Solved How to check the length of a potion effect

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by KarimAKL, Mar 15, 2018.

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    As the title says: How do i check how long a potion effect lasts?
    EDIT: Yes, i have looking for this info and found nothing.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I tried the 'getDuration' like this:
    if (p.hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.INCREASE_DAMAGE).getDuration) {
    But i stopped trying to do it like that because that's not how i'm supposed to do it, i think.
    Then how would i do it?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KarimAKL It is a function, you need ( and ) after it.
    And you use it on an PotionEffect, you can't check the time this way.
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    I'm sorry but could you give me an example? I don't get it.
  6. All methods are written ending with parentheses. If a method accepts no parameters, it just has the parentheses with nothing inside them. I know it may be a pain to take an entire introductory class to Java just to do Bukkit coding, but I'd recommend reading or watching something about how to write and call methods, so that you're able to better know how to write exactly what you want to occur (and then the process of coding speeds up). I found a simple tutorial you might like here.

    As for that example, just write getDuration() with () at the end. If it's a field (example: "duration"), it will have no parentheses. If it's a method it will have parentheses.
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    I'm sorry, but i still don't get it.. :/
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KarimAKL Start by getting the active potioneffects and looping through them.
    In your case you should also check the type.
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    Would this work for the loop bit?
    for (PotionEffect effect : player.getActivePotionEffects())
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Not yet because i don't know how/where i should check the duration. :/
  13. @KarimAKL
    With that loop check if the potion effect.getType is equal to the one you're looking for, if so get the duration
    int dur = effect.getDuration();
    and then do what you want with the duration
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    for (PotionEffect potionEffect : player.getActivePotionEffects()) {
      int duration = potionEffect.getDuration();
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    Okay, thanks. :) Now do i do it like this?
    for (PotionEffect potionEffect : p.getActivePotionEffects()) {
      int duration = potionEffect.getDuration();
      p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.Whatever_Effect, Time, Amplifier).duration);
    EDIT: I know, i'm hopeless, sorry.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KarimAKL Why do you add something?
    Just check the duration, don't know what you want to do with it.
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    I added something because i wanna remove/add potion effects after getting the duration of the potion effect.
    What i would like to do is something like this:
    Check if the player has a certain potion effect, then if the player does have that i want to check how long it lasts for and if it's something like higher than 1 minute (> 1200) i want to remove/add potion effects
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KarimAKL You have the duration, divide it by 20, then you have the time left in seconds.
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    I know about ticks and seconds but i still don't understand what i should do about the duration.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KarimAKL You compare it to check if it is over 1 minute, as you want.
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    Compare, how? Sorry. :/
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Again, i'm sorry but i don't get it. :(
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KarimAKL if(duration/20 > secondsyouwant)
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    I just tried this and it seemed to work, thank you so much. :D
    for (PotionEffect potioneffect : p.getActivePotionEffects()) {
                    int duration = potioneffect.getDuration();
                    if (p.hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.INCREASE_DAMAGE)) {
                        if (duration/20 > 60) {
                            p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION, 600, 3));
    And i guess it would be the same for amplifier, right? Just change .getDuration() to .getAmplifier() ? :)
    Anyway, i'll change this thread to solved now.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KarimAKL It should, starts counting at 0.
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    Yeah, thanks. :)
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