Implementing my queue methods into a boolean

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by grasshopperMatt123, Mar 23, 2014.

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  1. Is it possible someone could implement this into 2 commands, 1 that starts a game, when it starts it teleportes to people and the other one to join the queue

    public static List<String>queue = new ArrayList<>();

    public static void addToQueue(String s){ queue.add(s); }
    public void removeFromQueue(String s){ queue.remove(s); }

    public static String getNextInQueue(){ return queue.get( 0 ); }
    public static String getNextNextInQueue(){ return queue.get(1); }
  2. Offline


    "someone": you're talking about yourself, right?

    And about your question. What's stopping you from creating a CommandExecutor and parsing both commands? It's all written in the very basic Bukkit Plugin Tutorial, something ANY Bukkit developer should read.
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