Solved How do I add my plugin to the plugin list?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by klofno1, Jul 17, 2013.

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    Welcome to the plugin page of the magic plugin Venificus.
    What is Venficus? This plugins allows players to use magic. The magic can be used to help people or cause death. I have made everything so that people have to type out the name of the spell to cast it. Before the spell works the user has to wield a spell book. This is just a regular Minecraft book. The plugin uses Latin to cast spells which has an absolute magical cool factor. For example: If you'd like to fade in darkness, you just have to say 'Evanesces' which translates into 'disappear'. But be careful, some spells are very hard and ask a lot of you. If you cast them there will be consequences. Most of the time, you get poisoned and weakened.
    <font color="black">Commands</font>

    Fulmen <font color="#666666">-</font> strikes lightning on your target.
    Noctem <font color="#666666">-</font> turns day into night.
    Lucem <font color="#666666">-</font> turns night into day.
    Lux <font color="#666666">-</font> provides you with a source of light <font color="#008000">in</font> dark times.
    Mutatio <font color="#666666">-</font> transforms hostile<font color="#666666">-</font>mobs into friendly animals.
    Obscurum <font color="#666666">-</font> launches a dark missile at your target<font color="#ba2121">'</font><font color="#ba2121">s direction.</font>
    Augue <font color="#666666">-</font> launches a fireball at your target<font color="#ba2121">'</font><font color="#ba2121">s direction.</font>
    Evanesces <font color="#666666">-</font> hides your body <font color="#008000">in</font> darkness.
    Carminibus <font color="#666666">-</font> shows you all the spells <font color="#008000">in</font> your spellbook.

    This plugin also supports permissions. For a list of permissions, check below.
    <font color="black">Permissions</font>

    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Fulmen
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Noctem
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Lucem
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Lux
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Mutatio
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Obscurum
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Augue
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Evanesces
    <font color="#666666">-</font> Venificus.Carminibus

    If you have ideas for new spells or any other update, please let me now in PM or in the comments. This plugin is inspired by 'Incantatio'.
    Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2016
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