IllegalArgumentException in BlockState.setData()

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jim Finnis, Oct 5, 2013.

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    Jim Finnis

    I'm trying to remove deprecated calls to Block.setData(byte d), and I've come across the following problem:
    1. Ladder ladder = new Ladder(Material.LADDER);
    2. ladder.setFacingDirection(BlockFace.NORTH);
    3. for (int y = ladderPos.y; y <= upper.e.miny + 1; y++) {
    4. Block b = w.getBlockAt(ladderPos.x, y, ladderPos.z);
    5. BlockState s = b.getState();
    6. s.setData(ladder);
    7. s.update();
    8. }

    gives the following exception:
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Provided data is not of type org.bukkit.material.MaterialData, found org.bukkit.material.Ladder
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_6_R2.block.CraftBlockState.setData(
        at org.pale.gorm.Building.buildVerticalExit(
        at org.pale.gorm.Building.addRoomAndBuildExitDown(
        at org.pale.gorm.Building.placeFloorAt(
    (it's a plugin which slowly builds a castle on existing terrain, while you watch, by the way).

    Surely, since Ladder implements MaterialData, that shouldn't happen... or am I misunderstanding something?

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    ladder.getData is the data, just ladder is the material
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    Jim Finnis

    But Ladder.getData() is deprecated.
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    Doesn't mean that it doesn't work. Deprecated just means that it is going to be gone soon unless otherwise specified.
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    Jim Finnis

    I know; but I'm trying to get rid of all the deprecated stuff - that's the point of the exercise, otherwise I wouldn't have used Ladder at all - I'd have just used setType/setData. So my question remains - why is it crashing, and assuming it's something I've done wrong, how do I set a block to a material with extra data (such as Ladder) without using any deprecated methods?
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