Solved How to use method onLoad()

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sebagius7110, May 16, 2014.

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    I need help, how do you use the method onLoad() to see if a plugin is installed, for example checking if an API plugin is installed. Once I get help, it will be really appreciated.

    -sebagius7110 (bukkit plugin dev)
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    If you want to add a dependency, just add
    depends: APIName
    to your plugin.yml. Alternatively, you could add soft dependency and add this code to your onEnable() (onLoad() isn't necessary):
    1. if (!Bukkit.getPlugimManager().isPluginEnabled("APIName")){ // if the API isn't present
    2. Bukkit.getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this); // disable your plugin
    3. return; // make sure the rest of the onEnable() doesn't execute
    4. }
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    Thank you, This is now solved and the topic can be locked. Again thankyou
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    Just FYI, solved threads aren't usually locked unless the OP requests it. However, setting its status to "Solved" should do the trick.
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    Ok thanks
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