Help with Multiple Booleans being True

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Alvarez96, Feb 9, 2012.

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    Im working on my very first plugin and successfully got my config file filled with Booleans that corespond with the action they will take in the plugin:

    Kill: false
    Smite: true

    Now the way that the code is set up disables the possibility for more than one Boolean to be true. Is there a simple way that I can get the plugin to check for multiple trues without an && in the if statement.

    If I needed to put an && in the if statements, it would take a while and Im hoping you guys can help me out.

    Thanks for reading this and please excuse my poor knowledge in Java terms.
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    You should describe your problem in more detail. Which booleans do you want to check and how many of them? Are they in a list? etc.
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    Instead of having a bunch of booleans, why not just have one option, like:

    Option: Kill
    Option: Smite

    To answer your question, just create a loop and a counter.
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