Solved Hide world creation message

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by KingFaris11, Jul 15, 2015.

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  1. Hi, I use Bukkit#createWorld to create each arena world, and there's 16 arena worlds, so when I load/reload the plugin (using PlugMan), it spams my console with arena loading messages, and I can never really debug my onEnable() method (printing messages) as there's too many messages.

    Is there a way to intercept/disable the world creation message?
  2. Either renaming the PlugMan plugin to Plugman.txt so it doesn't load, or sending colored messages:
    public void log(String msg) {
  3. Offline


    No way to Intercept those debug messages. You can on the other hand delay your error messages so that they are printed after the debug messages for the world have been printed.
  4. 'Aight :( Thanks anyway.

    Oops, I meant that I reload the plugin using PlugMan, but I event want it to work for loading (when server boots up - the world creation methods spam the console since there are 16 worlds).
  5. @KingFaris11 You could look and see what code is ran with the method and use that but just don't use the messages.
    KingFaris11 likes this.
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