Howto getUUID() from an ItemStack in Inv. ?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by iZanax, Nov 29, 2012.

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                    player.getInventory().setItem(1, new ItemStack(2905));
    player.getInventory().getItem(1).getUUID() // <- can't
    Is it possible to get the UUID of an ItemStack?
    It will give me a lot of possibilities, but .getUUID() is not an option at the code above.
    Is there a way to make it, or is it not possible at ItemStacks?
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    Ammar Askar

    ItemStacks do not have UUIDs.
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    iZanax why do you need UUID's?
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    To add a new variable to an ItemStack.
    But as I read, ItemStacks don't got an UUID so I can't do anything with them.
    Too bad. Have to work with an other way again ; (
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