I CHALLENGE YOU to do this plugin because i can't find ANY WAYS to do it by myself.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Melcaster, Jul 9, 2023.

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    I challenge you to create a plugin (or data pack for a server) that works on top of version 1.19 (1.20.1 would be great) of the game that prevents the generation of water in the world or in the Deep Cold Ocean Biome if it is easier, because I can't do it.
    If you succeed, I'll be curious to use it for my SMP, and if you share it with me you'll earn my eternal gratitude.
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    Attached Files:

    rey_rey63 and mehboss like this.
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    Sure, I'll give it a shot and let you know if I can do it. It would be awesome to help your SMP and make you happy!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Why do it when it is already done?
    rey_rey63 likes this.
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    Yeah, you're right, Im sorry. I just got carried away :(
    DopeBrot likes this.
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