How to relate a material to a string

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kampai, Jul 10, 2016.

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    Basically in a config I have a string named lets say ABILITY_ONE. I want to be able to call that, but instead of returning a string it'd return a material. Note, I am using a list for the string names.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
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    A list of strings? or what
    Or is ABILITY_ONE in a list with other abilities.
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    ABILITY_ONE is in a list with other abilities
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    Sorry there was a typo I edited the main thread
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    @kampai I believe Material#matchMaterial is what you need then.
    JavaDocs Info (open)

    You could also use Material#getMaterial but that wont try to format it. It has to be in uppercase and all that.
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