how do I change the /help list?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Domo270, Nov 9, 2013.

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    In the help list of my server apear all the comands including the ones of admins and you dont have to be an admin to see them and i just want a little to appear
  2. Offline


    If you have essentials. Make sure you have the config like this:
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                  EssentialsHelp                    | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Show other plugins commands in help.
    non-ess-in-help: true
    # Hide plugins which do not give a permission.
    # You can override a true value here for a single plugin by adding a permission to a user/group.
    # The individual permission is:<plugin>, anyone with essentials.* or '*' will see all help regardless.
    # You can use negative permissions to remove access to just a single plugins help if the following is enabled.
    hide-permissionless-help: true
    At 'hide-permissionless-help', I think that is where the problem is. Make use it is set to true
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