How are people able to run 300 slot servers?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by TowelieDOH, Aug 12, 2011.

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  1. I fail to understand how peoople can run 200-300 slot servers with hardware similar to mine.

    My specs:
    - Core i7 2600k
    - 16GB ram
    - Cent OS 5.6 x64
    - Bukkit #1000
    - 43 plugins
    - 20mbps bandwith (SLA, guaranteed)
    - /remove items -1 and /remove arrows -1 running hourly
    - Mobs (limited to 1600 from PerformanceTweaks)
    - Multiworld (first world + skyrealm)

    My issues:
    - RAM usage - the 13GB i have allocated to the server are chewed in a few hours, the only thing keeping my server from crashing due to low ram is a custom garbage collector running whenever the ram goes under 4GB
    - CPU usage - the server starts at 90% and goes up to 200%

    Any tips would be appreciated.
    I simply can't understand how people can run 200 slots laggless servers (or so they say) with hardware similar to mine.
  2. Offline


    I doubt they even get close to hitting that player cap. I have mine set to 50, but I know for a fact that it can't handle anything over 20. Hell, the most I've ever had on was 11, and it pushed my 2GB RAM VPS to the limit. D:
  3. You do have a point.
    What else can we do to reduce server load ? :S
    I've tried messing with launch parameters (a java coder assisting me with choosing the best ones), i run java 1.7.0 (i've heard openjdk is faster but for now i'm still sticking with 1.7)
  4. Offline


    What server flags are you using?

    I've played on a server that regularly has 300-400+ players on a time (I was on when they had 500!) and their most at any point was 570. Yes, it does lag somewhat, but part of that is because it's a Brazil server (portuguese.) I'm not sure what their TPS was, but mobs at the very least functioned okay

    Minecraft isn't very well threaded (or at all, really) so expect lag with lots of players. You want the fastest CPU you can get, not the most cores/HT etc you can get.
  5. Well, the cpu part is too late, i already have this one and can't afford to change it :p
    By flags i assume you mean launch parameters ?
    Anyway, here they are

    usr/java/jre1.7.0/bin/java -Xms13200M -Xmx13200M -Djline.terminal\=jline.UnsupportedTerminal -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -server -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:SurvivorRatio=16 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
    PS: I'm using RToolkit as a wrapper. Is it a performance hit ?
  6. Offline


    You could try talking to @Kainzo -- he was able to manage 110 players with 10 TPS, but that was it. A thread you may be interested in:
  7. From what i understand from his launch params, it doesn't look like he's using CraftBukkit. (-jar bmod.jar)
  8. Offline



    He is using craftbukkit. the first post is slightly outdated and isn't what he uses now
  9. Offline


    We had 150 players last night with 8-15 TPS. Very playable, still want better TPS
  10. Offline


    What? I can support 1000 players with 6GB RAM, 4.6GHZ Intel i7 Hex-core
  11. Have you ever actually had 1000 players online ? xD
    I don't want to call you a liar but....
    1. I find it hard to believe
    2. Is there such a thing as a 10 core i7 cpu ? (retorical question)

    could you please provide some info on how you manage to obtain that ?
    After ~12 hours of server uptime i get 6TPS with 70 players on my hardware :\

    Yes but... from what i know bukkit isn't very multithreated so... that wouldn't help so much

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2018
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    We had 620 players online yesterday on my server :)

    @Hidendra was online the other day we had 500 online, he can confirm that ;)
  14. So... do you have similar hardware to mine and you had 620 players online with no lag ? :confused:
    Using craftbukkit ?
  15. Offline


    I can host like 25 people no lag, that's the best i can go to.
    TowelieDOH likes this.
  16. Offline


    Just a question to all of you who claim that you can host hundreds of players.
    Could you please share how your setup look like? hardware specs and java details perhaps?
    Im getting a server that i want to be able to host 50-100 players .. so any heads up info you got is appreciated.
  17. Offline


    I have my Bukkit server running on a Intel Xeon X3470 (Lynnfield 2.93ghz) node with 4 total processor cores and 16 gigabytes of RAM. Running Linux as the OS

    So far I have about 45 plugins or so and I have 50 users on average at the same time with no lag. After about 6 - 8 hours the night / day cycles start glitching a bit and take twice as long and its fixed with a fast reboot.
  18. Offline


    I'm also looking for a real answer, rather than just bragging (Saying "I get 600 players on my server!" and then not giving a setup is not helpful). I'm running an E3-1270 (sandy bridge 3.4GHz) with 16GB RAM on a 160GB SSD. I have only a few plugins (Maybe 10-12, just for anti-grief), MySQL runs on the machine with any plugin able to, using it. I can have 30-35 players with 20TPS, then as I get into the 40s, it fluctuates between 20TPS and 10TPS, but I can't determine the cause, if the players are doing something or what. 50 is the most I've had on, so I'm not sure what happens after that, but if I could get 50 on with 20TPS, that would be really nice.

    (garbage collection is concurrent, incremental and using the other 7 HT cores)
  19. Offline


    Might have something to do with 'net speed
  20. Offline


    I found that Dynmap 0.20 caused me a TON of lag - the min I removed it all my lag went away
  21. Offline


    Also, as to the net speed, I have a 1Gbps connection and even at 40+ users, I'm only using around 5-7Mbps
  22. Offline


    You have 8 "cores". 200% is only 25%.
  23. But how is that possible since bukkit is not multithreaded ?
    Also, i run the world in a RAM disk (/dev/shm).
    Best decision ever :p

    PS: Instead of saying i have a 1gbps connection, can you do a test on in another country than yours and see what your real upload speed is ?
    Because unless you are paying 10000$ / month i highly doubt you have 1gbps
  24. Offline


    Easy. Get rid of all your flags, and just use the basic ones. :)
    I use this :
    screen -dmS minecraft java -server -Xmx5G -Xincgc -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseParNewGC -jar craftbukkit2.jar
    I could probably remove some more, but this works fine for me at the moment. Using only 20% of my 8Go of RAM, with 60 people online, 40 plugins, and two worlds. :)
    You might want to read this post by EvilSeph, on flags and garbage collection. :)
    TowelieDOH likes this.
  25. I've noticed Xincgc to be more resource consuming than if i was just using Xmx
  26. Offline


    Couple of points here...
    1: Finding a server that isn't saturated makes it next to impossible to hit 1gps.
    2: What does another country have to do with it?
    3: How does net speed affect the server clock (ticks per second), which is what I'm attempting to keep in sync.
    4: This isn't a residential 1Gbps, it's a dedicated server in a data center. Lots of places/hosts offer 1Gbps.
    Oh yeah, and
    5; l2commandline. What are you, a WINDOWS user?

    This I think is THE most helpful so far. I'm going to try this now.
  27. Listen.. you might have 1gbps connection speed or 1gbps within your town, but there is no way you can have 1gbps with other countries unless you are really really rich.
    Anyway.. have it your way, sorry for asking.
  28. Offline


    It's an InterNAP data center in Dallas, TX, a major technology center in the US. We have the infrastructure. We can build it. We have the technology.

    Edit: I'm really not trying to argue with you on this, I'm just failing to see the relevance from net speed to TPS.
  29. Well, unless you have users exclusively from Dallas, i assume you will need a decent upload speed.
    And at least in my country/region/europe it's unheard of having a 1gbps upload speed without paying at least 10000$ / month.
    Let me give you my example.
    I have 1gbps metropolitan (upload/download) and 20mbps external speed (upload/download)
    The metropolitan part means that i have 1gbps with most of the providers in my country, and in near countries, but for distant countries like the US, i only have the 20mbps upload (and believe me, i'm paying a lot for those 20mbps SLA)
  30. Offline


    Oh, yeah, it doesn't work that way here. There's only that single cap for us. You pay for whatever (In my case, 1gbps) and any other server capable of pulling that, regardless of location will be able to. Obviously, both servers need that available to do it and there's other contributing factors (line quality, outages, etc), but we don't have different caps for different locations. And since everyone presumably has the local bandwidth to transfer the data they need for their client, the server has no problems pushing it.

    However, it still doesn't answer the original question of how net speed is relevant to TPS.
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