How do i add/make ranks in my server? (guest,member,vip,owner, etc...)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by isxf, Mar 26, 2012.

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    I'm wondering on how to add/make ranks in my server
    for example i want some certain people to be in 'Guest' rank and can promote them to 'members' and so on...

    what is a good plugin for this?
    is group manager good for this? and can i add some permissions nodes from another plugins (like world guard) into the config of group manager?

    thanks in advance,
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    You need PermissionsEx (Search PEX on the plugin thingy)
    Reload/restart your server, Open the permissions.yml
    Here is an example:
    Copy and paste that into the permissions.yml and mess around with it
    You need Notepad ++ to mess around with it.
    You will also need this to make sure that it's correct. (Copy and paste everything in that file after you're done editing)
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    Thanks for the reply!
    but, would GroupManger will be as good as PEX? because i want to try GroupManager it looks alot easier.
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    Id recommend GroupManager If you need help, contact me
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    i'd think MasterPromote plugin will be good.
    It's simply click on a sign and it's automatically join's you group on a sign.
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    what if u cant get notepad++
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    then you dont have enough access to the computer to open your server to public anyway.
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