Hide player Name tags

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by shades161, Jul 23, 2015.

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    I was wondering how to hide a player's name tag above their head. I am working on making a minigame plugin and need to hide player name tags. I saw that it could be done with TagAPI but the issue is is that it doesn't support 1.8. I also found this on the spigot site https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/s...lity(org.bukkit.scoreboard.NameTagVisibility)
    The issue is, I don't know if it works, or how to do it. Would anyone be able to give me a way that works?
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    @Konato_K I tried TagAPI which just spit out a bunch of errors (because it is outdated) and I haven't been able to try the scoreboard name tag visibility. because I am right now the only person here (friends who normally help test things that rely on multiple people are all busy) plus I am learning how to use the scoreboard since I have never used it before.
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    @shades161 You should read this tutorial, it pretty much includes the basics of teams in Bukkit scoreboards (some people say that page doesn't work with some browsers)
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