[INACTIVE][DEV] Persistence v0.76 - Data-Driven Bukkit [677]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NathanWolf, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Persistence - Data-Driven Bukkit

    Persistence is a developer API and framework- NOT a game or admin plugin.

    If you've come here looking for plugin/admin support for Spells, Wand, NetherGate or any other plugin that uses Persistence- please turn around and go back to that thread. Thank you for your cooperation!

    If you're a dev, then check the Persistence wiki for information on using the Persistence framework.

    View changelog on github
    Duccis likes this.
  2. Offline


    Well... the problem is me. Grab an older Persistence, from this link, and you should be good. Sorry about that!
  3. Offline


    No problem, thanks for the continued support!
  4. Offline


    Any idea about Location class?

    EDIT: Looks like I'm doing something wrong.

    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.Jail.getPrisoners(Ja
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.Jail$1.actionPerform
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(Unknown
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at javax.swing.Timer$DoPostEvent.run(Unknown Sou
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unkno
    wn Source)
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Sou
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForF
    ilters(Unknown Source)
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFil
    ter(Unknown Source)
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHie
    rarchy(Unknown Source)
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unkno
    wn Source)
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unkno
    wn Source)
    2011-02-24 10:16:48 [SEVERE]    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Sour
    package com.matejdro.bukkit.jail;
    import com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.persistence.annotation.PersistClass;
    import com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.persistence.annotation.PersistField;
    @PersistClass(name = "prisoner", schema = "jail") 
    public class JailPrisoner {
    	private String name;
    	private int remaintime;
    	private JailZone jail;
    	private Boolean offline;
    	private String transferDest = "";
    	private Boolean releasing = false;
    	public JailPrisoner()
    		offline = false;
    		transferDest = "";
    		releasing = false;
    	public JailPrisoner(String Name, int Remaintime, String Jail, Boolean Offline, String TransferDest)
    		name = Name.toLowerCase();
    		remaintime = Remaintime;
    		offline = Offline;
    		transferDest = TransferDest;
    	public String getName()
    		return name;
    	public void setName(String input)
    		name = input;
    	public int getRemainingTime()
    		return remaintime;
    	public void setRemainingTime(int input)
    		remaintime = input;
    	public JailZone getJail()
    		return jail;
    	public void setJail(String jailname)
    		jail = Jail.getJail(jailname);
    	public void setJail(JailZone input)
    		jail = input;
    	public Boolean getOfflinePending()
    		return offline;
    	public void setOfflinePending(Boolean input)
    		offline = input;
    	public String getTransferDestination()
    		return transferDest;
    	public void setTransferDestination(String input)
    		transferDest = input;
    	public Boolean isBeingReleased()
    		return releasing;
    	public void SetBeingReleased(Boolean input)
    		releasing = input;
    	public String getBackupString()
    		String bs = "";
    		bs+= "name=" + name + ";";
    		bs+= "remaintime=" + String.valueOf(remaintime) + ";";
    		bs+= "jail=" + String.valueOf(jail.getName()) + ";";
    		bs+= "offline=" + String.valueOf(offline) + ";";
    		bs+= "transferDest=" + String.valueOf(transferDest);
    		return bs;
    Object[] prisoners = getPrisoners().toArray();
    	public static List<JailPrisoner> getPrisoners()
    		List<JailPrisoner> prisoners = null;
    		persistence.getAll(prisoners, JailPrisoner.class);
    		return prisoners;
  5. Offline


    Well, that gets tricky then- maybe try 047 of Persistence? I keep all the old versions here:


    Unfortunately, LocationData was added in a fairly late version- just before this refactor. So there maybe only be like one or two specific versions of Persistence that get you what you want- if it wasn't 0.46 maybe try 47 or 48- or just wait for WinSock to update :D
  6. Offline


    Installed 047 and got this:

    2011-02-24 17:39:21 [SEVERE] Could not load plugins\Jail.jar in plugins: null
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.j
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:53)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:179)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.c(MinecraftServer.java:166)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:118)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:217)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:512)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/elmakers/mine/bukkit/persistence/
            at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
            at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.j
            ... 8 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.persistenc
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            ... 11 more
  7. Offline


    Wait, now I'm confused... are you trying to use ProtectedDoors, or your own Jail plugin? I think I've seen errors from both, but maybe I'm mixing up two different issues from different people here? Sorry, if so.

    Otherwise, unfortunately, until PD updates there may not be a common version of Persistence that works with the current version of Jail as well. Sort of how it goes- just like when CB makes a big update, though I try not to do this kind of thing often.

    This was really just to make my life easier going forward, anticipating having to maintain this as a plugin as well as (hopefully) maintain the internal bukkit.persistence engine, at least until we can get moved over there and I can deprecate this plugin. Sorry about all the hassle having to do, mainly, with classpath renames :(
  8. Offline


    My own jail plugin. I don't even know what ProtectedDoors is, so i don't have it installed. I guess you are mixing issues. So getAll is broken?

    I made workaround about Location, so it stores all values separately, so my current problem is error on getAll (posted above).
  9. Offline


    Ok, very sorry, let's back up!

    Nothing is broken- or, it should not be. I use getAll internally and in NetherGate all over the place.

    I just moved code around- so if you haven't updated your source, you should - either grab the 0.50 jar, or (better yet) grab the source tree from my git repo. I haven't had a chance to update the javadocs- but really not much has changed. If you weren't doing any internal digging, it shouldn't have affected you.

    So, now, let me actually look at your code- sorry about that :)

    First thing, I'm concerned by your use of awt and particularly timers- I don't think any of that is safe in the context of Bukkit, Persistence or otherwise. Take a look at bukkit.scheduler if you just want to schedule events, or even if you want to do some complex async stuff.

    That aside, your DAO looks fine. I really can't see anything you're doing wrong there- probably a few of those fields are getting initialized twice or maybe even thrice when loaded by Persistence, but that's really not a big deal.

    Can you please update to 0.50 and let me know what your current error is? I could also take a look at your full source, when I get a chance, if it's on github.

    Sorry for the confusion- I had you mixed up with Sc1234freak's bug report- my mistake :(
  10. Offline


    That error was from 0.50. I don't have github, but you may look at attached source.

    Attached Files:

  11. Offline


    Javadocs have been updated- check them out to see what the new classpaths look like. There is now a bukkit/craftbukkit division of code within the plugin, just like there would be if this was bukkit core- however, just like in Bukkit you should really only ever be dealing with the interfaces in the "bukkit" part of the namespace, so really not much should have changed from a practical perspective.

    The big thing, really, is that I moved where you need to call "hasPermission"- but I really don't think anybody but me was calling that, it's not really a Persistence thing anyway (hence moving it to a separate Security interface).

    0.51 is on the way- but I should be back to new features and maint releases from now on, no more breaking things.

    Mainly, I've been working on data migration, and lots of crazy edge cases I'm now starting to exercise. One thing I can say does not currently work is if you've made a custom list of some kind, and you try to persist it. Really, any Collection should be persistable- the hard part is being able to reproduce the same kind of Collection for you on load- since it is currently Persistence' responsibility to instantiate as well as populate your ArrayList.

    Beyond that, if you have an object that has a list, and you try to contain that object- this ought to work, but does not. Containment needs to "flow" better upstream, including passing any lists up in a way that the owning class can recognize.

    So, mostly stuff that I'm hoping only affects me at this point :) My feeling is that, for the most part, Persistence has been pretty stable when I stick to the more "normal" use cases- though my ultimate goal, of course, is for Persistence to handle anything anybody can throw at it (within reason).

    Thanks, I'll take a look- not sure why it would be failing now. I've got the docs updated if you want to double-check the new classpaths and such.

    Ooops - I screwed up the updload for the docs,


    Use that temp link in the meantime, or just click on "html" in the normal link :)

    Ok, on second thought, two notes:

    1. I may have moved the actual Persistence classpath- which would have broken all your code. Sorry about that, I really am- I think Eclipse hid how major of a change this was to me.
    2. I decided I liked the new docs location better- I updated all the links in the OP.

    Sorry about how messy this all may seem now- I'm hoping it's really much cleaner, and more like the way Bukkit would do it, if not the actual way it will be in Bukkit.

    0.51 Released

    Mainly a maintenance release for some new stuff I wanted to do in Gameplay, and some multi-threaded performance improvements (I'm hoping):
    • Switch to concurrent hashmaps internally, ditch all the extra ArrayLists. I also removed most of the locking, and now use it only when absolutely necessary (creating an atomic getCreate type of thing for a persisted class, for instance). I need to keep an eye on this, it was a pretty big change- but I've had it in "incubation" for a while and so far, so good.
    • Some LocationData improvements - it now generates a (hopefully) unique hash id based on a hash of the world name and the BlockVector hash. So, it's no longer necessary to contain one of these, but probably still a good idea. Having a unique id means we can put them in lists and use them as id's for other classes, though, which brings me to:
    • Allow a contained object to be used as another object's id. There was a check that disallowed this, but I think the core reasons it was disallowed are no longer valid- it seems to work now :) I'm using this in NetherGate to cache Portals by LocationData - so if I run into any issues with this, I'm sure I'll fix it soon.
    • Allow byte persistence. Didn't handle bytes before now, no particular reason why not.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2016
  12. Offline


    0.52 Released

    A quick note on Permissions support- it was dropped, somewhat accidentally, in 0.50. It's back now, but requires an extra jar as a pass-through (see Groups).

    This is a temporary situation- I removed Permissions support a bit too hastily, it seems, we're still stuck with it for a while. Once builtin permissions are here, Groups.jar will be unnecessary (and I'll remove the plugin entirely once builtin user/group management is here).

    For now, if you're using the built-in Permissions support (and I don't think anyone but me is?), you also need to provide Groups.jar.
  13. Offline


    Hi there, i am a complete noob, and i am trying to set up protected doors. Apparently i would need this plugin to use protected doors. Would i have to follow all the instructions? It looks like some of your code is for use in an actual java program. If i just wanted to get protected doors to work, what would i need to do?
  14. Offline


    No- this thread is for devs only. You just need the jar- which should be linked to from the PD page.
  15. Offline


    Hey Nathan, I'm wondering if you have a timeline for adding mysql support?
  16. Offline


    Not really- it depends mostly on Bukkit integration, and what the team decides if they end up taking/controlling persistence. I don't know how urgent it is for them, and I don't think MySql is actually their data store of choice- personally I think an initial release that supports both MySql and SqlLite makes a lot of sense.

    Implementing MySql (or any other sql db) support would probably only take me a couple of hours at most to add, so it's really just a matter of choosing the right ones to support.
  17. Offline


    Eeeh, I don't really get how to use the put and get methods. When you put an object, what does it take as its "key" or id? The name defined in @PersistClass? And when I get an object, what should the first parameter be?

    Thanks in advance.
  18. Offline


    Each class must define at one and only one id field, with a "@PersistField(id=true)" annotation.

    The first parameter to get() should then be the value id (e.g. "NathanWolf" as a string for PlayerData) - the second parameter is the class. So:

    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    PlayerData playerData = persistence.get(player.getName(), PlayerData.class);
    This is an example of something you really shouldn't do, since PlayerData is managed internally- but I hope you get the idea :)
    --- merged: Feb 27, 2011 1:51 PM ---
    Ok, I updated the OP (a lot)- I hope it's still readable, I like it more compact like this.

    I also added a link to my sample plugin, something I should've done a long time ago. Check it out if you're still confused/worried/etc by Persistence:

    View Sample Code on github
  19. Offline


    2011-02-28 21:01:34 [SEVERE] Could not load plugins\Persistence.jar in plugins: null
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:65)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:129)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:94)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:59)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:204)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:191)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:131)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:246)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    Caused by: java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
    at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
    at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:52)
    ... 8 more
  20. Offline



    Did you download a zip or something? I dunno, I haven't served up Persistence in a zip in a long time.

    I really have no idea what this error could be about, sorry- re-download and try again, please?
  21. Offline


    Redownloading it fixed it. It was a regular .jar.

    Also your plugins are awesome, you're awesome, etc
  22. Offline


    Heh- love the laziness of your praise, and I appreciate it all the more :D

    Glad a re-download fixed you up- I used to have an annoying issue where people downloading my jars with IE would get a "zip" instead (really a jar, but with a zip extension).

    I added the right mime type to my web host, and I thought that fixed the problem- so, glad it didn't keep doing it at least :)
  23. Offline


    Downloaded 0.52 and same error. It is not limited to getAll, but to any get command (i did not get to any set ones yet so i cannot say). Although there is warning at the end now, which might give some more info.

            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.getFiel
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.<init>(
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.tryCrea
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.bind(Pe
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.createPersisted
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.getPersistedCla
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.getPersistedCla
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedObject.bind(P
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.bindRef
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.createPersisted
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.getPersistedCla
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.getPersistedCla
            at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.get(Persistence
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.Jail.getPrisoner(Jail.java:312)
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.Jail.prisonerExist(Jail.java:307)
            at com.matejdro.bukkit.jail.JailPlayer.onPlayerJoin(JailPlayer.java:25)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.ja
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.a(ServerConfiguration
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(NetLoginHandler.java:87)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:68)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet1Login.a(SourceFile:46)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:230)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:34)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:87)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:338)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:253)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    2011-03-01 18:22:55 [WARNING] Persistence: Empty DataRow name
    Source is the same. Well not the same, but nothing connected to persistence have changed.
  24. Offline


    Bleh! NPE! :(

    I have an issue out to modify Persistence to throw custom exceptions- right now, it does a lot of "log and continue" type behavior when you make some sort of mistake in the DAO markup- so you'll get a (hopefully) useful error message, but it may get buried under the stack traces of all the stuff that blows up downstream.

    Anyway, this part:

    Persistence: Empty DataRow name

    Is your problem, primarly- though I'm not sure what the root cause could be. Let me take a look at your source- I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to do that yet, I'm been really slammed at work. But, offhand- double check all the getters/setters you have marked with @PersistField- make sure you've only marked up one of each pair, make sure each getter has a setter with the same name, etc.

    I'll really try to at least glance over your DAO annotations when I get a spare minute :(
  25. Offline


    Thanks. To speed you up, DAOs are JailPrisoner.java and JailZone.java

    I have found one of the causes:

    	public JailZone getJail()
    		return jail;
    	public void setJail(JailZone input)
    		jail = input;
    If i remove that part, it won't throw error.

    EDIT: can be JailZone problem? That part looks suspicious to me:

    	public double X1;
    	public double Y1;
    	public double Z1;
    	public double X2;
    	public double Y2;
    	public double Z2;
    	public double teleX;
    	public double teleY;
    	public double teleZ;
    	public double freeX;
    	public double freeY;
    	public double freeZ;
    	public String teleWorldName;
    	public String freeWorldName;
  26. Offline


    What you have there looks ok- I haven't tested marking up fields directly in a while- but it should work. I can test that out later if that seems to be the problem- are you marking up any fields in the "parent" class (Jail?), or are those all getters/setters like getJail/setJail?

    Also, what does JailZone look like, at the top? What do you have for its PersistClass annotation?

    If you have no "id" PersistField, you must also mark the class "contained=true" in PersistClass - as well as mark it "contained" when you "reference" it (you won't really be referencing anymore, in a data sense).

    Your other option is to give each JailZone an id- the easiest way is to add a Long (or long, or int, whatever) "id" field and then do @PersistField(id=true, auto=true). And then leave it alone :)

    This will tell Persistence to auto-gen an int id for your class- you have to be careful with this, though, if you continue to reference them (and not contain them)- I've done this to myself, where I let it just keep creating new ones for me, forever. I wasn't paying attention, and I suddenly had like 3000 records in what was supposed to be a 1:1 player table, that sort of thing.

    Let me know what @PersistClass looks like for both of your DAO's- I think we're getting close.
  27. Offline


    Here are quick pastebins: JailPisoner JailZone

    JailZones are created before prisoners and stored separately. getJail only returns reference of the jail, which is assigned from existing stored jails. when person got jailed. should not be stored in JailPrisoner directly.

    I probably wrote it very confusing, so let me make quick example.

    1. I make JailZone and name it "myprison". Zone is saved to the database. Jailzone uses its name as id. I jail a player. He is jailed inside "myprison", so getJail() will return"myprison". But many other players may also use that jail, so all players with same jail should point to zone i made in point 1 instead of having their zones saved.
  28. Offline


    2011-03-02 17:46:18 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.3
    2011-03-02 17:46:18 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-03-02 17:46:18 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2011-03-02 17:46:18 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-491-g3df6906-b490jnks (MC: 1.3)
    2011-03-02 17:46:18 [INFO] Preparing level "foo"
    2011-03-02 17:46:18 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loading shared objects
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] Config    [v1.57]    Loaded 12 config entries
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Native library: lib/native/Windows/x86/sqlitejdbc.dll
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] WorldGuard loaded.
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] ChatBukkit v0.0.1 is enabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] [Cleaner] version [1.7] (Hit) loaded
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] CraftBookCommon 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] CraftBookCircuits 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] CraftBookMechanisms 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] CraftBookVehicles 3.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 1.9.3 is enabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] GroupManager - Scheduled Data Saving is set for every 10 minutes!
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] GroupManager version 0.99d is enabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.5 is enabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:19 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is up to Date
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] §eLoaded Essentials build 245 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsBan build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsChat build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsEco build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsGod build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.0 is enabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsHelp build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsHome build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:20 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsProtect build 245 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] EssentialsServerlist version 245 by Vimae Development enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsSpawn build 245 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsTele build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsWarp build 245 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] JuggernautSpirit version 1.2 loaded.
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] Config    [v1.57]    Loaded 12 config entries
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -admin
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -create
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -free
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -info
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -p
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -modify
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -unlock
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loaded command: /lwc -owners
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    -> PLAYER_QUIT
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    -> ENTITY_EXPLODE
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    -> BLOCK_INTERACT
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    -> BLOCK_DAMAGED
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    -> BLOCK_BREAK
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    -> BLOCK_PLACED
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    -> REDSTONE_CHANGE
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Using Nijikokun's permissions plugin for permissions
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Loading SQLite
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] PhysDB    [v1.57]    Creating physical tables if needed
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] MemDB    [v1.57]    Creating memory tables
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] SQLite    [v1.57]    Using: Pure
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [INFO] Minecart Mania Core version 1.01a is enabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [WARNING] Persistence error getting field x for vector
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.set(PersistedField.java:100)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.load(PersistedField.java:234)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.load(PersistedClass.java:754)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.createInstance(PersistedClass.java:772)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedObject.load(PersistedObject.java:155)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.load(PersistedClass.java:754)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.createInstance(PersistedClass.java:772)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.loadCache(PersistedClass.java:692)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.loadCache(PersistedClass.java:675)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.checkLoadCache(PersistedClass.java:608)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.checkLoadCache(PersistedClass.java:595)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.getAll(PersistedClass.java:382)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.getAll(Persistence.java:100)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherManager.loadWorlds(NetherManager.java:911)
    2011-03-02 17:46:21 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherManager.initialize(NetherManager.java:229)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherGatePlugin.initialize(NetherGatePlugin.java:97)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherGatePlugin.onEnable(NetherGatePlugin.java:56)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:118)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:414)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:187)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:83)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:61)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:204)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:191)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:131)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:246)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [WARNING] Persistence error getting field y for vector
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.set(PersistedField.java:100)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.load(PersistedField.java:234)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.load(PersistedClass.java:754)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.createInstance(PersistedClass.java:772)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedObject.load(PersistedObject.java:155)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.load(PersistedClass.java:754)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.createInstance(PersistedClass.java:772)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.loadCache(PersistedClass.java:692)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.loadCache(PersistedClass.java:675)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.checkLoadCache(PersistedClass.java:608)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.checkLoadCache(PersistedClass.java:595)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.getAll(PersistedClass.java:382)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.getAll(Persistence.java:100)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherManager.loadWorlds(NetherManager.java:911)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherManager.initialize(NetherManager.java:229)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherGatePlugin.initialize(NetherGatePlugin.java:97)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherGatePlugin.onEnable(NetherGatePlugin.java:56)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:118)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:414)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:187)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:83)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:61)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:204)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:191)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:131)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:246)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [WARNING] Persistence error getting field z for vector
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.set(PersistedField.java:100)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedField.load(PersistedField.java:234)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.load(PersistedClass.java:754)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.createInstance(PersistedClass.java:772)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedObject.load(PersistedObject.java:155)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.load(PersistedClass.java:754)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.createInstance(PersistedClass.java:772)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.loadCache(PersistedClass.java:692)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.loadCache(PersistedClass.java:675)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.checkLoadCache(PersistedClass.java:608)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.checkLoadCache(PersistedClass.java:595)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.core.PersistedClass.getAll(PersistedClass.java:382)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Persistence.getAll(Persistence.java:100)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherManager.loadWorlds(NetherManager.java:911)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherManager.initialize(NetherManager.java:229)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherGatePlugin.initialize(NetherGatePlugin.java:97)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.NetherGatePlugin.onEnable(NetherGatePlugin.java:56)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:118)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:414)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:187)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:83)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:61)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:204)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:191)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:131)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:246)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] NetherGate version 0.51 is enabled
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] Persistence version 0.53 is enabled
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] ScrapBukkit version 0.2.1 is enabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] SlowHealth 2.3 enabled! Rate: 1.0s | Amount: 1
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO]  | Max: 20
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] [TELEPLUS] Permissions enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] TelePlus 1.5.5 enabled
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.0-beta6 enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldGuard: Single session is enforced.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldGuard: TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldGuard: Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldGuard: Lava fire is blocked.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldGuard: All fire spread is disabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] WorldGuard 4.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:22 [INFO] Done (0.367s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-03-02 17:46:29 [INFO] CButD: Plugin-Update-Check started
    2011-03-02 17:46:29 [INFO] No source for chatbukkit.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:29 [INFO] No source for Cleaner.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:29 [INFO] No source for CraftBook.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:29 [INFO] No source for CraftBookCircuits.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:29 [INFO] No source for CraftBookMechanisms.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:29 [INFO] No source for CraftBookVehicles.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:33 [INFO] No source for JuggernautSpirit.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:35 [INFO] No source for scrapbukkit.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:35 [INFO] No source for TelePlus.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:35 [INFO] No source for WorldEdit.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:35 [INFO] No source for WorldGuard.jar ask the Author to give me one
    2011-03-02 17:46:35 [INFO] CButD: Plugin-Update-Check finished
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] CONSOLE: Stopping the server..
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] Stopping server
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] [Cleaner] version [1.7] (Hit) disabled
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.0 is disabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] GroupManager - Scheduled Data Saving has been disabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] GroupManager version 0.99d is disabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [WARNING] EssentialsProtect Disabled, protection deactivated
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] EssentialsServerlist version 245 disabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] LWC    [v1.57]    Freeing SQLite
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.5 is disabled!
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] Goodbye world!
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] WorldGuard 4.0-alpha1 disabled.
    2011-03-02 17:46:39 [INFO] Saving chunks
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 5:50 PM ---
    help :'(
  29. Offline


    I'm getting the same shit. Any idea whats going on NathanWolf?

    2011-03-03 15:46:53 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.5] (Phoenix) was Initialized
    2011-03-03 15:46:53 [INFO] WorldGuard loaded.
    2011-03-03 15:46:53 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Cleaned out 0 records because of age
    2011-03-03 15:46:53 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Permissions enabled.
    2011-03-03 15:46:55 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BigBrother 1.6.3 enabled
    2011-03-03 15:46:55 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.0 is enabled!
    2011-03-03 15:46:55 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.5] (Phoenix)  loaded
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is up to Date
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRende
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Activated world 'TOAST' in Dynmap.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRende
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Dynmap WebServer started on null:8123
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Activated world 'nether' in Dynmap.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Activated world 'nether' in Dynmap.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] ºeLoaded Essentials build 2.0.249 maintained by Zenex
    er, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsBan build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ementa
    lo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsChat build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ement
    alo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsEco build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ementa
    lo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsGod build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ementa
    lo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsHelp build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ement
    alo, Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsHome build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ement
    alo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsProtect build 2.0.249 maintained by
    Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] EssentialsServerlist version 2.0.249 by Vimae Develop
    ment enabled.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsSpawn build 2.0.249 maintained by Ze
    nexer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsTele build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ement
    alo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsWarp build 2.0.249 by Zenexer, ement
    alo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Groups: Found Permissions, using it for permissions.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Groups version 0.15 is enabled
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] [HeroChat] Permissions 2.5 found.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] [HeroChat] HeroChat version 4.1.0 enabled.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] [iConomy] v4.2 (Beatrix) loaded.
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed by: [Nijikokun, Coelho]
    2011-03-03 15:46:56 [INFO] Config      [v1.57] Loaded 13 config entries
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -admin
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -create
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -free
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -info
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -p
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -modify
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -unlock
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loaded command: /lwc -owners
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] -> PLAYER_QUIT
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] -> ENTITY_EXPLODE
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] -> BLOCK_INTERACT
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] -> BLOCK_DAMAGED
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] -> BLOCK_BREAK
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] -> BLOCK_PLACED
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] -> REDSTONE_CHANGE
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Using Nijikokun's permissions plugin for
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] LWC  [v1.57] Loading SQLite
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] PhysDB      [v1.57] Creating physical tables if need
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] MemDB        [v1.57] Creating memory tables
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] SQLite      [v1.57] Using: Native
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Minecart Mania Admin Controls version 1.0 is enabled!
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Minecart Mania Chest Control version 1.01 is enabled!
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Minecart Mania Core version 1.01a is enabled!
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Minecart Mania Sign Commands version 1.01 is enabled!
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Minecart Mania Station version 1.01a is enabled!
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [WARNING] Persistence error getting field x for vector
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(
    Native Method)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(U
    nknown Source)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invo
    ke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Sourc
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enabl
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enableP
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(Mine
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [WARNING] Persistence error getting field y for vector
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(
    Native Method)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(U
    nknown Source)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invo
    ke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Sourc
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enabl
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enableP
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(Mine
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [WARNING] Persistence error getting field z for vector
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(
    Native Method)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(U
    nknown Source)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invo
    ke(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Sourc
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.cor
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.craftbukkit.persistence.Per
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at com.elmakers.mine.bukkit.plugins.nether.Nethe
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enabl
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enableP
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(Minecr
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(Mine
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] NetherGate version 0.51 is enabled
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Persistence version 0.53 is enabled
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] [RealShop] Uses built-in RealEconomy (/mny commands)
    as economy system
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] [RealShop] version [0.35] (Tickleman) loaded
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Tombstone v.1.03 is enabled.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] [Tombstone] Loaded Permissions v2.5 for permissions
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] [Tombstone] LWC Found, enabling chest protection.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] [Towny] Database: [Load] flatfile [Save] flatfile
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] [Towny] Using: Permissions, iConomy, Essentials
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] [Towny] Version: 0.46 - Mod Enabled
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] TreeHugger is enabled!
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Vanish 1.5 loaded.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.0-beta8 enabled.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permiss
    ions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permis
    sions plugin for permissions.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldGuard: Single session is enforced.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldGuard: TNT ignition is blocked.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldGuard: Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldGuard: Lava fire is blocked.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldGuard: Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] WorldGuard 4.0-alpha1 enabled.
    2011-03-03 15:46:57 [INFO] Done (5457132240ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  30. Offline


    Yes, it's benign- I thought I explained it, but maybe that was in one of my other threads... anyway it's certainly not a "major bug", just some console prints (yes, about something going wrong...). It's fixed in the latest version, when I release 0.53 those will go away.
  31. Offline


    @NathanWolf any thoughts about my problem? Sorry to bug you so much, but Persistence is only thing now that keeps me from updating my plugin.

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