offline


    2011-05-13 17:31:21 [SEVERE] [BetterShop] Error Extracting Currency Name
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0
        at java.util.LinkedList.entry(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.LinkedList.get(Unknown Source)
        at com.iConomy.util.Misc.formatted(Misc.java:107)
        at com.iConomy.iConomy.format(iConomy.java:427)
        at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BSConfig.setCurrency(BSConfig.java:620)
        at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BetterShop$PluginListener.onPluginEnable(BetterShop.java:108)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$37.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:452)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:59)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:289)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:677)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:249)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:131)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:109)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(CraftServer.java:336)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap$ReloadCommand.execute(SimpleCommandMap.java:201)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:85)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:270)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:396)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:381)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:287)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:394)
    And also after doing the /shop restore BetterShop command:
    2011-05-13 17:31:21 [SEVERE] [BetterShop] Error Extracting Currency Name
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0
        at java.util.LinkedList.entry(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.LinkedList.get(Unknown Source)
        at com.iConomy.util.Misc.formatted(Misc.java:107)
        at com.iConomy.iConomy.format(iConomy.java:427)
        at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BSConfig.setCurrency(BSConfig.java:620)
        at com.nhksos.jjfs85.BetterShop.BetterShop$PluginListener.onPluginEnable(BetterShop.java:108)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$37.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:452)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:59)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:289)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:677)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:249)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:131)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:109)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(CraftServer.java:336)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap$ReloadCommand.execute(SimpleCommandMap.java:201)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:85)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:270)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:396)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:381)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:287)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:394)
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  23. Offline


    Hello you Nice Mod Maker :D

    I have downlaoded your Mod and i start my Server and i`m this error BetterShop is mising IConomy how to download?
  24. Offline


    Right here in the forums, top right of your screen if you scroll wayyyyyyyyy up, you will see "Get Plugins". I'm willing to bet it might be in that area somewhere... :cool:
  25. Offline


    I asked this a few comments up and was ignored.

    Are you guys going to add permission nodes for buying and selling or can you?
  26. Offline


    Just a guess... maybe it was ignored because it's already documented... read the readme.. original post... the link is in CAPS... Then, you can do a search, or you can scroll down to line 118 or so... Unless I totally misunderstood your question??
  27. Offline


    I didn't see the little * as my computer moniter is terrible.

    Sorry to be a nuisance x.x
  28. Offline


    Where is the download link for this?
  29. Offline


    In the original post...
  30. Offline


    Patiently waiting for this GREAT plugin to be updated to iConomy 5!!!!!!!

    I'll hold off until it's updated!!!!!!
  31. Offline


    Patiently waiting for people to actually read the forums before posting!!!!!!


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