I am 99% sure this exists. But if not, can someone please make it? Or tell me what would need to be done Whenever a player dies, lightning is cast where they are (probably/preferably not doing damage to the attacker or setting fire to the area) and a message is shown saying "Player1 is slain/killed by Player2" - Something like that. So its more of a visual effect thing, so whenever there is PvP on my server, people know who get killed where. Any help? Thanks - love you all
OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU. I love you so much. Come on my server if you want me to give you like 64 cookies. Im so happy hahahaha. ( if you want Actually, newboyhun- Is there a way to set it where it only strikes when players kill other players? (instead of it going off when people die from falling/mobs?) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
jes there is, EntityDamagebyEntityEvent(if Entity instanceof Player)if player.gethealth==0) --> lighting)
I'm sorry im really stupid - is that in the config file? How would i approach making that change? Thanks
Can't get why not working :S Sorry. And i don't have much time for testing this :S Here is the source if someone want to fix it : <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>