How do you remove /info?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Fong_Pei, Nov 2, 2012.

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    I was on the server today, playing around with the 18 pages of plugins, and next thing I know, I got /info stuck to my hand. How do I get rid of that?
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    If you have Essentials, you may have bound the /info command to your hand using /powertool.
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    Can't you use /none to clear it?
    Aphex124 likes this.
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    c0mp Milkywayz
    essentials /info is a command that pulls data from info.txt and pastes on screen.
    if plugin worldedit exists, it overrides essentials /info with its own, that locks tool with the feature of seeing block ID. worldedit gives /none to disable it.
  5. Offline


    Then wouldn't disabling info in the essentials config work?
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    worldedit overrides essentials /info, so disabling info in essentials config wont do anything.

    was trying to say /none belongs to worldedit, not to essentials.
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