Idea for CB plugin beta 1.5

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by DannyDog, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I have an idea if someone can do this, its a plugin that can either toggle rain,snow or lightning or change the chance of it happening... it would be nice for like the snow maybe like a season on a server.. it starts snowing and snow starts generating.. then later it rains or the snow melts..
    that will be cool :D
    and i know bukkit isnt even updated to 1.5 but this is just an idea lol :)
  2. Offline


    can you read next time please? this thread already exists:
  3. Offline


    oo im sorry :(
  4. Offline


    Its okay
  5. Offline


    anyway there is now a mod for that only for single player tho :(... zombe mod.. oh wait.. NBT edit. the editing program for like editing your level.dat if u use it u can make the server rain and thunder storm.. but i just cant get it to stop D: lol i tried sleeping or changing the time but i cant...
    just telling u :D

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