How to copy/paste large areas in WE?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by whiffdog, Jun 9, 2014.

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    I have been building a decent sized city these past few months and I just now started to build taller buildings, but unfortunately the height limit in Minecraft prevents me from doing so. The world is Tunneler's Dream, but I decreased the ground level but it is still not enough.

    I was wondering if WorldEdit could make a copy of this with the -air command? I really want to paste this into a new created world that is deep, but not too deep.

    If there are any other options besides this I would really appreciate the suggestions, and the help.
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    If this is on a minecraft server, which it should be, you are able to go to the server-properties folder and you can change the max build height from there. Take note, anything you build above Y=256 might not render on most players screen.
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    Still doesn't work. Instead of 256 I changed it to 315, and it still doesn't work. I was also wondering if MCEdit could do a large paste like this and to have it not lag. Any ideas?
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    I don't understand what the problem you're having, is. You said you want to copy/paste the building into a world where the ground level is lower than the current, right? Both ways you stated would do the job fine.

    MCEdit will strain your server less as it doesn't have to do it live with animals drops, mobs and players around. I'd recommend that. There's an option in MCEdit to not select the air, but you're going to have to research that yourself.
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    whiffdog McEdit is probably your best bet. The window will appear to stop responding on you until it is done pasting though. If you dont want to worry about that, try pasting in smaller sections. It will take a long time.

    Not too sure about raising the maximum height, I've never done that before.
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