How to Install Bukkit (Newb-Friendly!)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TheArcher, Jan 7, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    same problem. I didn't had this before
  2. Offline


    Hm yeah. A working download link would be nice ;)

    //edit: Thanks for the update
  3. Offline


    i installed it and its working,but really what is the diference between Bukkit and hMod?
  4. Offline


    Thanks man, but your tutorial didn't had to be that well explained XD.
    Though i like the way you explained for x64 systems, to add parameter.
    Now it just stays java, we don't have to specify its location like before ("%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe").
  5. Offline


    In Linux, (if you're using ubuntu), when you go to install Java, you'll only be able to install the 64 bit version if you're using a 64bit OS (unless you've got the proper libraries installed, which is unnecessary unless you really need 32-bit apps). Likewise, you can only run 32-bit java in 32-bit linux. Therefor, to the end-user's eye, there is no difference between 64 and 32 bit, as [Ubuntu] will install the proper executable for you (if you're downloading from the software center, as most end users will do).

    Yes, getting 32-bit libraries for 64-bit linux is a pain, but I'd ask you this: "Who still needs to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit Linux?" My answer, is that I haven't needed to yet, and probably never will need to.

    My point, however, was that in Linux, you don't need to set paths. You simply put your sh script in the same folder as your executable file. Apparently you mis-interpreted the point I was trying to get across.....
  6. Offline


    Quick question (might be annoying :p), is CraftBukkit working with the latest Minecraft update?
    Followed the tutorial just now, but it's not working :)
  7. Offline


    how to add admins etc...? :)
  8. Offline


    Does CraftBukkit work? :eek:
  9. Offline


    My point is that the way you wrote it is just hilarious and didn't really show any understanding of what you were talking about short of "LOL WINDOZE DROOLS LINUX ROOLZ." You have however, in your reply showed yourself to actually have a clue, so I'll give you that. However, the fanboy attitude just gives Linux users a bad name. You might want to consider dropping the attitude, it'll make you look like less of a tool.

    I know plenty about the various Unixes and Unix-like OSes as well as other OSes being a central systems engineer at a large university, personally working with around 1000 servers ranging from two IBM z series mainframes, several HP/UX machines, a ton of Linux machines (actually, a supercomputer cluster), many FreeBSD boxes, a few AIX installs, a few Solaris machines, and a bunch of Windows machines, and they actually coexist perfectly with single sign-on everywhere because we do it right. Your point wasn't lost on me.

    Actually, there are cases where you need to run 32 bit binaries on 64 bit Linux. It's rare if you're just running Ubuntu on your desktop to make yourself feel good. It's not rare if you deal with large scale systems, sadly. The most obnoxious offender, up until recently, was actually VMWare tools, which required 32 bit compatibility libraries for the userland bits. The kernel modules naturally were 64 bit, but for some reason VMWare didn't bother with the utilities for a good while. Riddle me that.
  10. Offline


    Can anyone give me the direct link to the download? I keep pressing the "Browse" button link and it just times out.

    EDIT : Yeah is it working with today's update aswell?!
  11. Offline


    Okay, so I got it setup and running just fine with your guide (THANKS!)...however, anytime someone tries to connect, it displays this:
    lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    Any ideas?
  12. Offline


    The links work again, but how do you install it onto your CentOS VPS?
  13. Offline


    Same problem here - server.log shows "... lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream"
    Client shows "Internal exception: malformed input around byte 10" after unfinished downloading terrain.
  14. Offline


    I am looking at the CraftBukkit Git repo and it does not look like any updates have been done to the code in the last 14-15 hours. Meaning no update for new server.jar. I think this endOfStream issue is something with the new push by Notch today. We need to wait for Bukkit to updated to be compatible.
  15. Offline


    Even if, could someone tell me how I would go about installing this on a VPS?
  16. Offline


    I can't beieve I'm the only one who's asked this, but..

    On step 5, WHERE exactly am I pasting the text I copied from the path variable? Into the .bat I created? Where in the .bat? Or somewhere in the java program files folder??

    Also, the path variable I copied points to Quicktime Alternative, which I doubt has anthing to do with CraftBukkit..
  17. Offline


    I WaNT hMod Build 134 NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    for a version 1.2 minecraft beta
  18. Offline


    Then go bother the folks on Hey0's forum.
  19. Offline


    this version of bukkit is not working becouse the minecraft is in the 1.2 version, need HELP HERE
    --- merged: Jan 13, 2011 9:29 PM ---
    I went to hey0 foruns and nothing....
    Man, i think the hey0 is going to pass back
  20. Offline


    It does not say to copy from the path variable, but to paste into the variable... You need to add the java path to the path variable...
    --- merged: Jan 13, 2011 9:31 PM ---
    As it says plainly on his forums, he is done updating actually says it in about 3 different places on his forums... :rolleyes:
  21. Offline


    thnks 4 illumnate me =D
    --- merged: Jan 13, 2011 9:37 PM ---
    but and the new version of minecraft? bukkit doesnt work with 1.2 beta
  22. Offline


    FYI: This version of bukkit does NOT work on the 1.2 beta patch
  23. Offline


    when they launch the new version of bukkit?
  24. Offline


    I'd just like to say thanks for providing the compiled snapshots of Bukkit and Craftbukkit. I didn't need the instructions, but, I think they're well written and probably helping a lot of people.

    Keep it up!
  25. Offline


    Watch here for an update...
  26. Offline


    thanks man!
    --- merged: Jan 13, 2011 9:46 PM ---
    i'd like to know just 1 thing: the plugins Cuboid and LWC of Hey0's hMod will work?
  27. Offline


    You will have to use Bukkit plugins...but I am sure they will be ported, if they haven't been can check here...
  28. Offline


    I knew there was a reason I was the only one asking.. thanks. They might want to consider editing the OP to say "copy the following text into the path variable," as it's not especially clear. Thanks again!
  29. Offline


    When will Craftbukkit have Beta 1.2?
  30. Offline


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