In game voice chat

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by kmccmk9, Jun 8, 2011.

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    Hello, I was wondering if there is anyway to have in game voice chat.
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    Yeah use Skype, currently bukkit or minecraft does not support in game talking and never will i think. Skype is free so heck why not
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    Ya that's what I have been using as well, thanks!
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    I just use a mumble server.
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    ya use mumble/ventrilo/teamspeak
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    Maybe you can do it now using Spout! Just post something at the Plugin Requests on the forum.
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    Technically a Spoutcraft client addon could be made that basically implements a voice client using Java and you could have some sort of server backend. Having the standalone server would probably be best for the backend.
    gameswereus likes this.
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