Hooray for #901!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by zonedabone, Jun 21, 2011.

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    In build #901, support was added for FurnaceBurnEvents. By hooking into this, I made a plugin that seamlessly returns buckets from lava burning. I'm going to submit this soon, but I don't feel like writing a plugin page today and I want people to be able to use it ASAP. I know of no bugs, because it's a very simple plugin, but it's still a testing version. There's no logging, either. I tried to make it as lightweight as possible so you wouldn't even notice it was there. Anyway, if there's any way you could think of to improve the existing feature of this plugin, please tell me. Don't ask for new features, though, because it's supposed to be simple.

    Github: https://github.com/zonedabone/LavaForge
    Download: https://github.com/zonedabone/LavaForge/raw/master/LavaForge.jar

    EDIT: I made a plugin submission for this. check it out at:
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    This is so simple and brilliant I am adding this to the World of War server
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    Yeah. Using lava in furnaces was a real waste if you didn't get the bucket back. A whole vein of iron wasted. It just makes sense for the bucket to be returned.
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