Problem/Bug help with no cheat plus

Discussion in 'General Help' started by reboxer, Mar 2, 2016.

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    hello everyone, i have a server and i use the plugin Rare Item Hunter and NoCheatPlus, and the plugin RIH have an skill to fly with armor, but when a player fly in survival with this, the anti cheat push back the player, 1 or 2 blocks when the player try to run in the air, i try removing NCP of my server and this work, the player can run in the air, but i need the anti cheat, there are any way to change this on the config of NoCheatPlus? or with another plugin
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    @reboxer Survival fly is survival fly, NCP and AC can't distinguish between a cheating player and a skill from plugin.
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    @Gerov but i can change the player max speed of fly with a plugin or in the ncp config?

    edit: in compact no cheat plus the config give an option to enable this
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