Solved How to stop this?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by isleepzzz, Jan 12, 2015.

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    Hey guys!
    I made my own plugin that will send potion affects to other people when you hit them.
    Inside the onEntityDamageByEntity:
    I do:
    LivingEntity entity = (LivingEntity)event.getEntity();
    entity.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.POISON, 60, power));
    However if they are in a NON-PVP area. (WorldGuard flag has pvp on 'deny') It will still send posion to them.
    How do I fix this? I'm not sure what to do :(
  2. @isleepzzz Alter the EventHandler annotation to listen on a higher priority and to ignore cancelled events.
    Konato_K likes this.
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    I actually did nothing on my priority. Then I changed it to the "lowest" because if my event got canceled (not in PvP area) then I want it to NOT send the potion effect.
    I don't see how setting it to "highest" would fix that?
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    A higher priority means you receive the event later. Check if another plugin of a lower priority canceled it:
    //Non-PvP area
    //PvP area
    and act accordingly.
    I would go with the Monitor Event Priority for this.
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    As far as I know the OP does not want to modify the event, but listen to the outcome.
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    @Infuzion He wants to change the outcome
    if the event is not cancelled.
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    Amazing! I had to set it to the highest.
    Thank you:)
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