How to detect if player entered specific WorldGuard region?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Ibas, Jul 15, 2013.

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    How to detect if player entered specific WorldGuard region? I want to run custom (my made) method if player has entered to specific region.
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    Use PlayerMoveEvent and check if the player is in the WorldGuard region, then call your method.
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    No, I don't want to use that event, because it's happening every second so server would take heavy load, is there any api I cant find this kind of method on worldguard docs..
  4. Offline


    There is no WorldGuard-API for that... Use PlayerMoveEvent yourself or use which is actually just using PlayerMoveEvent and some others to trigger the events.
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    You could use a repeating task that check every 5 seconds if a player's location is inside a WorldGaurd location.
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