Hey what's this mean?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Lydamrapink, Jun 4, 2012.

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    Hey Since no one answered my last question I took the time and managed to get it started but I'm not admin and when I double click the RUN thing it says "The system cannot find the path specified
    Press any key to continue" But when I click any key it just stops. The server is up but like I said I can't find out how to be admin?
    Help plzz
  2. Offline


    It means that it can't find one of the files. Either the java file


    (if java 7)

    Or your bukkit.jar file

    (look in the startup for craftbukkitxxxxxxxx.jar and rename the jar in your server folder the exact same)
    Magi1053 likes this.
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