Hide Player Names

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by uber141, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Offline


    NOTE: I could not find an existing plug-in that does this. There was one called SpoutNinja, but I have no interest in downloading spout. However, if there is already a plug-in that does this, and it works with 1.1, please let me know and link me to it.


    Alright, I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Me and my friends play on a war server, and it is sort of stupid how all of our flanking is a waste because they can just see our names through the trees. Or having a secret underground bunker is useless because if you are too close to the surface they see you through the ground.

    So, if somebody could make this, it would be totally awesome!
  2. Offline


    It is not possible to hide the nameplates without spout, period... :(
  3. Offline


    not true, u could just check if a player is within viewing range then force the player to crouch :D u could play w/ some veocity stuff and make it so while crouched u walk "normaly" too. so it is 10000000% possiable :D
  4. Offline


    Hmm. ok I was proven wrong. (My java expertise doesn't extend so far into that region, but you should be able to do it!)
  5. Offline


    lol no shame in being wrong :D
  6. Offline


    Couldn't you just set the players name to "" ? (null string)

    That would effectively hide the nameplate (or atleast make it very small).
  7. Offline


    Haven't tried that, but it will most likely show the grey plate.
  8. Offline


    The citizens plugin; adding a citizen with a blank namestring doesn't show their nameplate. Worth a try in this instance then?
  9. Offline


    It is possible using reflection! ;)

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