How do i check the last time A player said a chat message

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Mike111177, Jun 9, 2012.

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    I'm trying to make an antispam system. How do i check the last time a player said something and what it was quickly just for antispam checking.
  2. store the time on each cha, an coparee it whit the time of the next chat
  3. Offline


    how do i store the time...
  4. gets an unix timeStanp of the current time by using "long time = new Data().getTime()"
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    umm does that let me check it again at the next event?
  6. save it in a hashmap, and get it the next time
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    What is a hashmap
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  9. Long, because you need the time
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    Use a hashmap
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