I need the bukkit api.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HolyRane, Jun 21, 2011.

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    I checked out the HUGE plugin tut, I love it, only problem is whenever I type anything in thats bukkit related (You'd get from importing the bukkit snapshot.jar) I don't have the option to import it. I have to manually do it, and I don't know what they are yet.

    Yes I've dl'd Eclipse, newest bukkit api
  2. Offline


    Right click on the project folder and select "Properties". Choose "Java Build Path" on the left navigation bar and click on the "Libraries" tab. Import the downloaded snapshot using "Add External Jars...".

    Picture for reference
  3. If that doesn't work I think you can drag the jar into your dependancy libraries and it should work fine.
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