Solved How to calculate armorstand arm tip location

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TerZer, Jan 4, 2019.

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    I need to get armorstands arm tip location, I guess it is possible with some kind of calculation with
    I have this code:

        public void onAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
            if(event.getDamager() instanceof Player && event.getEntity() instanceof ArmorStand) {
                //Get Shoulder Location
                ArmorStand as = (ArmorStand) event.getEntity();
                Location asl = as.getLocation();
                asl.setYaw(asl.getYaw() + 90f);
                Vector dir = asl.getDirection();
                asl.setX(asl.getX() + 5f/16f * dir.getX());
                asl.setY(asl.getY() + 22f/16f);
                asl.setZ(asl.getZ() + 5f/16f * dir.getZ());
                asl.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.VILLAGER_HAPPY, asl, 1);
                //Get Hand Location
                EulerAngle ea = as.getRightArmPose();
                Vector armDir = getDirection(ea.getY(), ea.getX());
                asl.setX(asl.getX() + 10f/16f * armDir.getX());
                asl.setY(asl.getY() + 10f/16f * armDir.getY());
                asl.setZ(asl.getZ() + 10f/16f * armDir.getZ());
                asl.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.VILLAGER_HAPPY, asl, 1);
        public Vector getDirection(Double yaw, Double pitch) {
            yaw = Math.toRadians(Math.toDegrees(yaw) + 90);
            pitch = Math.toRadians(Math.toDegrees(pitch) + 180);
            Double x = Math.sin(pitch) * Math.cos(yaw);
            Double y = Math.sin(pitch) * Math.sin(yaw);
            Double z = Math.cos(pitch);
            return new Vector(x, z, y);
    But that code did not worked, it somehow messes up with Y. If I replace x with y, then it rotates normally, but rotation sometimes goes in opposite direction. Basically direction of starting rotation then messes up.
  2. Offline


    Now I have this code, but it still not good working code

        public static Location getArmTip(ArmorStand as) {
            // Gets shoulder location
            Location asl = as.getLocation();
            asl.setYaw(asl.getYaw() + 90f);
            Vector dir = asl.getDirection();
            asl.setX(asl.getX() + 5f / 16f * dir.getX());
            asl.setY(asl.getY() + 22f / 16f);
            asl.setZ(asl.getZ() + 5f / 16f * dir.getZ());
            //asl.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.VILLAGER_HAPPY, asl, 1);
            // Get Hand Location
            EulerAngle ea = as.getRightArmPose();
            Vector armDir = getDirection(ea.getY(), ea.getX(), asl.getDirection());
            asl.setX(asl.getX() + 10f / 16f * armDir.getX());
            asl.setY(asl.getY() + 10f / 16f * armDir.getY());
            asl.setZ(asl.getZ() + 10f / 16f * armDir.getZ());
            asl.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.VILLAGER_HAPPY, asl, 1);
            return asl;
        public static Vector getDirection(Double yaw, Double pitch, Vector look) {
            yaw = Math.toRadians(Math.toDegrees(yaw) + 90);
            pitch = Math.toRadians(Math.toDegrees(pitch) + 180);
            Double x = Math.sin(pitch) * Math.cos(yaw);
            Double y = Math.sin(pitch) * Math.sin(yaw);
            Double z = Math.cos(pitch);
            if (look.getX() > 0)
                z = -z;
            if (look.getX() > 0)
                y = -y;
            return new Vector(z, x, y);
  3. Offline


    The right code by one of spigot community member:

        public static Location getArmTip(ArmorStand as) {
            // Gets shoulder location
            Location asl = as.getLocation().clone();
            asl.setYaw(asl.getYaw() + 90f);
            Vector dir = asl.getDirection();
            asl.setX(asl.getX() + 5f / 16f * dir.getX());
            asl.setY(asl.getY() + 22f / 16f);
            asl.setZ(asl.getZ() + 5f / 16f * dir.getZ());
            asl.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.VILLAGER_HAPPY, asl, 1);
            // Get Hand Location
            EulerAngle ea = as.getRightArmPose();
            Vector armDir = getDirection(ea.getY(), ea.getX(), -ea.getZ());
            armDir = rotateAroundAxisY(armDir, Math.toRadians(asl.getYaw()-90f));
            asl.setX(asl.getX() + 10f / 16f * armDir.getX());
            asl.setY(asl.getY() + 10f / 16f * armDir.getY());
            asl.setZ(asl.getZ() + 10f / 16f * armDir.getZ());
            asl.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.VILLAGER_HAPPY, asl, 1);
            return asl;
        public static Vector getDirection(Double yaw, Double pitch, Double roll) {
            Vector v = new Vector(0, -1, 0);
            v = rotateAroundAxisX(v, pitch);
            v = rotateAroundAxisY(v, yaw);
            v = rotateAroundAxisZ(v, roll);
            return v;
        private static Vector rotateAroundAxisX(Vector v, double angle) {
            double y, z, cos, sin;
            cos = Math.cos(angle);
            sin = Math.sin(angle);
            y = v.getY() * cos - v.getZ() * sin;
            z = v.getY() * sin + v.getZ() * cos;
            return v.setY(y).setZ(z);
        private static Vector rotateAroundAxisY(Vector v, double angle) {
            angle = -angle;
            double x, z, cos, sin;
            cos = Math.cos(angle);
            sin = Math.sin(angle);
            x = v.getX() * cos + v.getZ() * sin;
            z = v.getX() * -sin + v.getZ() * cos;
            return v.setX(x).setZ(z);
        private static Vector rotateAroundAxisZ(Vector v, double angle) {
            double x, y, cos, sin;
            cos = Math.cos(angle);
            sin = Math.sin(angle);
            x = v.getX() * cos - v.getY() * sin;
            y = v.getX() * sin + v.getY() * cos;
            return v.setX(x).setY(y);
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