Filled Hotel

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by lubby123, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Missolaneos

    Suggested name: Hotels

    What I want: would like a plugin that allows me to make a hotel, then I type a command to select the doors of each hotel room, and in the command put the room number, then when someone wants to rent the room, I do a command while holding paper or something, it automatically programs the paper to the door (that was selected earlier) that same command renames the paper to: [Room Key] <Room Number> with color code: b also to open the door I right click the door holding the key. when your key expire the name will change to: Inactive Key! also, if you can, I would like economy support, for essentials economy mostly, but support for others would be great if I decide to change the economy on my server

    Ideas for commands:hotel room create <room number> - After this is done I right click a door, and that's the door the room is set to /hotel room remove <room number> - this deletes a room
    /hotel key <room number> <legth of time until expires> - this programs the paper to the room and sets when the room key stops working on the room, measured like: 1d = 1 day (in real life) 1h = 1 hour 1m = 1 minute 1y = 1 year
    /hotel key ForceExpire <room number>

    Ideas for permissions:
    When I'd like it by: Anytime

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