in search for a plugin like Hypixels Watchdog plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Voxxx_, Nov 5, 2023.

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    Im looking for a plugin for a minecraft 1.20.1 server like the infamous Hypixel Watchdog. it needs to include everything an Anticheat would usually (prefferably like Vulcan) and include an easy to use GUI that allows you to set custom ban lengths and reasons, also allowing to be silent or public.

    thanks so much
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Voxxx_ Please don't point to other servers to explain what you want.
    Something like this is a huge plugin, least you can do is explain everything you want
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    pretty much what i want in the plugin is an in-build simple to use punishment GUI that allows custom ban lengths and silent or public punishments, an anticheat, an alt checker, Vanish, and in in-built troll plugin (for the fun of it)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Seems like you can do the same by selecting different plugins and combining them, doesn't need to be a single plugin.
    And else at least follow the read me first
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    apologies, i'll have a browse at them :D

    i realise i can use many plugins, though i'd rather combine them into a single plugin to make things easier
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Single plugin only makes it easier to install, for the developer it is often a big challenge.
    And if a single part breaks the entire plugin might break.
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    I really recommend using multiple plugins. There is not a dev out there that will spend hundreds if not thousands of hours recreating it and then giving it out for free. I have used multiple ones together and if one is not supported in the next version I can replace it rather than having to find a brand new plugin or wait for a dev to fix the problem.
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