Question How to set up Towny prefixes?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by CanadaPlays, Jan 20, 2017.

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    I have a bit of an issue here, on our server we cant seem to get the Town tags to work (and oddly enough only when players are unopped) and it's brought us to a halt. For me, it displays my town as I told it to, but for her it simply doesn't. It adds an extra set of []'s to the group prefix, though. It also changes their name to be teal instead of the default gray I set it to be. Pictures and my towny chat config below.


      # The formats below will specify the changes made to the player chat when talking.
      # These keys can be used in other plugins that modify the chat format like iChat.
      # {worldname} - Displays the world the player is currently in.
      # {town} - Displays town name if a member of a town.
      # {townformatted} - Displays town name (if a member of a town) using
      # {towntag} - Displays the formated town tag (if a member of a town) using
      # {towntagoverride} - Displays the formated town tag (if a member of a town and present) or falls back to the full name (using
      # {nation} - Displays nation name if a member of a nation.
      # {nationformatted} - Displays nation name (if a member of a nation) using
      # {nationtag} - Displays the formated nation tag (if a member of a nation) using modify_chat.tag_format.nation.
      # {nationtagoverride} - Displays the formated nation tag (if a member of a nation and present) or falls back to the full name (using modify_chat.tag_format.nation).
      # {townytag} - Displays the formated town/nation tag as specified in modify_chat.tag_format.both.
      # {townyformatted} - Displays the formated full town/nation names as specified in modify_chat.tag_format.both.
      # {townytagoverride} - Displays the formated town/nation tag (if present) or falls back to the full names (using modify_chat.tag_format.both).
      # {title} - Towny resident Title
      # {surname} - Towny resident surname
      # {townynameprefix} - Towny name prefix taken from the townLevel/nationLevels
      # {townynamepostfix} - Towny name postfix taken from the townLevel/nationLevels.
      # {townyprefix} - Towny resident title, or townynameprefix if no title exists
      # {townypostfix} - Towny resident surname, or townynamepostfix if no surname exists
      # {townycolor} - Towny name colour for king/mayor/resident
      # {group} - Players group name pulled from your permissions plugin
      # {permprefix} - Permission group prefix
      # {permsuffix} - Permission group suffix.
      # {playername} - Default player name.
      # {modplayername} - Modified player name (use if Towny is over writing some other plugins changes).
      # {msg} - The message sent.
      # {channelTag} - Defined in the channels entry in Channels.yml
      # {msgcolour} - Defined in the channels entry in Channels.yml
      # Text colouring
      # --------------
      # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4
      # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8
      # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b
      # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f
      # Spam_time set the minimum time between messages to be flagged as spam
      spam_time: 0.5
      # If using our updated HeroicDeath.jar and craftIRC 3.1 (dev), you can
      #configure what IRC channels you want death messages relayed to.
        enabled: true
        # comma delimited list of craftIRC channel tags 'admin,blah,blah'.
        craftIRCTags: 'admin'
        # This is the format which will be used for GLOBAL chat/channels.
        # This is also the format used when you have modify_chat.enable: true, but use other plugins to handle chat.
        global: '{townformatted}{permprefix}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
        # TOWN channel types.
        town: '{townformatted}{permprefix}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
        # NATION channel types.
        nation: '{townformatted}{permprefix}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
        # DEFAULT channel types.
        default: '{townformatted}{permprefix}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          world: '&6[&f%s&f]'
          town: '&f[&3%s&f]'
          nation: '&6[&e%s&f]'
          # First %s is the nation tag, second is the town tag.
          both: '&f[&6%s&f|&3%s&f]'
        # Chat colours
        king: '&f'
        mayor: '&f'
        resident: '&f'
        # This is used for when you don't have another plugin to format chat.
        # or you want some other plugin to handle open chat, but want Towny formatting.
        # It will cause Towny to overwrite any other plugins alterations to the format.
        enable: 'true'
        # If true the chat formats will be read from below to allow per world formatting.
        # These can then be altered individually.
        per_world: 'false'
          global: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          town: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          nation: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          default: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          global: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          town: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          nation: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          default: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          global: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          town: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          nation: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
          default: '{permprefix}{townformatted}{modplayername}&f : {msg}'
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