Solved How to put configurable option "Config.yml"

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Texgabs, Nov 17, 2015.

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    I 'm working on a plugin and this sounds when the player join the server.
    This is my code:
    Spoiler (open)
      public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e)
        if (e.getPlayer().hasPermission("mdjoinLevelup.true")) {
          for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
            p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.LEVEL_UP, 1.0F, 0.0F);

    This works fine but I need the sound configurable in the " config.yml "
    I tried this:
    SPOILER (open)
      public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e)
        if (e.getPlayer().hasPermission("mdjoinLevelup.true")) {
          for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
            p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.getConfig().getString("Sound"), 1.0F, 0.0F);
    But no work's , you can helpme please?
    Sorry for my english , not is my native language.
  2. Offline


    Use something like Sound.valueOf(getConfig().getString("Sound")); but you need to handle your errors correctly and create a backup sound incase they enter a sound that is invalid.

    Should throw a EnumConstantNotPresentException if they enter an invalid name. Also I believe the enum names are case sensitive so you should do String#toUpperCase() when checking.
  3. Offline


    Thanks, works fantastic. :D
  4. Offline


    Don't throw any exception, just handle it and either replace it with a default sound or stop the rest of the code from happening
  5. Offline


    What? Trying to get the enum with an incorrect name throws the exception... Did you not read what I said?
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    I'm aware of what it does, i thought you mean he should throw an exception manually

    My mistake
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