Hello, I am in search of a plugin where a player can upgrade to a rank on the server by paying X amount of money in game. What I want is a /upgrade command with custom ranks EX: /upgrade diamond Also, if the user has already bought that rank, or has a higher rank than what they are buying, give a message "you already have that rank" Is there a plugin out there that I am missing or is there one that can be developed? Thanks! TekeDome
there is rankmeup but it you have to use iconomy with it and vault as well it works except for that it doesn't remove the previous group that the player had so yah.
You can use my plugin to do what you want except the command is /rankup. You can change that by adding an alias in the plugin.yml Here is the page with all of the information on the plugin -> http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ezrankslite/ Here is the latest version with scoreboard support -> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107766491/EZRanksLite.jar