Question How can I set colored chat for certain groups?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Guyffey, May 7, 2021.

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    Does anybody know how I can set a specific group to chat in a certain color?

    Example: (Gray Text)

    Plugins I have that might help with this:
    EssentialsX Chat
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    @Guyffey You can use EssentialsChat for this. Read more here.
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    I use essentials chat but I need to know how to change the colour a certain group chats in with luckperms because I want the members to chat in grey
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    @Guyffey I linked you to the wiki about how to do this in my previous post.
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    Oh thank you I guess I didn't see that bit but thank you for that because it helped me fix it
    KarimAKL likes this.
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