I'm new here...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by killgoblen, Mar 10, 2011.

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    Hi everyone! Back in the days of alpha and hMod, when bukkit was just a thing to put water and lava in, I had a private server. Then beta hit, and along with it came the infamous "disconnect.overflow" error, so I abandoned the server.

    Now, I'm back, but I have no idea what this wonderful bukkit or craftbukkit is.
    Well, I have some idea, I read the wiki and faq, but still...

    So, I have some questions:
    -What are some plugins you would recommend? (And what is that "permissions" thing everyone uses in their plugins?)
    -Is there a plugin that will send all chat in-game to an IRC channel and vice-versa?
    -Uhhhh... Ok, when I thought about this, I had some more questions, but now I'm drawing a blank...

    Anything else you think I should know? I usually run my server with 3-4 people, but I plan to expand it a little in the future.

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    if you trust everyone, skip permissions.. it simplifies A LOT
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    Thanks, but I forgot to mention in the OP that I planned to expand my server a bit.

    Can I get a link to the version that most people use?
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