I need a server with working LWC! HELP!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Kishar, Mar 6, 2011.

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    Hey guys, I've been trying all day yesterday and all of this morning to get my LWC commands to work with my server and it's not working out so well..

    If anyone has a server that has working LWC commands to protect chests please uplaod it and give me the link :) Thanks!
  2. Offline


    I do, But before I give you it what is not working? it is possible that something might have been messed up when you put it in
  3. Offline


    I don't know if I got the permissions wrong, or the LWC all wrong, when I run the server, it says that permissions loaded.. I go and try any of the lwc commands and nothing happens.
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    Did you make yourself admin in you config? and if your using permissions it might be out of date I would recommend group manager
  5. Offline


    Group manager, alright, I'll look into it. Thanks :)
    --- merged: Mar 6, 2011 4:58 PM ---
    Hey, Blank, can I have your server so I can take a look at how you set up all your plugins?
  6. Offline


    Yeah no problem, the server will be up later today. We are just putting some finishing touches on it
    I found that /lwc isn't working currently though so a good alternative in till it is updated it lockette.
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