How does structure generation work?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by FoxinatorDev, Jul 23, 2021.

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    The question is in the title. Does Minecraft pregenerate structures? How does it locate a structure before it is loaded or is it already loaded? I’m trying to generate custom structures although I don’t know how to locate them like how /locate can or if I’m even generating this correctly. The way I’m generating my structures right now is creating my own BlockPopulator, checking/finding if the chunk is valid to generate the structure in, checking the chances of the structure generating, and then generating it.
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    I have a doubt. Thank you in advance BTW. I want to spawn a random structure whenever I kill a creeper or an entity.
    How do I do that
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    Your best bet is to paste a schematic with worldedit API or (even better) FAWE API.

    I mean ofcourse that would be very slow and inefficient, you could do it with just structure blocks :D
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
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