[]IDEA[] Or maybe it already exists?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Rjames426, May 11, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I just checked out my PEX file and there are hundreds of usernames that I know are either ban or do not play on my server anymore, is there a plugin, or anyway possible, to auto remove players from the database, say after a certain amount of weeks of inactivity? Just a thought I had.

    EDIT: Please post you thoughts below and let the community and Devs know if this should be implemented!
  2. As far as I know, noone has made a script for this yet. My suggestion would be to put this idea to the dev to see if they can implement this allowing entries to be removed from config files based on a list of names.
  3. Offline


    Great suggestion, just PMed the Dev!
  4. Offline


    Why? It wouldn't offer that much of a performance gain, and it could make a lot of players lose their ranks.
  5. Offline


    If a player does not log on to your server, say for one month, then his or her name will be removed from the database. Chances are if they have not been on your server for over a month they are not coming back. Also if this WAS implemented i'm sure there would be a "white-list" of names that could not be removed.

    Simplicity is key, having a config file with hundreds or even thousands of usernames. . . that's not simple (or needed)
  6. Offline


    I really like this idea. I think it would be best done if the list was instead a list of ranks that can be removed. For example, anyone with the default rank who disappears for a month probably isn't coming back.
  7. Offline


    You are saying, to have an option sort of like this. . .
    Groups.being.checked= Guest, Member
    to ensure players in your "Mod", "VIP", or "Builder" groups do not get removed. . . and anyone in the groups specified will be removed after your set period of time.

  8. Offline


    Yeah, something like that.
  9. Offline


    Seriously? There is a command within pex to do this. :D Do /pex, you can even specify the time for the users lat login.
  10. Offline


    bPermissions has a clear command. BPERMS FTW!
  11. Offline


    When I execute the command /pex users cleanup Member 30 it says "Cleaned 0 users"
  12. Offline


    idk, I have never used it.
  13. Offline


    Hmm, maybe I will try and get a hold of the Dev.
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