[I][HATE][TAGS] Rifts (Beta 1.10) - A fully featured MMO plugin (UNDER REMODELING) [860]

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by OBudista, Jun 12, 2011.

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    Saul R.W

    Using the Door-Shield plugin could be as a bonus. He could make it into options to check if that plugin is installed and then have an extra line in the config file for each class you want.
    Like <Uses Shield=Yes/No>
    If no that class cant use it, if yes it can. If you don't have the mod installed nothing bad happens because you dont add that special line.
  3. Offline


    Are the links on the first page up to date?
  4. Offline


    When is the estimated release date for this plugin? It will be the core plugin of my server
  5. Offline


    @WhosDaMan basically as soon as I can. I'm a freelancer coder that has to put out some fires sometimes and those fires take precedent over Rifts or any other game-related projects.

    Been busy yesterday but today I should be able to spent some hours coding Rifts.

    I was actually just about to start:
    compgurusteve and Saul R.W like this.
  6. Offline


    Awesome! This will be great! Also the song at 2 minutes was pretty intense :p

    Oh, and what do you mean by "fires"?

    Error Report:

    19:33:29 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to Rifts
    at obu.Rifts.RPlayerListener.onPlayerMove(RPlayerListener.java:685)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$7.execute(JavaPluginLoader
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManage
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:139)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:75)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:399)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:309)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)

    EDIT1: Also, when i go through a portal, it brings me to the nether, and then when i go through again i am assuming that i came into the lightworld because i spawned from a portal that i havent seen before on unknown land. Then i go through that portal again, brings me to nether, go through portal, and brings me back to the lightworld. Is this a bug, or is it random? I have another question - when you go through a rift to invade the other world, do you appear in a rift on the other world or at their spawn?

    EDIT2: I cannot cast spells with the Mage class, i have tried using sticks, swords, sticks and swords while having armour on, i have tried casting it on mobs, players, water, air, paintings, arrows, and other things, but i still get no result. I tried every combat spell that has an effect, like Meteor or Fireball
  7. Offline


    Mages use books to cast spells.
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Going to spend the afternoon coding Rifts.

    Okay, status update people.

    Managed to finish the UI that was described a few posts above. Which means that now one can chose his/her class and buy attributes and skills with the points provided by the leveling up. The actual leveling will be one of the last stuff to implement but I'm testing everything by affecting the experience in the database.

    Next I'll handle the admin commands (should be fast since everything behind the commands is already done) and then test/finish implementing the combat against mobs. The combat against players is half a step from it as mobs also have attributes, conditions and etc like regular players.

    This all means that we're already in the final sprint for this plugin. I've already some of the combat code implemented and the experience/general config files ready and imported. It's only a matter of connecting the strings.

    Expect that alpha test version very soon.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  10. Offline


    Admin commands (/setlevel, /savechars and /setclass) are done.

    Next is skill cycling and combat.
  11. Offline


    Sounds so awesome! I really can't wait! How much of the actual plugin do you have done - like percentage wise?

    19:33:29 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to Rifts
    at obu.Rifts.RPlayerListener.onPlayerMove(RPlayerListener.java:685)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$7.execute(JavaPluginLoader
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManage
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:139)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:75)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:399)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:309)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
  12. Offline


    Skill cycling is done. Next is combat!

    @WhosDaMan, after combat, leveling and item restrictions the first release version of classes plugin should be ready, although maybe a bit of balancing before a final release will need to be done (only the config files should be changed though).

    But stuff like rifts portals, spawns, and etc will still have to be addressed. I'll fix most of the pending problems and bugs after I finish with the classes' jar but I still want to recode those functionalities, eliminating any bugs and inefficiency coding. I also want to allow faction configurations (like changing the name and number of factions available, setting permissions to factions, moving the party and spawn block functionalities to separate jars and improve their functionality.

    So back to your question. We're probably at about 85% of classes plugin and 70% overall.

    But about 80% of a playable and updated Rifts.

    As soon as I finish combat, the remaining of the code is a cakewalk, so it should pretty quick.

    I'm releasing the current version of the config files right now, so you can all play around with it and see what's possible and what's not. Please provide feedback on the existing configurations and any future ones you want. Keep in mind that item restrictions and
    skill cycling items are still not in the config files but planned to be before the classes' jar final release.


    Oh almost forgot!

    I left one thing that although is not important for testing is important on the long run. The moment attributes and skills and classes and etc change, the current player configurations may become obsolete. Imagine someone changing a class or your classes plugin, the database content would become invalid.

    I've a section of the code that checks for this eventuality but right now it isn't doing much. I wanted feedback from you guys and gals about what to do when the configurations change.

    Should I reset everything and keep the experience allowing for players to recast their attributes and skills? Should I reset only the minimum? And if yes where do you set the minimum for each of the possible changes? I wanted to know what you think should be done and if possible how do you think a configuration file, one that forks these types of adjustments, should look like.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  13. Offline


    This plugin is a lot of fun, BUT... I play with my computer illiterate familly mostly, and I tend to try to stay away from command heavy plugin. I would really like to use yours though, I like it but it require to much coaching for them to have fun with it.

    This caught my eyes : http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/dev-bukkitcontrib-alpha-0-0-7-700-928.18192/

    Would you consider supporting this, serving custom command UI to make your plugin into... a game? ;)
  14. Offline


    It can certainly be done. But not for the near future, lots of testing and cleaning up to do before any additional stuff is to be implemented.
  15. Offline


    Thanks Obu - it really cleared up my thoughts about this plugin.

    EDIT: Lengthy Post Alert!!!!!!!!! (with questions that others may have)

    - <leveloneattributes>
      <attribute name="Strength" amount="8" />
      <attribute name="Defense" amount="4" />
      <attribute name="Intelligence" amount="2" />
      <attribute name="Spirit" amount="3" />
      <attribute name="Agility" amount="4" />
      <attribute name="Dexterity" amount="8" />
    So, about those leveloneattributes, do you have them by default? And then with the other levels are they increased by a multiplier? Also are they the foundation of a class?

    Show Spoiler
    - <perlevelattributes>
      <attribute name="Strength" amount="1" />
    - <customlevelattributes>
    - <level number="10">
      <attribute name="Strength" amount="10" />
    - <leveloneconditions>
      <condition name="Inspired 1" amount="1" />
    - <customlevelconditions>
    - <level number="10">
      <condition name="Inspired 1" amount="-1" />
      <condition name="Inspired 2" amount="1" />
    - <levelonepermissions>
      <permission name=".mcmmo_fighter" />
    - <customlevelpermissions>
    - <level number="10">
      <permission name=".mcmmo_elitefighter" />     <-- I like the custom permissions**
    - <customlevelexperience>
      <level number="10" amount="10000" />

    Also what does this stuff mean, is it how much each attribute increases every level - or is it along those lines?
    Also what does the "Elite Fighter" do compared to the normal fighter?

    ((I am also assuming that the snippet up there goes under each classes config.))

    You messed up here: - <class name="Archer" symbol="PST" PST is for Priest - not Archer

    Is the newbie class for servers with a greylist?

    Inspired" amount="1" />
    "Poison" amount="1" /> Is that the damage/buff/heal over time variable? (x heart for every x amount of time)

    <block type="15" onbreak="20" onplace="0" />

    You may want an option to have it so that after you break it you can't get anymore exp from that block. E.G: Break - 20 exp - Place - Break - 20 exp - Place - etc etc
    This would be to stop exp farming by only breaking blocks in your home.

    <pvp levelmultiplier="1.5" onkill="100" />

    I get the levelmultiplier "1.5" but i do not get the onkill="100" part - or where it ties in to a level multiplier.

    <effect name="Poison" symbol="PSN" description="Damage over time">
      <ca name="HDMG" amountmultiplier="5" /> 
    I am guessing that you d0 5 times the damage when your enemy is poisoned, or is it 5 damage over x amount of time?

    - <effect name="Inspired" symbol="ISP" description="Inspired players are more effective in combat">
      <ca name="PRES" amountmultiplier="10" />
      <ca name="DODGE" amountmultiplier="10" />
      <ca name="DMG" amountmultiplier="10" />
    So, just to get this straight - it multiplies the Physical Resistance, Dodge Chance, and Damage by 10 - but where is the option for how long the buff goes on?

    - <mob name="Skeleton">
    - <levelone>
      <attribute name="Attack" amount="1" />
      <attribute name="Defense" amount="1" />
    - <perlevel>
      <attribute name="Attack" amount="1" />
      <attribute name="Defense" amount="1" />
    Im gonna simplify this and see if i get it right:

    Attack is one, Defense is one.
    Ever level they level up (when you level up) their stats increase by 1, every time.

    Maybe you can add an optional multiplier to the "perlevel" part, so you can challenge your players even more!

    Oh, BTW in the mobs config it should be "Zombie" and "Zombie Pigmen"

    In the skills config: is it finished? There are only a few skills and in the original plugin there were 20 or 30. Also you are missing the s in "Inspire Allies" I do not see a timer for how long it lasts, too (Asked earlier in the post)

    I realize that you are most likely NOT done with the config, and i am sorry to barrage you with such a long post with many questions.

    That should be it, thanks, bye.
  16. Offline


    Obu, can you make it so that when you set a players level, it automatically gives them the right amount of attribute points to spend and assigns the the points they would be awarded for their class?
  17. Offline


    Just a suggestion but is it possible to broadcast a msg when a rift appears, saying like "A rift has appeared!" or like "A rift has appeared at location". And also could you make the pvp world customizable so it doesn't have to be in a nether environment, or if you could make the pvp world regenerate/fix itself after each faction leave it, like after a match. Also if you could randomly spawn a player in a random faction world, that would be cool, to prevent an advantage cause of population.
  18. Offline

    Saul R.W

    Example on how to do a new class or edit one:
    Show Spoiler

    <class name="Defender" symbol="DEF" description="A soldier more reliant on defense than offense, great for sieges." attributesperlevel="4" skillpointsperlevel="2" ispublic="true" leveloneexperience="200" experiencelevelincrease="2" experiencelevelincreasetype="multiplier" experiencemultiplier="1" defaultclass="false">
    <attribute name="Strength" amount="4"/>
    <attribute name="Defense" amount="10"/>
    <attribute name="Intelligence" amount="4"/>
    <attribute name="Spirit" amount="5"/>
    <attribute name="Agility" amount="8"/>
    <attribute name="Dexterity" amount="3"/>
    <attribute name="Defense" amount="1"/>
    <attribute name="Agility" amount="1"/>
    <level number="10">
    <attribute name="Defense" amount="10"/>
    <attribute name="Agility" amount="5"/>
    <condition name="Inspired 1" amount="1"/>
    <level number="10">
    <condition name="Inspired 1" amount="-1"/>
    <condition name="Inspired 2" amount="1"/>
    <permission name=".mcmmo_defender"/>
    <level number="20">
    <permission name=".mcmmo_superdefender"/>
    <level number="15" amount="100000"/>

    The attributes can also be changed to whatever you want. The plugin will have a set of CORE attributes, they cant be changed. When creating your new attribute you decide what CORE attribute it uses.
    Show Spoiler

    DMG= damage
    MAXHP= how much extra hp you get per point
    HREG= Health regeneration
    PRES= physical resistance
    MREG= Mana regeneration
    MAXMP= how much extra mana you get per point
    DODGE= increases chances to dodge attacks
    HIT= increases chances to hit enemies

    I remember Obu talking about this attributes and I dont know if he forgot to add it but he also mentioned magical resistance. Maybe MRES was forgotten in the example config files or he didnt like it.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  19. Offline


    - <mob name="Skeleton">
    - <levelone>
      <attribute name="Attack" amount="1" />
      <attribute name="Defense" amount="1" />
    - <perlevel>
      <attribute name="Attack" amount="1" />
      <attribute name="Defense" amount="1" />
    How would it work? multiplier = 2. It would multiply the normal perlevel amount by 2 every level?
    Instead of a mob's stats going up by a redundant 1 0r 2, maybe you can have it so their stats multiply by 1 0r 2 - instead of adding 1 0r 2.

    Oh god...Adding new skills and classes sound HARD! I hope the config turns out with more skills :p Hopefully he just ports most of the old plugin's skills :p
  20. Offline


    Here is a small documentation on the config files:

    Core attributes:
    • DMG: (damage) affects how much damage is inflicted
    • PRES: (physical resistance) affects how much inflicted damage is reduced
    • DODGE: (dodge) affects how effective one can dodge attacks
    • HIT: (hit) affects how effective one can land attacks
    • HREG: (health regeneration) affects how fast health is regenerated
    • MREG: (mana regeneration) affects how fast mana is regenerated
    • MAXHP: (maximum health points) affects how much is the maximum HP
    • MAXMP: (maximum mana points) affects how much is the maximum MP
    • HDMG: (health damage) affects how much health damage is done per second
    • MDMG: (mana damage) affects how much mana damage is done per second
    • SPEED: (speed) 1 = freeze, 0 = able to walk

    • <attribute>:
      • [name]: name of the custom attribute
      • [symbol]: shorter name of the custom attribute
      • [description]: description of the custom attribute
      • <ca>:
        • [name]: name of the core attribute
        • [amount]: amount of this core attribute for each custom attribute points.
    • <effect>:
      • [name]: name of the custom effect
      • [symbol]: shorter name of the custom effect
      • [description]: description of the custom effect
      • <ca>:
        • [name]: name of the core attribute
        • [amountmultiplier]: amount of this core attribute for each "effect point" (set in conditions.xml) while this effect is active
    • <condition>:
      • [name]: name of the custom condition
      • [symbol]: shorter name of the custom condition
      • [description]: description of the custom condition
      • <effect>:
        • [name]: name of the custom effect to be activated while this condition is active
        • [amount]: amount of "effect points". this allows for stronger or weaker effects
    • <class>:
      • [name]: name of the custom class
      • [symbol]: shorter name of the custom class
      • [description]: description of the custom class
      • [attributesperlevel]: amount of attribute points available to be spent by the player when he levels up
      • [ispublic]: determines if this class can be used by other people than GMs (GMs can set regular players with this class)
      • [leveloneexperience]: experience needed to reach level 2
      • [skillpointsperlevel]: amount of skill points available to be spent by the player when he levels up
      • [experiencelevelincrease]: this field allows for levels to become ever more difficult to get. With a 1.5 multiplier experience and 100 xp for level 2 you get: level 3 (100*1.5=150 xp), level 4 (150*1.5=225 xp), level 5(225*1.5=337 xp), etc
      • [experiencelevelincreasetype]: this field allows for different ways of experience level requirement increases. with "multiplier" you get nextlevelxp = thislevelxp * experiencelevelincrease and with "addition" you get nextlevelxp = thislevelxp + experiencelevelincrease
      • [experiencemultiplier]: this field allows for different experience gain. with 1 players in this class will level up normally, with 2 players will level up twice as fast, with 0 players will not level up
      • [defaultclass]: class to be given to first time players. one of the classes must have this as "true"
      • <leveloneattributes>: default custom attributes given to player on level 1
        • <attribute>:
          • [name]: name of the custom attribute to be given
          • [amount]: amount of the custom attribute to be given
      • <perlevelattributes>: custom attributes to be given to a player whenever he levels up
        • <attribute>:
          • [name]: name of the custom attribute to be given
          • [amount]: amount of the custom attribute to be given
      • <customlevelattributes>: custom attributes to be given to a player when he levels up to a certain level
        • <level>:
          • [number]: level to which the player must reach to gain these attributes
          • <attribute>:
            • [name]: name of the custom attribute to be given
            • [amount]: amount of the custom attribute to be given
      • <levelonecondition>: recurrent custom conditions always active to be given to level one
        • <condition>:
          • [name]: name of the custom condition to be given
          • [amount]: amount to be given - maximum amount is 1, any other numbers will always reset to 1.
      • <customlevelconditions>: recurrent custom conditions change per level
        • <level>:
          • [number]: level to which they player must reach to gain these changes
          • <condition>:
            • [name]: name of the custom condition to be changed
            • [amount]: amount of this custom condition to be changed. Values can only be "1" and "-1". This allows for conditions to be given and taken when a player levels up
      • <levelonepermissions>: permissions given to the player when he chooses this custom class
        • <permission>:
          • [name]: text of the permission to be added
      • <customlevelpermissions>: permissions given to player when he levels up
        • <level>:
          • [number]: level to which the player must level up to get these permissions
          • <permission>:
            • [name]: text of the permission to be added
      • <customlevelexperience>: custom experience requirements per level (overrides normal level requirements)
        • <level>
          • [number]: level
          • [amount]: amount of xp to be able to reach this level
    • <skill>:
      • [name]: name of the custom skill
      • [symbol]: shorter name of the custom skill
      • [description]: description of the custom skill
      • [skillcost]: skill points needed to buy this skill
      • [activation]: what type of skill activation this skill has (ranged hit, melee hit, etc)
      • [skilltype]: says if the skill activates only once or if it continues to activate itself until it is disabled
      • [target]: determines which targets will be affected. From the person it hits to AOE damage with a certain range
      • [targetfoes]: determines if this skill affects enemies
      • [targetfriends]: determines if this skill affects friends
      • [manacost]: how much mana points does this skill activation cost
      • [healthcost]: how much health points does this skill activation cost
      • [cooldown]: how much time in seconds must a player wait after using this skill
      • [preparingtime]: how much time in seconds must a player be still before he can activate this skill.
      • <conditions>: conditions this skill adds to targets
        • <condition>:
          • [name]: name of the condition to be added
          • [time]: amount of seconds the conditions will be active
      • <requirements>: requirements to be able to own and cast the skill
        • <requirement>:
          • [target]: target of the requirement (class, level, items, etc)
          • [type]: type of the requirement (target present, target higher than value, target consume, etc)
          • [value]: value of the requirement (amount to be consumed, number to be compared on comparisons, etc)
    • <classes>: general configuration regarding classes
      • [forceclassresetonfactionchange]: either to reset the character experience or not when a player changes factions
      • [forceclassresetonclasschange]: either to reset the character experience or not when a player changes classes
    • <experience>: experience configuration
      • <blocks>: experience with blocks
        • <block>:
          • [type]: data value of the block (1 = stone, 2 = grass, etc)
          • [onbreak]: experience given/taken when a block of this type is broken
          • [onplace]: experience given/taken when a block of this type is placed
      • <pve>: experience with mob fighting
        • <entity>:
          • [type]: mob type
          • [onhit]: experience given/taken when a mob is hit
          • [onkill]: experience given/taken when a mob is killed
      • <pvp>: experience with pvp fighting
        • [onkill]: amount of experience from killing a level 1 player
        • [levelmultiplier]: level multiplier. so if you kill someone with level one you get [onkill] xp, if you kill someone with level 2 you get [onkill]*[levelmultiplier], if you kill someone with level 3 you get [onkill]*[levelmultiplier]*[levelmultiplier] and so on.
    • <mob>:
      • [name]: name of the mob to be configured
      • <levelone>: custom attributes the mob has on level one
        • <attribute>:
          • [name]: name of the custom attribute
          • [amount]: amount of the custom attribute to be added
      • <perlevel>: custom attributes the mob gains on level up
        • <attribute>:
          • [name]: name of the custom attribute to be added per level
          • [amount]: amount of the custom attribute to be added per level
    PS: I need to go right now but I'll make sure to finish and clean the documentation as soon as possible.
    Saul R.W likes this.
  21. This plugin is evolving to be an amazing plugin. I hope it will be completed in no time. If you guys want a server to play on with rifts on join mc.fusionrp.net. WE ARE IN DIRE NEED OF PLAYERS AND MODERATORS. As soon as we had changed the server from offline mode to online mode. We lost at least 40+ players. Looks like the future of minecraft is great huh? Also obu if you need a server to test stuff on you can join ours. I don't want to sound like I'm trying to advertise here but I need help and some players need a new home and I hope my server is their home.


  22. Offline


    Everyone, I completed the first draft of the documentation about the config files. I will later (when it is finished) release the formulas and etc that are used to land hits, inflict damage, etc. But for now I think you guys can already understand to a good enough degree how the plugin configuration looks, feels and will be like.

    Indeed the plugin configuration is still not completely done, and you raise a good point on the length of the skill action in terms of seconds (specially for auras and recurrent spells). I'll have to add an additional field for that propose.

    That is already done. There are some documented bugs right now but the code is there and should be fixed before the test release.

    The msg warning about the rift appearing will be implemented (already planned due to a large number of popular requests). The PvP world type will be configurable, and actually in minecraft.sweetcraft.me, I managed to change the old rifts code (before even taking over the plugin) just enough to allow for a normal pvp world. Not sure I will implement any reset/regenerate function in the pvp world though.

    Indeed I was going to implement that at first. I'm still planing on adding it, but not in this first version. I want to be able to have custom damage types first, and then be able to add damage resistance to those custom damage types. But it will require quite a few brainstormings and lots of code before it can be added.

    Well typically you won't have just one attack and one defense on level one, you would probably have like 7 attack, 5 defense, 8 spirit, etc. multiplying by two would make players unable to kill it past level 3 or 4 as the mobs would become too powerful.

    Thanks for the offer but right now I already have a test server. You will of course be able to test it in parallel with anyone who wishes to do it, since I'm going to release the test version to everyone.
  23. Offline


    @OBudista How about my last idea, randomly spawning people in the faction worlds, is that possible?
    Another thing is that won't the global spawn overide the world spawns of each faction world.
  24. Offline


    compgurusteve, Saul R.W and Aramillio like this.
  25. Offline


    Wrong tag, use [RPG].
  26. Offline


    Seems you answer everyone else's questions but no one is kind enough to answer yours. :p

    I think exactly what you've suggested is the ideal solution to config changes. Just like any mmorpg worth its salt, If patches update a class type significantly your stats / skills will be reset while maintaining your experience allowing you to learn the patch differences and make changes without having to start all over. If this is a possibility, this one feature would set your plugin even further ahead of the rest of the "rpg" plugins. I feel like you should be designing games, this plugin should be on your resume lol.

    iConomy based stat resets would be stellar as well, a number of players on my test server complain that the mobs get too hard at high lvls and, they do get pretty hard but that mostly is due to them spending their stats unwisely. Considering it takes a full day of play to only get to lvl 7 or so, it would be nice if there were another option besides reset character.
  27. Offline

    Saul R.W

    Paying for stat reset. Take it further to be specific: Attribute or Skills. Great money sink for players.
  28. Offline


    @Hex The global spawn will not override each world spawn - Each world has it's own data for it's own spawn. When i tested this plugin i would die in the dark world (i am dark faction) and respawn in the dark world. When i died in the light world, i respawned in the dark world, and so on.
  29. Offline


    Hey any more status updates?

    And can we have another percentage update? (how much you have done)
  30. Offline


    Uhm, you might wanna update your tags here.
    Also, your RB number is way off.
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