Question How much ram do I need for a server and a few other questions.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Thefirewolves, Jul 31, 2017.

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    I have a few questions about making a server with bukkit.

    1) How much ram do I need?

    I'm going to have only 1 or 2 worlds. The first is going to be a factions world and the other might be a flat, plot-based creative world.

    2) What plugins are good?

    I need a factions plugin, Essentials plugin, ranks plugin and an economy plugin. That's all I would need, feel free to add in any others you like! :)

    3) What is the hosting I should use?

    I need one that doesn't cost much.

    I will give credit to the people that have helped me here in the spawn area of the server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    1. Can't say that now, depends on the size of the worlds, amount of players, amount of plugins, which plugins and on your settings.
    2. Well, Factions, Essentials, PEX, and probably a plot plugin with protection (PlotLikeMe shameless advertising here)
    3. Up to you, depends on your location, location of your expected playerbase (latency), budged and your needs.
      The more you want the more it will cost.
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    What I do is that I host it on my computer. It's also free and you have easy access to your files. Plus, you can even run your server when you aren't connected to internet, making it so you can always edit your server. The downsides to this are that you always have to keep your computer on (not in sleep mode) if you want it to be a 24/7 server.
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