How to stop egg hatching without PlayerEggThrowEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by blablubbabc, Dec 20, 2012.

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    I am trying to stop the egg hatching from eggs not thrown by players but spawned via loc.getWorld().spawn(loc, Egg.class) where "loc" is a location.

    I don't want to let the egg be thrown by a player and then teleported to the position where i want it to be anymore to stop it from hatching. This is how I do it currently.
  2. Offline


    Listen for an ItemSpawnEvent, if the item is an egg, remove it?
  3. Offline


    I dont want to remove the eggs. I want to stop them from hatching.
    I made a quick try to rmove them on ProjectileHitEvent, which didn't work either..
  4. Offline


    PlayerEggThrowEvent -> event.setHatching(false);
        public void onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent event)
            if (event.getSpawnReason() == SpawnReason.EGG)
    zzienzz likes this.
  5. Offline


    Note that the last will stop all chicken eggs from hatching :3
    zzienzz likes this.
  6. Offline


    Oh whoops, I didnt even read what he wants.. :D I just read the title.
  7. Offline


    Unfortunly I can't get the Egg inside the CreatureSpawnEvent, to compare it with the eggs i wanted to disable hatching for..
  8. Offline


    Don't items have a UUID? Or is that only mobs?

    I guess if you really had to, you could manually do the event and onRightClick cancel it, project the egg with correct velocity and vectors, and ensure that the egg only disappears after it hits, so that it doesn't hatch a chicken?

    Not sure how the chickens hatch to be honest.
  9. Offline


    yes they have. but as for example the creature spawn event doesn't give me the egg a chicken spawned from, i can't compare my saved UUID/egg with the egg from the creature spawning..

    eggs also hatch chickens when they are not thrown but spawned, thats the problem. I already tried to remove the egg on projectileHitEvent, which didn't stop it from hatching..
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Cancel the CreatureSpawnEvent when its reason is an egg and spawn one yourself in ProjectileHitEvent? This way you can register the UUID in the ProjectileLauncEvent/PlayerThrowEggEvent
  12. Offline


    but if I create a new egg in the cre4ature spawn event, it will not have the same UUID i remebered from the egg spawning...
  13. Offline


    You don't create a new egg. You check if the SpawnReason was SpawnReason.EGG, and if so cancel it. Then you check in the ProjectileHitEvent if the egg was in a ArrayList<UUID>, and if so spawn a chicken. You create the ArrayList<UUID> yourself, and add UUIDs to it in the PlayerEggThrowEvent or ProjectileLaunchEvent
  14. Offline


    ahh, I get what you mean..
    This way I would have to "simulate" the chicken spawning of minecraft on my onw :/ ..
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    How about getting ProjectileHitEvent, then if getShooter() instanceof Player then allow it, else not? (only problem would be with dispensors :()
  17. Offline


    Exactly how I was suggesting it :3.
  18. Offline


    Weren't you saying using UUIDs and Lists?
  19. Offline


    Mmh you got a point there...
  20. Offline


    How would I "allow" or "deny" it inside the projectilehit event ? hmm, I will test to cancle the hit event, maybe this helps..
  21. Offline


    Cancelling the hit event should work swell :D
  22. Offline


    just tried it: I wasn't able to cancle the ProjectileHit event, as its not cancleable :(
  23. Offline



    Just a guess, may not work :p
  24. Offline


    Nope, didn't work.. :(
  25. Offline


    If you want to allow or deny it, use the method discussed before. Cancel the CreatureSpawnEvent if the reason is SpawnReason.EGG, and decide in the ProjectileHitEvent (if the projectile instanceof Egg) if you want to spawn a chicken or not
  26. Offline


    yeah if its a normal thrown egg i would have to simulate the minecraft spawning.. like aready said.. so.. its randomly 1 of 8 isn't it ?

    So I would replace the minecraft egg spawning on each server with my own, amateur spawning, if the server is running my plugin .. :(
  27. Offline


    yep, that is basically the only option if you want to stop spawning chickens from chicken eggs. Note that they can still spawn naturally ;3
  28. Offline


    I guess I will then just use the old method, letting a player throw the egg, stop the hatching inside the eggthrowevent and then teleport it to the right location and do stuff with it there...

    I don't like to take stuff out of default minecraft :/

    Hopefully this will be possible in a cleaner way in the future then ..:/
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